Chapter 149 Wish Template
"Don't worry, the auction in three months' time will definitely surprise you. The Star Dou Auction Pavilion will try to make up for the two missed auctions into the third auction."

"As for how to make up, please wait for the start of the auction in three months."

Xuanshuang didn't explain too much, and began to leave a mysterious suspense for everyone.

Let them guess for themselves, and let them look forward to the auction in three months.

After everyone heard this vague answer, they were completely puzzled, but Xuanshuang had already left the auction stage, so they could only follow the doubts in their hearts.

Silently waiting for the start of the auction in three months time, I hope that it can really give them a big surprise as the Star Dou Auction Pavilion introduced.

The crowd didn't get the explanation from the Xingdou Auction Pavilion, and after less than a moment, all the soul masters left the Xingdou Auction Pavilion.


After everyone left, the Star Dou Auction Pavilion fell into silence again.

Lu Yun was on the third floor of the attic, counting the soul crystals he got this time, and turning them all into auction sites.

Looking at the auction site he owns, Lu Yun cheered inwardly, and at the same time couldn't help sighing inwardly.


Or the powers on the mainland are relatively rich, and Sea God Island is really too poor!

The competition in the auction held on Sea God Island is relatively small, and there are not many soul masters there.

Moreover, Seagod Island was isolated from the world, and each of the strong men in it had a special relationship, so it was obviously impossible to form competition.

Lu Yun planned to wait until the auction was held in the main pavilion, so that he could transfer Bo Saixi from Sea God Island and the rest of the Title Douluo to the auction pavilion in the Star Dou Forest.

At that time, competing with the forces on the mainland, the final transaction price will definitely be unimaginable.

Moreover, the items auctioned on the mainland are countless times more precious than those on Sea God Island.

Thinking of this, Lu Yun decided to send Bo Saixi and others to the auction in three months' time.

At that time, they can participate in the auction held on the mainland.

The auction will be held three months later. It seems that there are no major events during this period, and I don't know what to do except practice.

So, Lu Yun sat on the bed and began to think deeply in his mind, what should he do next to pass the time?
The most important thing in Star Dou Auction Pavilion is to hold auctions. Now there are a series of methods such as Chaos Secret Realm, selling tokens, selling souls, etc., to obtain a large number of auction sites.

It seems that he can also obtain a large number of auction points in another way.

In any case, the Star Dou Auction Pavilion is not limited to auctions.

"Huh? Yes!"

Lu Yun began to think non-stop, and suddenly a flash of light flashed in his mind, and he thought of a wonderful method.

Through this method, perhaps a lot of auction points can really be earned.

Lu Yun sorted out the feasibility of this series of plans in his mind, and after sorting out all of them, a cold voice from the system suddenly sounded.

[The host's thoughts are detected, open: wish template. 】

[The price paid by the wisher can be converted into a certain auction point through system evaluation and returned to the host. 】


After Lu Yun heard that the system had completely realized his thoughts, he couldn't help but be delighted.

He originally just guessed whether this method was feasible, but he did not expect the system to approve his method.

Thinking of this, Lu Yun was extremely excited, and it seemed that he was about to do some things next.

The way he had thought in his mind before was what the system roughly said.

The items sold in the god-level store come from all heavens and myriad worlds.

There are living and dead people, treasures of flesh and bones, and terrifying artifacts that destroy the heavens and worlds, etc., as long as there are enough auction points, anything can be bought.

Lu Yun also understands that some famous soul masters in the original novel of Douluo Dalu always have some regrets, wishes, etc. in their hearts.

He can make up for their regrets, fulfill their wishes, etc., but they need to pay some price.

As for the price, it is up to Lu Yun to decide.

Generally speaking, Lu Yun will not let himself suffer, and he will also earn a lot of auction points through this plan.

After Lu Yun made his decision, he planned to let Dugu Bo announce the matter.

When Dugu Bo came to the third floor, Lu Yun told Dugu Bo the previous plan.

"Dugu Bo, I will leave this matter to you. You directly announce to the outside world that as long as someone can pay enough, the Star Dou Auction Pavilion can fulfill all your wishes."

Lu Yun conveyed this sentence to Dugu Bo, and asked him to convey it to all the soul masters in Douluo Dalu.

"Okay, Pavilion Master!"

When Dugu Bo heard Lu Yun's words, he couldn't help being amazed. He didn't expect Lu Yun's ambition to be so big.

As long as a sufficient price is paid, the wish of everyone in the Douluo Continent can be satisfied, which is too surprising.

After all, there are so many soul masters in the Douluo Continent, everyone will always have some wishes, regrets, etc. in their hearts.

The Star Dou Auction Pavilion announced that it can do it all!

Dugu Bo was a little skeptical about this sentence, but because of what happened during this period, everything seemed possible!
Dugu Bo once again realized the strength of the Star Dou Auction Pavilion.

Perhaps the Star Dou Auction Pavilion really does not belong to the power of Douluo Continent.

After a while, Dugu Bo stopped thinking about this matter, and began to spread the news to the entire Douluo Continent according to Lu Yun's instructions.

So that the next Star Dou Auction Pavilion will be plunged into excitement again.

On the second day, a piece of news spread throughout the Douluo Continent, and it was Lu Yun who asked Dugu Bo to spread the news.

The Star Dou Auction Pavilion can satisfy the wishes of all soul masters in the Douluo Continent.



At this moment, Bibi Dong was sitting at the head of the Pope's Palace, when he heard the news that Ju Douluo had received, a gleam of light flashed in his eyes, which quickly faded away.

"As long as you pay a certain price, can you really satisfy all your wishes?"

Bibi Dong murmured uncertainly, the long-standing scar in her heart was uncovered once again.

Bibi Dong is also not sure, although she knows that the Star Dou Auction Pavilion has a profound foundation, but her wish cannot be achieved by manpower.

Can Star Dou Auction Pavilion really do this?

In an instant, Bibi Dong's expression suddenly became serious.

The sad look in his eyes disappeared in an instant, covered by endless ambition.

As long as the strength is strong enough, so what if there are regrets in the past?

All she has to do is to let the light of Wuhun Temple shine on every inch of Douluo Continent.

Wherever the Wuhun Palace passes, it is invincible and all forces retreat.


Shrek Academy.

When everyone in Shrek Academy heard the news, everyone's first reaction was disbelief, and then they carefully pondered the various things that the Star Dou Auction Pavilion did.

Seemingly absurd, but also with a glimmer of hope!
So everyone present had some thoughts in their hearts. After all, everyone had some wishes and regrets in their hearts.

(End of this chapter)

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