Chapter 160 Nature Spirits
Gu Yuena got the token of the secret realm of chaos, and there was a flash of space in front of her, and disappeared in place in an instant, and came to the entrance of the secret realm of chaos.

Using soul power to activate the token, the whole person turned into a streamer and entered the secret realm of chaos.


At this time, Lu Yun, who was on the third floor of the Xingdou Auction Pavilion, did not know that Gu Yuena had entered the secret realm of chaos, and at this time, Lu Yun had just finished his retreat.

Lu Yun, who has nothing to do, wants to have a ten consecutive draw. Let's see what kind of treasure he can get this time?

Immediately, Lu Yun's thoughts sank into his mind, he opened the lottery page, entered [-] auction points, and clicked on a ten consecutive draw.

As usual, Lu Yun prayed in his heart, hoping to get the precious treasure this time.

Although the previous lucky draws were not all rare treasures, there were also a few unbelievable items.

Lu Yun was very much looking forward to the things drawn out of the ten consecutive draws.

A golden light flashed before Lu Yun's eyes, and within a moment, ten objects wrapped in golden light appeared in front of Lu Yun.

[Congratulations to the host for drawing: a set of jeans. 】

[Congratulations to the host for drawing: Soul Power Pill (Advanced). 】

[Congratulations to the host for drawing: Dugu Nine Swords (soul power version). 】

[Congratulations to the host for drawing: Ice Jade Emperor Scorpion right leg bone (5 years). 】

[Congratulations to the host for drawing: a god-given ring. 】

[Congratulations to the host for drawing: a natural elf. 】

[Congratulations to the host for drawing: 10-year-old soul bone (random). 】

[Congratulations to the host for drawing: a spiritual realm. 】

[Congratulations to the host for drawing: a plant of Acacia Broken Heart. 】

[Congratulations to the host for getting: a mat. 】

The names of the products appeared in front of Lu Yun's eyes.

After looking at a few ordinary items among them, a look of disappointment inevitably appeared on his face.

The seven items among them are really too common. In the past, Lu Yun might think that these items were really precious.

After several auctions, Lu Yun naturally didn't take these things seriously. There were only three things that made Lu Yun more curious.

They are Dugu Nine Swords (soul power version), natural spirit, spirit realm...

The last thing, Lu Yun felt very curious, the spiritual realm, listening to the name, I don't know what it is.

Lu Yun checked this thing last, hoping to give him a nice surprise.

Immediately, Lu Yun put away the other seven things, leaving three golden lights in front of him.

Lu Yun took out the Dugu Nine Swords (soul power version), roughly flipped through the contents, and when he looked back, a flash of surprise flashed in Lu Yun's eyes.

"Sure enough, it is the powerful swordsmanship of Dugu Nine Swords, but it has been transformed into a soul power version. Even so, the power is very impressive."

After Lu Yun saw the content of Dugu Nine Swords clearly, he realized that this exercise is exactly the ultimate swordsmanship in martial arts novels.

However, the system has been transformed into a soul power version, which can be used in the Douluo Continent's rules. Using soul power, one can cast the Dugu Nine Swords, bursting out with sword energy that destroys everything.

"Yes, this book of Dugu Nine Swords can be used as an auction item in the next auction."

Lu Yun happily put away the Dugu Nine Swords.

He doesn't use a sword himself, and his two spirits are not sword spirits either.

Therefore, this book of Dugu Nine Swords is not of much use to him, he might as well auction it off to maximize the benefits of this book of swordsmanship.

Lu Yun believed that the soul masters of Douluo Dalu would never turn a blind eye to this book of Dugu Nine Swords, especially the owners of Sword Douluo and other sword spirits.

Maybe they will take this Dugu Nine Swords at all costs.

After Lu Yun put away the Dugu Nine Swords, his eyes fell on the second golden light. With a wave of his hand, the golden light disappeared.

A green ball of light was floating in front of Lu Yun.

"Huh? What is this?"

When Lu Yun saw the ball, his eyes were full of confusion.

What is this?
How is it a ball?
Next, a line of words suddenly appeared in front of Lu Yun's eyes.

[Please use blood to activate the natural elves. 】

When Lu Yun saw this line of words, he cut his finger full of curiosity, and immediately a drop of bright blood dripped on the ball in front of him.


Immediately afterwards, a huge force instantly spread out from the ball towards the surroundings.

This kind of power contained majestic vitality, as if it came from nature. Lu Yun felt comfortable unconsciously under the cover of this power.

The breath dissipated, and in the quiet room, there was a sudden sound of shell breaking.


Soon, cracks appeared on the surface of the green light ball in front of it, and finally exploded with a bang.

Under Lu Yun's curious eyes, something suddenly flew out of the light sphere in front of him.

It is a small thing with a pair of green wings growing on its back, and its body is like a caterpillar, flying in the air with the breeze.

A chubby little face looks really cute.

When Lu Yun saw this thing, his face was full of astonishment. He never thought that there was a living thing in this ball.

"Could it be an elf?"

Lu Yun looked at the appearance of this thing, and remembered the name of this thing: Natural Spirit.

Is it really the legendary elves?
Thinking of this, Lu Yun was extremely pleasantly surprised that he actually pulled out such a magical species as an elf.

The elf has never appeared on the Douluo Continent. It seems that he is lucky.

"Master, you finally woke me up, I'm staying in that broken shell, I'm almost bored to death."

Suddenly, a childish tone came into Lu Yun's ears, and then flapped his wings and flew to Lu Yun's ears, expressing his inner joy.

Lu Yun didn't say much when he heard the natural elf's address to him, and how familiar he was.

Reminiscent of using his own blood to activate it before, it seems that all of this is the handiwork of the system.

"Master, is this the first time I've really seen you?"

"Master, I don't have a name, please choose one for me,"


This natural elf muttered to Lu Yun familiarly, which made Lu Yun quite helpless.

The natural elves flew around his head, muttering one after another, Lu Yun felt dizzy when he heard these words.

He also didn't expect that this natural elf, just out of shell, would be so familiar and talk so much.


Lu Yun quickly raised his right hand, signaling the nature elves to stop talking, there were too many words, and if he continued, his head would explode.

"Since you have come out, you will continue to live here. Remember not to leave the Star Dou Auction Pavilion."

"If you want to leave here, tell me in advance."

At this moment, Lu Yun said to the natural elves in a serious tone.

Regarding this kind of novelty, if it is exposed to the eyes of the soul masters of Douluo Dalu, it will inevitably cause constant troubles.

At that time, maybe the natural elves will be in danger. Just in case, I reminded the natural elves.

(End of this chapter)

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