Chapter 162 Fighting with myself

Currently, only one function has been unlocked in the Spirit Realm, and that is the battle mode.

As the name suggests, by choosing a domain, you can create a figure exactly like you here.

Possess all your combat power at that time, martial soul and soul bone, etc.

It can be said that this figure is another you, a phantom that the spirit realm restores itself to the greatest extent.

Fight with the illusioned figure, and will not leave the spirit world until you choose to quit.

In the process of fighting, you can clearly find out your own shortcomings, and make up for your own shortcomings through fighting.

This is why Lu Yun is very interested in this function.

The one who is most familiar with oneself is not the enemy, but oneself.

Fighting with the figure transformed from the spiritual realm, you can find your own weaknesses and make up for them.

It can be said that fighting against the figure transformed from the spiritual realm, the final harvest is unimaginable.

The first function unlocked by the Spiritual Realm is completely against the sky. Lu Yun is more curious about what kind of powerful mode will be born after the Spiritual Realm is upgraded.

This time, Lu Yun planned to test it himself, to see how powerful the figure transformed from the spirit realm was.

The soul power around Lu Yun circulated one after another and gathered in his whole body.

Lifting his right hand slightly, a silver pagoda floated out, ripples rippled around, and the violent power of time and space burst out.

This was the first time Lu Yun fought with his true strength.

In the Star Dou Auction Pavilion before, the enemies he faced were very powerful, and he used the invincible field almost every time to fight against the enemies.

At this time, it was the first time for Lu Yun to use his soul emperor level strength to fight against his transformed self.

Lu Yun wanted to see his shortcomings from this battle, and then make up for it. He hoped that this battle would not disappoint him.


Hearing the wind, Lu Yun moved, and jumped up. The six soul rings around his body flickered one after another, releasing the violent power of time and space, and oscillated forward.

The figure in front of him moved, and also displayed a powerful force of time and space to confront Lu Yun.

Just like that, the two attacks collided, and the berserk force constantly affected the surrounding time and space.

Lu Yun and the transformed self stepped back ten steps one after another. Overall, they looked evenly matched, and there was no gap between them.

"Interesting, is this the magic of the spirit realm? The other me has almost the same attack power."

At this time, Lu Yun stopped and carefully analyzed the previous attack.

His attack just now did not contain a very powerful force, it was just a tentative heart.

Even so, Lu Yun was very surprised when the transformed figure attacked him.

He felt that the attack strength released by the two was almost exactly the same, and even Lu Yun couldn't detect it.

"Next, I'm going to get serious!"

Lu Yun moved all his muscles and bones, and a fighting spirit emerged in his heart, wanting to find out his own strength through this battle.

Lu Yun once again released a powerful soul skill to fight the figure in front of him.

With the consumption of soul power, a steady stream of soul power from the entire natural domain was injected into Lu Yun's body.

Help him make up the soul power in his body, which is also the sky-defying feature of the spirit realm.

In the domain you choose, the soul power is inexhaustible and inexhaustible.

In the process of being consumed, the soul power will eventually be continuously replenished.

Theoretically speaking, in the domain you choose, you can fight endlessly without worrying about losing your fighting power due to exhaustion of your soul power.

Lu Yun kept fighting with the figures, and as time passed slowly, even Lu Yun didn't know how much time had passed.

On the contrary, Lu Yun's own combat power is rising steadily at this time. It can be said that the current him has undergone earth-shaking changes compared to before.

He can completely defeat his former self now, even effortlessly. This is what Lu Yun has gained from fighting during this period of time.

"It's so cool, is this the feeling of fighting with all your strength?"

At this time, during the battle, Lu Yun couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.

It's so cool to fight with all your strength, and in this realm, you don't have to worry about running out of your soul power.

It is simply a cheating device for training oneself to fight.

It's a pity that Lu Yun was still unable to defeat the illusion of himself.

After some thinking, Lu Yun probably knew that the spirit realm would definitely transform into a figure with the same combat power as him based on his combat power.

Not only has its own martial spirit and soul skills, but also has instinctive fighting ability.

It was almost difficult for him to defeat the illusioned self.

Then only in the process of fighting, create new moves, otherwise there is absolutely no way to defeat this figure.

Lu Yun continued to fight the figure.

Lu Yun doesn't have to worry about how much time has passed, after all, the time ratio between the outside world and the spirit realm is ten to one.

In other words, in the ten days of fighting in the spiritual realm, only one day has passed outside.

On a certain day, although the soul power in Lu Yun's body did not decrease, he was a little tired.

I can't continue to spend with the figure. After so many days of fighting, I gradually know the way to defeat this figure.

"Environment fusion skills!"

Lu Yun decisively released his six soul rings, and the soul rings began to spin violently.

Under the special operation of Lu Yun's soul power, these soul rings gradually merged together to form a huge soul ring, releasing a powerful soul ring coercion.

Lu Yun, who had nothing to do before, learned the skill of fusion.

However, Lu Yun couldn't fuse the six soul rings together for a long time.

But who would have thought that during the battles of the past few days, he thoroughly understood the true mystery of the fusion ring.

That's why it was so easy to fuse these six soul rings together, and the skills they displayed could definitely defeat the figure in front of them in one fell swoop.

This trick is considered to be created by him now, and the person who transformed this way absolutely does not know this trick.

"Space-time storm!"

At this time, Lu Yun injected all the soul power in his body into this huge soul ring.

The entire soul ring erupted with bright light and released it towards the outside world.

Using the Space-Time God Tower Martial Soul as the medium, an extremely gorgeous silver wave of light surged towards the surroundings in an instant.

In the process of surging, countless powers of time and space burst out, vibrating towards the surroundings.

The surrounding scenery has completely changed, the space has been broken, and time and space have fallen into chaos.

The chaotic power of time and space, driven by Lu Yun's power, formed a storm and flew towards the figure in front.

The power contained in each of these storms is astonishing, destroying everything they pass by.

And the transformed figure is about to face the fate of being destroyed by the power of time and space.

(End of this chapter)

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