Chapter 164 First Meeting
The more she thought about it, the more Gu Yuena felt that her thoughts were correct.

After all, she was also one of the former Dragon God avatars, so she naturally knew that the entire starry sky was not only Douluo Continent and God Realm, but also other unknown worlds.

This is why Gu Yuena is so sure that the Star Dou Auction Pavilion may come from another world, otherwise all this would not make sense at all.

"Is it possible that the Star Dou Auction Pavilion really has a chance to heal my injuries."

Afterwards, another guess emerged in Gu Yuena's mind, since the Xingdou Auction Pavilion came from another world, maybe he really has a way to heal the injuries in her body.

However, Gu Yuena didn't have much hope in her heart.

Gu Yuena emptied out the messy thoughts in her mind, and walked forward with light steps.

She wants to thoroughly explore all the secrets in the secret realm of chaos, hoping to get the specific origin of the Star Dou Auction Pavilion.

Gu Yuena continued to walk forward. In the process, she encountered a barrier that blocked her figure.

But to Gu Yuena, this barrier is like a fake, and it can be destroyed without any effort.

Under the power of Gu Yuena's god, the extremely hard shield was shattered like a shattered one.

"Huh? Someone broke the barrier I set up before!"

At this moment, Lu Yun, who was originally cultivating in the depths of the Chaos Secret Realm, noticed a change in the Chaos Secret Realm.

The entire secret realm of chaos is under his control, and everything is still running.

Suddenly there was a powerful force that directly destroyed the shield it had arranged before, which surprised Lu Yun.

It can be said that the powerhouse below the god level is absolutely incapable of breaking the shield that was arranged before.

Even the strongest below the god level are powerless to break through.

At this time, the shield is broken, then there is only one possibility, the real god-level powerhouse made a move.

What Lu Yun was more puzzled was, who in Douluo Continent broke through to become a god-level powerhouse?
With this in mind, Lu Yun jumped up and used the power of the rules of the secret realm of chaos to instantly detect everything that happened around him.

Later, I saw a beautiful woman appearing in the eighth-level area.

"Huh? It really is her!"

"It seems that my previous guess was correct, she really woke up early."

When Lu Yun saw the woman, he immediately perceived all her aura. The coercion of the Silver Dragon King in his body could not be ignored, and his whole body was filled with powerful god-level coercion.

The only one who fits these two kinds of information is Gu Yuena, the soul and beast co-lord of Douluo Continent.

Gu Yuena was one of the former dragon god avatars, and at her peak she possessed a combat power comparable to that of a god king.

What Lu Yun was more curious about was that Gu Yuena would not easily reveal her whereabouts, and would only stay in the different space below the Lake of Life to heal her injuries.

But why did she appear in the Chaos Secret Realm at this time?
After a long time, Lu Yun couldn't figure it out, so he kept watching Gu Yuena's next movement. He wanted to see what Gu Yuena was up to?


Gu Yuena, who was exploring the secrets of the secret realm of chaos, suddenly felt a sense of peeping, and then the huge mental power spread towards the surroundings in an instant.

But there was no figure at all, which made Gu Yuena extremely puzzled. Could it be that she had a wrong perception before.

But soon, Gu Yuena shook her head secretly. Her mental power is extremely strong, and she will never perceive wrongly.

Then there is only one possibility, spying on her existence, using unknown means to hide her tracks, even her spiritual power can't make her show her original shape.

"Come out, Pavilion Master of the Star Dou Auction Pavilion!"

Thinking of some things, Gu Yuena understood who was spying on her, and that was only the mysterious pavilion owner behind the scenes of the Xingdou Auction Pavilion.

So he said seriously to the space in front of him.

Let the Pavilion Master of the Star Dou Auction Pavilion show up, and stop hiding.

Lu Yun, who was deep in the chaotic secret realm, heard Gu Yuena's voice, and his eyelids twitched slightly.

It is worthy of being the soul and beast co-lord of Douluo Continent!

Under the cover of the power of rules in the secret realm of chaos, even a powerhouse at the level of a god king cannot find his existence.

But in the end, the Silver Dragon King found out. It seems that he still underestimated Gu Yuena's strength.

Lu Yun knew that he was exposed, so he didn't plan to hide any longer. He disappeared in a flash, and appeared in the area where Gu Yuena was in the blink of an eye.

The secret realm of chaos is under his control, and it only takes one thought to go anywhere.

When Gu Yuena finished speaking, she waited for the figure to appear.

At this moment, waves of space fluctuations quietly appeared in front of them.

Under the cover of Gu Yuena's powerful spiritual power, a figure suddenly walked out of the space in front of her.

It was Lu Yun!

"This method is really weird!"

When Gu Yuena saw Lu Yun's sudden appearance, although her expression was relatively calm, her heart was full of turmoil.

Her mental power has been covering the entire area, but she still hasn't found out when exactly the owner of the Star Dou Auction Pavilion appeared.

To be able to quietly appear in front of her, there is only one possibility, the strength of the man in front of her is far stronger than hers.

Is this the owner behind the Star Dou Auction Pavilion?

"Your Excellency the Silver Dragon King, I don't know what it means to come to the secret realm of chaos, and you have a seventh-level token in your hand, but you rashly violated the rules in the secret realm of chaos, broke the barrier, and entered the eighth-level area, which is a bit unreasonable .”

Afterwards, Lu Yun slowly fell to the ground, and asked Gu Yuena in front of him with a serious face.

When Gu Yuena heard Lu Yun revealing her identity, she couldn't help being shocked, and then stared closely at Lu Yun in front of her.

She clearly remembered that it was the first time she appeared in Douluo Dalu, but the man in front of her revealed her identity easily.

Could it be that her previous guesses were all wrong, the owner of the Xingdou Auction Pavilion really came from the God Realm.

Thinking of this, an astonishing killing intent flashed in Gu Yuena's silver pupils, and violent power surrounded her body.

The power of the seven elements shines on the sky and the earth, ready to attack Lu Yun in front of him at all times.

"I know what you are worried about. I am not from the God Realm, and you don't have to compare me with those hypocritical gods. Besides, I don't care about your identity and origin!"

"Our Star Dou Auction Pavilion is only doing transactions. First, let me tell you about your purpose in coming to the Primal Chaos Realm."

Lu Yun saw the killing intent in Gu Yuena's heart, and said calmly, expressing his position.

He didn't want to waste time fighting Gu Yuena.

Although in the secret realm of chaos, he is an invincible existence, and Gu Yuena is an existence that he can suppress at will, but Lu Yun does not want the relationship with Gu Yuena to become too rigid.


Cough cough cough, some readers may feel water, please forgive me, the auction can start tomorrow,

(End of this chapter)

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