Chapter 166 Qingluan Bloodline

"Could it be that the first auction item in the Star Dou Auction Pavilion is a soul beast?"

At this moment, an intriguing word came from a box on the second floor of the Star Dou Auction Pavilion.

The people in this box are Gu Yuena, Di Tian and other ferocious beasts. It can be said that this box gathers the top experts in the entire soul beast world.

As a clan of soul beasts, they are naturally very sensitive to the breath of soul beasts.

And the aura emanating from the first auction item is actually similar to that of a soul beast, which is so strange!

The Xingdou Auction Pavilion hastily auctioned soul beasts, did they not take their soul beasts seriously?

"Interesting, although this aura is similar to that of a soul beast, the aura is much purer than that of a soul beast."

Gu Yuena on the side fell into deep thought, with flashes of light shining in her silver pupils, she murmured softly.

What is the origin of this breath?

It should not be a soul beast, after all, this power is more pure and powerful than a soul beast.

The rest of the soul masters were also very curious about the first auction item in the Star Auction Pavilion.

This was the first auction after three months, so everyone's eyes gathered in front of Xuanshuang, waiting to announce the true face of the first auction item.

After a while, some living creatures suddenly appeared in front of everyone's eyes. It was a kind of bird, but blue feathers appeared around the body, which was extremely soft.

The feathers exude a luxurious temperament.

Especially the golden feathers on the bird's head make the bird look so handsome and extraordinary as a whole.

When everyone saw the true face of the first auction item, everyone had a look of surprise on their faces.

After all, this bird is so beautiful, they have never seen it before, which soul beast is more beautiful than this bird.

"Is this a soul beast? Why have we never seen it before?"

At this moment, after Di Tian saw the appearance of this bird, a hint of doubt flashed in his eyes.

In his impression, there is no soul beast like this bird among the soul beasts.

When did a new kind of soul beast be born in Douluo Continent?

The strange thing is that the aura emanating from this bird does not completely belong to a soul beast.

"No, this bird does not belong to a soul beast, maybe it is another kind of existence."

At this moment, Gu Yuena shook her head, and said to Di Tian and the others with certainty.

This bird is definitely not a soul beast, she is the co-owner of the soul beast, and she is particularly sensitive to the breath of the soul beast.

But the bird in front of him can be said to be no different from a soul beast.

What surprised Gu Yuena the most was that this bird was so noble, and there was a power in her body that made her Silver Dragon King's bloodline tremble.

How to keep Gu Yuena from being shocked?

In today's soul beast clan, no soul beast's blood can surpass her, but this bird has done it.

There is only one possibility, that is, this bird does not belong to the soul beast family, otherwise, the blood of the soul beast cannot surpass her.

"I know the soul masters present must be very curious about whether this bird is a kind of soul beast. I can tell you clearly that this bird is not a soul beast, but a new species called a soul beast. "

"As for the spirit beast, it is unique to the Star Dou Auction Pavilion. There is no such species in Douluo Continent. The name of this bird is Qingluan."

"Qingluan is an extremely powerful divine bird, a type of phoenix. When it grows to its peak, it evolves into a divine beast, which can easily destroy a plane. Breath, this is the Qingluan divine bird that has grown to its peak."


Xuanshuang mysteriously introduced the origin of this bird and the species of spirit beast to everyone.

Sure enough, after this introduction, everyone was shocked.

Did they hear correctly just now?

When Qingluan Divine Bird grew to its peak, it was able to destroy the entire plane. Could it be that it could destroy the entire Douluo Continent at will.

How did this shock the soul masters present?

In their eyes, a god-level powerhouse is already a representative of invincibility, but they still can't resist the breath of Qingluan at his peak.

"You don't have to worry, this bird only contains a trace of Qingluan's blood, and it can't reach the highest level in the legend at all, but don't underestimate this bird, even if it only has a trace of Qingluan's blood, it will grow into a Comparable to the existence of a 10-year-old soul beast, it is effortless."

"If someone is willing to pour huge resources into cultivating this Qingluan, so that the power of the blood in its body will continue to grow, in the future this Qingluan may really grow into the legendary Qingluan divine bird."

"It's just that in the process, the resources that need to be consumed are too huge."

Afterwards, Xuanshuang continued to introduce to everyone the true might of Qingluan at the peak of his cultivation.

This is a treasure that Lu Yun picked out from the god-level store.

The god-level store does sell Qingluan that contains the complete bloodline of the Qingluan divine bird, but the price is too expensive, and Lu Yun can't afford it.

Even if it is bought, the plane level of the Douluo Continent cannot support the Qingluan divine bird at its peak.

After some selection, this bird was chosen. Although it only contained a trace of Qingluan blood, its future growth limit was incomparable.

Even the 10-year-old soul beast in Douluo Dalu cannot compare with Qingluan.

When the soul masters and soul beasts in the Xingdou Auction Pavilion heard Xuanshuang's introduction, everyone's heart was agitated.

If this bird is really as described in the Xingdou Auction Pavilion, then this spirit beast is really terrifying.

"This Qingluan is a spirit beast, and it is absolutely possible to make a contract with a human soul master. As for how to make a contract, when someone auctions this Qingluan, we will let us know at the Star Dou Auction Pavilion."

Xuanshuang said that human soul masters can make a contract with this Qingluan, and then the two will become partners who grow up with each other.

"But you have to keep in mind that after the spirit beast makes a contract with its master, the two minds are connected, and both will prosper, and both will suffer. I hope you can handle it properly."

After a while, Xuanshuang kindly reminded her.

"The origin of this Qingluan and its future growth limit must be the same as what we introduced in the Star Dou Auction Pavilion, so the first auction price is: [-] soul crystals."

Xuanshuang once again guaranteed Qingluan's true power, and announced the price of Qingluan's first auction the next moment.

This bird is very precious, not weaker than the previous finale auctions, and even surpassed them to a certain extent.

Because of this, Lu Yun dared to set the price to such an extent.

After three months of accumulation, the soul crystals in everyone's hands are absolutely full, so there is no need to worry that these things will fail the auction.

(End of this chapter)

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