Chapter 176


When this price appeared, the soul masters present fell into silence, and no one continued to bid for competition for a while.

Seeing this situation, Yu Yuanzhen had a cheerful smile on his face, and he almost couldn't help laughing out loud.

This time he missed it, compared to the last god-level martial soul, this time it is relatively rare!
The final auction item was also very precious. Owning this white lotus was equivalent to having nine lives, but it was picked up by him with 90 soul crystals.

How to keep Yuyuan from being shocked and happy?

"90 soul crystals once!"

Seeing this situation, Xuanshuang was ready to confirm whether anyone would continue to increase the price.

"90 soul crystals twice!"

Xuanshuang continued.

However, at this time, Yu Yuanzhen couldn't stop being ecstatic in his heart. It was already at this time, and this white lotus would be photographed by him.

Yu Yuanzhen began to arrange the soul crystals on his body, and couldn't wait to put Bai Lian away.

"90 soul crystals..."

Xuanshuang originally planned to confirm it one last time, but at this moment, a light voice suddenly sounded.

"100 soul crystals!"

All the soul masters were surprised, after all, almost no forces participated in this competition.

As a result, at this time, someone continued to increase the price by 100 soul crystals, and competed for this white lotus at a price of [-] million soul crystals.


"Damn it, which force is it that is going against me!"

Yu Yuanzhen was stunned when he heard that someone continued to increase the price, and even increased the price by [-] soul crystals.

Then he was about to continue to increase the price, but suddenly found that the number of his own soul crystals was only 95 soul crystals.

In other words, he didn't have enough soul crystals to continue competing.

Thinking of this, Yu Yuanzhen was furious, wishing to tear the body of the bidder to pieces.

The fat that was originally in the mouth has disappeared, how can this not make Yu Yuanzhen angry?

But at this moment, he knew that he was in the Star Dou Auction Pavilion, and he must not do anything, otherwise not only he would suffer, but even the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus family behind him would not be spared.

The previous Clear Sky School was a living example, he didn't dare to violate the rules set by the Star Dou Auction Pavilion again.

Yu Yuanzhen could only suppress the anger in his heart, staring fixedly at Gu Yuena's box.

"100 soul crystals once!"

"100 soul crystals twice!"

"100 soul crystals three times!"

"Since no one continues to increase the price, then this white lotus belongs to..."

After repeated confirmation by Xuanshuang, no one continued to increase the price, and immediately announced that Gu Yuena would completely take down this white lotus at a price of 100 million soul crystals.

When Gu Yuena saw this white lotus falling into her hands, she smiled indifferently.

This white lotus is related to the injuries in her body, and there must be no mistakes.

Just like that, after Gu Yuena handed the soul crystal to Xuanshuang, a white lotus appeared in her hand.

"Is this the power of purifying the world? It's so mysterious, the power of the god king that was originally deeply rooted in the body was gradually melted under this power of purifying the world."

A white lotus appeared in Gu Yuena's right hand, and the weak power of purifying the world spread everywhere. Gu Yuena was surprised to find that the injuries in her body that could not be healed for a long time were gradually healed under the power of purifying the world.

The power of the god king attached to the wound was gradually melted away by the power of purifying the world, and her wound began to heal quickly.

A look of shock flashed across Gu Yuena's silver pupils, and she was also extremely pleasantly surprised.

These powers, which had tortured her for tens of thousands of years, were cured by a white lotus in the Xingdou Auction Pavilion.

Gu Yuena didn't know how to thank Xingdou Auction Pavilion for giving her a chance to be reborn.

If not, it would take tens of thousands of years to completely heal his injuries.

"My lord, does this white lotus have any effect on your injury?"

At this time, Ditian and the others asked Gu Yuena nervously.

"Well, with this white lotus, within a year, my own injuries will be completely healed."

Gu Yuena nodded affirmatively, with a bright smile on her face.

This was the happiest thing after she woke up.

"Great, after your injury recovers, my lord, we must settle accounts with those hypocritical gods in the God Realm."

After hearing these words, Di Tian and the others shouted in surprise.

I didn't know I thought of it, I looked forward with hatred, and planned to wait for the Lord to recover from his injuries, and then go to the God Realm together, and let those hypocritical gods pay the price.

When Gu Yuena heard these words, she didn't say anything, she immediately closed her eyes, and began to absorb the power of purifying the world from the white lotus, gradually recovering from her own injuries.

"Okay, the five auction items in this auction have been auctioned by other forces, which symbolizes the perfect end of this auction."

A moment later, Xuanshuang announced the complete end of the auction.

But she remembered that the Pavilion Master had previously ordered to introduce to everyone the new spiritual realm that appeared in the Star Dou Auction Pavilion.

It is the secret realm that Lu Yun obtained from the lottery before.

"Next, our Star Dou Auction Pavilion will launch another secret realm, which can help soul beasts and soul masters improve their combat power. It is completely similar to the chaos secret realm, and it is a supreme treasure. This secret realm is called the spirit realm!"

In this way, Xuanshuang roughly introduced the heaven-defying effect of the spirit realm.

The more I talked about it later, the more shocked the soul masters were, this is incredible!

He was actually able to create an identical self out of thin air, fight against himself, and find out his own shortcomings.

Even if you successfully defeat and transform yourself, you can get combat experience rewards.

Regarding this news, how can the soul masters present not be shocked?
"Is this true?"

"What is the origin of the Xingdou Auction Pavilion? Leaving aside the former Primal Chaos Secret Realm, now even the heaven-defying things like the Spirit Realm are brought out."


After hearing the heaven-defying effect of the spirit realm, the soul masters present began to discuss.

Once again, I lamented the mystery and strangeness of the Xingdou Auction Pavilion, and at the same time, I was extremely surprised by the magic of this spiritual realm.

"After the opening of the spirit realm tomorrow, each soul master only needs to pay [-] soul crystals to enter the spirit realm and fight with the transformed self!"

"You don't have to worry about time passing too fast, because the speed of time in the spiritual realm is completely different from the outside world."

"Besides, when fighting in the spirit realm, your own soul power will be replenished continuously, and it will not be exhausted or injured. It can be said that you are fighting in full strength at all times, which can be very powerful. Find out your own deficiencies to a certain extent and make up for them.”

"I hope you will have a good journey in the next journey to the spiritual world!"

Xuanshuang introduced some rules and precautions of the spiritual realm, and stated the conditions for entering the spiritual realm.

You only need to pay [-] soul crystals!
(End of this chapter)

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