Chapter 178 Title Douluo Battle
"I'm looking for your Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School. Naturally, I have something important to do. I'm very interested in the god-level martial spirit in your hands. Why don't you offer a price, and our Spirit Hall will buy it."

Bibi Dong said to Ning Fengzhi with a calm expression, intending to be courteous before fighting.

If it really doesn't work, don't blame her for using force to forcibly take away the god-level martial soul.

"Forgive us for the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School's inability to do this god-level martial soul. This god-level martial soul is very useful for our Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School. We cannot sell it to you."

Ning Fengzhi rejected Bibi Dong's proposal without hesitation.

After all, the god-level martial spirit is related to the future of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, and it must not be handed over to the Wuhun Hall.

"Oh, is that so, there is really nothing in this world that can't be obtained by the Spirit Hall."

Bibi Dong's cold tone reached the ears of Ning Fengzhi and the others.

As soon as the words fell, the expressions of Ning Fengzhi and the three in front of them suddenly changed drastically, as if they were facing a formidable enemy, they stepped back gently.

The soul power in the whole body circulates one after another, ready to deal with the next battle at all times.

Ning Fengzhi knew that the situation at the scene had no chance of winning for them.

On the opposite side is the Wuhun Palace, which has four titled Douluo-level powerhouses, one of whom is Bibi Dong whose strength is unknown.

So this situation is really difficult.

No matter what, Ning Fengzhi couldn't hand over the god-level spirit to the Spirit Hall. Originally, the strength of the Spirit Hall was already enough to make the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect afraid.

If the Wuhun Hall obtained this god-level Wuhun, it would be like adding wings to a tiger, and it would be a catastrophe for the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School.

Ning Fengzhi absolutely cannot sit idly by.

"Don't eat the toast, and eat the fine wine. Since you don't take the initiative to hand over the god-level martial soul, then don't blame our Spirit Hall's subordinates for being merciless."

When Bibi Dong saw Ning Fengzhi and the other three, she was always ready to resist, she didn't say much, and came out with a serious tone.

This area is far away from the Star Dou Auction Pavilion, and the rules cannot be used here. If so, the only way to snatch this god-level martial soul is to take action.

"Honestly hand over the god-level martial soul, it's fine, you must let me and the old ghost do it!"

Ju Douluo showed a disdainful expression, looked at Ning Fengzhi ahead, moved his right hand slightly, and a golden light bloomed.

The Qirong Tongtianju Martial Soul emerged, and the aura of a super Douluo instantly filled the audience.

Immediately afterwards, nine soul rings appeared on his body, flashing one after another, releasing a powerful pressure of soul power.

Ghost Douluo and Lingyuan Douluo on the side also released their own martial spirits, and their nine spirit rings shone with brilliance.

The configuration of the three soul rings.

Yellow, yellow, purple, purple, black, black, black, black, black.

"It's a bit tricky now!"

When Ning Fengzhi and the others saw this scene, their hearts sank. They never thought that Bibi Dong would really disregard their feelings and take the lead in attacking.

Seeing Ju Douluo and others release their martial souls, Ning Fengzhi and the others sank to the bottom of their hearts.

This scene was tricky!
And there was also a Bibi Dong whose strength was unknown, who didn't make a move, which was very unfavorable for their Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School.


Bibi Dong gave orders to Ju Douluo and the others in a cold tone, telling them to act immediately and try to get the god-level martial soul as quickly as possible.

In order to avoid delaying for too long, there will be other changes.

"Seventh Soul Skill: Martial Soul Avatar!"

"Seventh Soul Skill: Martial Soul Avatar!"


At this moment, Chrysanthemum Douluo, Ghost Douluo, and Lingyuan Douluo shouted in unison, and took the lead in displaying their spirit avatars.

After all, Bibi Dong had already issued an order to resolve this battle as quickly as possible, there was no need to continue making small fuss.

"Sixth soul skill: Jinrui Flowing Clouds!"

Chrysanthemum Douluo jumped up, and the Qirong Tongtian Chrysanthemum Martial Soul in his hand instantly flew into the sky, and golden brilliance bloomed in an instant.

It turned into blades and shot towards the three people in front.

"Eighth soul skill: ghosts and sprites!"

Seeing this situation, Ghost Douluo also immediately released his eighth soul ability.

The ghost martial spirit behind him turned into nothingness, and he disappeared in place in the blink of an eye. Pieces of black energy surged, and as Ghost Douluo walked through, he unleashed an incomparable attack.

Lingyuan Douluo on the other side did not dare to show weakness, and took the lead in displaying his own powerful soul skills, together with Ju Douluo's attack, he immediately attacked Ning Fengzhi and the other three in front.


Seeing this scene, Sword Douluo and Bone Douluo didn't dare to be careless at all, and also displayed their spirit avatars.

The coercion carried by the bone dragon rushed forward, and the Seven Killing Sword gushed out with endless sword energy.

The aura formed by the two immediately blocked the coercion erupted by the three soul skills.

From this we can see the strength of Bone Douluo and Sword Douluo.

Even in the face of the strong attack of Ju Douluo and the others, the two of them can still resist with all their strength.

Just like that, Bone Douluo and Sword Douluo, not to be outdone, used their soul skills and attacked forward.

"Seventh Soul Skill: Martial Soul Avatar!"

At this moment, Ning Fengzhi by the side had an extremely solemn expression, spread his right hand, and a colorful pagoda floated out.

Immediately, the seven soul rings on his body flickered one after another, releasing a powerful breath of soul power.

Immediately afterwards, beams of seven-colored rays of light instantly shot into the bodies of Sword Douluo and Bone Douluo.

The strength of the two people surrounded by the colorful light increased by a level.

A powerful momentum knocked back the three people in front.

"Sixth Soul Ability: Ten Thousand Swords Returning to the Sect!"

Jian Douluo sensed this opportunity, and jumped up, holding the hilt of the Seven Killing Sword with both hands, and raised it high into the sky.

The soul power in the body was injected into the Seven Killing Sword, and then a powerful sword energy burst out.

A pair of virtual swords condensed in the void.

When the divine sword was condensed, Jian Douluo turned his wrist and swung the Seven Killing Sword forward.

Thousands of swords unleashed!

The powerful coercion contained in it stabbed directly at the faces of Ju Douluo and others.

This power turned into an explosive attack, destroying everything around it, turning everything into nothingness.

"not good!"

The three of Chrysanthemum Douluo were initially shocked by the aura raised by Bone Douluo and Sword Douluo, but before they could react, they immediately sensed the sword aura in front of them.

Too fierce!

The seven-kill sword with ten thousand handles shot away, making the three people present look terrified. They also gathered their soul power in front of them, and together they supported a shield, ready to resist the fierce attack of the seven-kill sword.

"Sixth soul skill: Bone Dragon's Fang!"

At this moment, Bone Douluo displayed his sixth soul skill, and the Bone Dragon martial soul behind him gradually became illusory.


Carrying the coercion of titled Douluo-level soul power, it instantly turned into a stream of light and rushed forward.

Just like that, with the support of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School martial soul, the aura of Sword Douluo and Bone Douluo became extremely strong.

Unleashing a blow with almost all his strength, he took advantage of Ju Douluo's three people's unpreparedness and attacked away.

At this time, Ju Douluo and the others struggled to support, constantly counteracting the attacks of Sword Douluo and Bone Douluo.

(End of this chapter)

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