Chapter 181 The Arrival of Xuanshuang
This token is exactly a wish that Ning Fengzhi made when he came to the Xingdou Auction Pavilion.

At that time, Ning Fengzhi was looking for him, hoping that when the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School was in crisis, the Star Dou Auction Pavilion could make a move to resolve the crisis.

Ning Fengzhi paid a full 30 soul crystals!
Lu Yun followed up with this wish very readily!

After all, resolving the crisis of the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School is trivial, and there are many strong people around him, so there is no need for him to personally act.

That is to say, he can prostitute the 30 soul crystals for nothing, and Lu Yun is very happy to accept such a wish.

When this token was broken, it became known that Ning Fengzhi wanted the Xingdou Auction Pavilion to complete this transaction.

"Xuan Shuang, I will leave this trouble to you to solve."

With a wave of Lu Yun's hand, the token disappeared into the air immediately, and then he said calmly to Xuanshuang beside him, asking her to solve this trouble.

"Yes, Pavilion Master!"

After Xuanshuang heard the order, she disappeared in a flash.

At this moment in the battle area, Sword Douluo and the others stared solemnly at the several attacks ahead.

"Taking advantage of this moment, we will use our full strength and try to delay for a while, waiting for reinforcements to arrive."

As soon as Jian Douluo's words fell, Bone Douluo and Ning Fengzhi nodded fiercely, and instantly released their soul skills.

The berserk breath spewed out towards the front, and the strange thing was that the soul skill released by Bibi Dong ignored all defenses and directly stabbed in front of the three of Sword Douluo.

When Ning Fengzhi and the others saw this scene, their expressions became incomparably horrified.

They never thought that Bibi Dong's soul ability was so weird, completely ignoring physical defenses, so how could they resist it?
But fortunately, the soul ability released by Bibi Dong was weakened a bit.

"Hmph, trying to resist!"

Bibi Dong snorted coldly, and immediately released the soul power all over her body, and used the sixth soul ability again.

Rays of light carried an astonishing sound of piercing through the air, stabbing towards Ning Fengzhi and the others, and they were bound to kill them completely, preventing future troubles forever.

Just when the three of them were unable to deal with these attacks, a sudden change occurred.

The entire area seemed to have become static, and snowflakes fell from the sky, revealing the coldness of no one.

There are more and more snowflakes, covering the land fiercely.

Next, a powerful force of ice struck in a trance, blocking Ning Fengzhi and the others.

A huge ice curtain formed in front of Sword Douluo and the others, and Bibi Dong's attack directly hit this ice curtain.

When the two collided, there was a clanging sound, and Bibi Dong's soul ability was instantly shattered into pieces.

The previous ice curtain also turned into nothingness and ceased to exist.


Seeing this scene in front of her, Bibi Dong's face became extremely ugly.

Originally, she was determined to get rid of Ning Fengzhi and the others, but she never expected that someone would actually intervene in the battle between them.

I don't know who ate the bear heart and leopard gall?

A thoughtful look flashed in Bibi Dong's heart, she was very curious about the identity of the person who came, she could easily block her sixth soul ability, there was almost no possibility for a powerhouse below Limit Douluo.

In other words, the person who came must be a Limit Douluo, even much stronger than her.

Otherwise, how could it be so easy to dissolve her sixth soul ability: Eternal Creation?

As soon as Bibi Dong finished speaking, a woman suddenly appeared in the area where the snow was falling heavily.

Wearing a long blue dress, she released powerful ice power all over her body, complementing the surrounding heavy snow!
This person was Xuanshuang who rushed here as quickly as Lu Yun ordered.

"It's you, could it be that your Star Dou Auction Pavilion wants to intervene in this battle."

"I remember you once said that your Xingdou Auction Pavilion will not easily participate in the disputes between the forces in the Douluo Continent, but why did you do this today?"

Seeing this scene, Bibi Dong narrowed her eyes slightly, and unconsciously took a step back, her eyes flickering with strong fear.

She recognized this woman, who was the previous auctioneer of the Star Dou Auction Pavilion.

Bibi Dong didn't expect that she was the one who came to stop this battle.

This scene made Bibi Dong extremely angry, could it be that the Star Dou Auction Pavilion is going to backtrack?

Bibi Dong just looked at this woman from a distance before, although she felt that this woman was extremely powerful.

But until they stood face to face, and clearly felt the pressure on this woman, Bibi Dong realized how naive her previous thoughts were.

This woman must be a Limit Douluo expert, and her strength is far superior to her at this time.

You must know that she has absorbed part of the power of the divine pill, but she is not very sure that she can defeat this woman.

Bibi Dong's heart was extremely solemn, and once again realized that the background of the Star Dou Auction Pavilion is far from being able to resist the Spirit Hall.

Before the critical moment, Bibi Dong was unwilling to conflict with Xingdou Auction Pavilion.

"What we said in the Star Dou Auction Pavilion will naturally not go against our word, but this time the crisis of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School was resolved by us."

"As for why the Star Dou Auction Pavilion made a move to prevent you from killing Ning Fengzhi and the others, it is naturally that Ning Fengzhi paid a certain price and bought the Star Dou Auction Pavilion to make a move."

"Our Star Dou Auction Pavilion does not easily intervene in disputes between Douluo Dalu, but this matter is an exception. After today, if there is any dispute between your two forces, our Star Dou Auction Pavilion will never intervene."

Hearing this, Xuanshuang said lightly, expressing that what Xingdou Auction Pavilion said before did not break his promise.

Will not easily intervene in power disputes in the Douluo Continent!
But who made Ning Fengzhi pay the price before, even Lu Yun couldn't keep calm.

If you just come forward to resolve a dispute, you will get hundreds of thousands of soul crystals, why not do it?

When she heard these words, Bibi Dong's expression relaxed a little, and she looked at Ning Fengzhi and the others standing behind Xuanshuang with a heavy expression.

Ning Fengzhi was actually so cunning, he had expected the occurrence of today's scene long ago, so he paid a certain price in advance and let the Xingdou Auction Pavilion take action.

Bibi Dong understood the horror of the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School even more, which aggravated the killing intent in her heart.

No matter what, Ning Fengzhi and the others must be eliminated, absolutely not allowed to continue to grow.

Otherwise, the Wuhun Hall will inevitably usher in a huge disaster in the future.

"In this case, I will let you off today."

"After today, it depends on whether your Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School can continue to exist safely."

Bibi Dong put down her harsh words immediately, and warned Ning Fengzhi and the others in front.

Let them go today!
After today, when the deal between the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School and the Star Dou Auction Pavilion is over, she will take action to solve the trouble of the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School.

Anyway, she wants the god-level martial soul and the future in Qibao Liuli.

Ning Fengzhi and the others cannot be easily let go.

(End of this chapter)

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