Chapter 19 Ice Excalibur, Kill!

Just looking at his frozen and broken right arm, there was endless fear in his heart.

"How is this going!"

"how is this possible!"

The little man murmured incredulously in his heart, how could it be?

You must know that his strength belongs to the level of Contra, even if he is seriously injured, he will not be so weak!

Why did the sudden appearance of an ice curtain make him unable to resist at all, and directly sealed his right arm with ice.

If he hadn't given up his right arm in time and left the spot, I'm afraid his whole body would have been completely turned into an ice sculpture with no life left.

Suddenly, the short man thought of the Azure Bull Python and the Titan Giant Ape at the entrance of the Star Dou Auction Pavilion, and finally realized how stupid his behavior was.

How could it be so easy for the Xingdou Auction Pavilion to subdue two 10-year-old soul beasts!
There is no medicine for regret in the world, and he will eventually pay a painful price for everything he has done.


Must escape!

Definitely can't continue to stay here.

Suddenly, an idea came to the short man's mind, and then his body turned into a wisp of black air, flying towards the door of the Xingdou Auction Pavilion, wanting to quickly escape from this deadly place.

"Dare to come to the Star Dou Auction Pavilion to make trouble, and you are the first person. If so, let everyone present see that the Star Dou Auction Pavilion is not something you can offend!"

Xuanshuang looked at the short man fleeing in the distance with cold eyes, and burst out with a murderous tone.

The palm of the right hand was spread out, and the ice element martial soul was released, and the power of ice element between the heaven and the earth slowly gathered in front of Xuanshuang.

Gradually condensed an ice-blue long sword, which released endless sharpness and powerful ice power.

When the icy sword was condensed, Xuanshuang waved his hand, and saw the ice-blue long sword stabbing directly at the short man in front with extreme speed.


Terrifying power of ice burst out, and the short man fleeing in front was directly pierced through the body by the ice-blue long sword under his terrified expression.

After a while, the whole body exploded suddenly, and countless ice shards fell on the ground.

The scene was silent for a while!
The entire Star Dou Auction Pavilion fell into dead silence!

"How could her strength be so terrifying? Originally, I thought she was just a simple auctioneer, but who would have thought that she would be able to kill a future offending soul master with one blow, without using any martial soul or soul skills!"

"What a frightening woman, what a frightening Star Dou Auction Pavilion, remember not to provoke her!"


Everyone in the Xingdou Auction Pavilion was shocked when they saw this reversal scene, and at the same time, they were mixed with more fear.

The strength of this woman is really too strong, and according to their perception, they know that the strength of that short man is at the level of Contra.

As a result, he couldn't even bear the opponent's blow!
If there is no accident, the strength of that woman is at least that of a Title Douluo expert, and she is also a top expert among the Title Douluo.

Everyone listed the Xingdou Auction Pavilion as the last object to be provoked, and at the same time, they planned to tell the powerful people behind them to remember not to provoke the Xingdou Auction Pavilion again.

However, the forces in the second-floor box, everyone's thoughts were flowing, and they were obviously surprised by this scene.

"How? Can the two of you see what's going on?"

Bibi Dong sat upright, with unprecedented solemnity in her beautiful eyes, she turned her head and asked Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo beside her.

I want to know if the two of them can clearly see what the woman's martial soul is?
She didn't see clearly that the woman released her martial soul, but she was able to condense the power of the ice element between heaven and earth to form a powerful attack.

It was this fatal crisis that made the Contra strong man unable to bear it and was killed by one blow.

At this time, Bibi Dong was extremely shocked in her heart, she never thought that the woman's strength was so strong.

On the premise of not using martial soul and soul skills, with some small tricks, he killed a strong Contra.

Even for her, it's almost hard to do.

"Star Dou Auction Pavilion? It's really interesting!"

Bibi Dong became more and more curious about the origin of the Star Dou Auction Pavilion, so who is their pavilion master?

"I don't know, the time for all this to happen is really too short, so I didn't notice the martial spirit released by that woman."

"Or, she has already released her martial soul, but we can't see it. Could it be that her martial soul is invisible?"

After hearing Bibi Dong's inquiry, Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo at the side fell into deep thought.

Although the speed at which this moment happened was really too fast, relying on their eyesight, they could naturally see the means that the woman had used.

Gathering the power of ice between heaven and earth, condensed a long sword, and successfully killed the short man.

On the way, they really didn't see what the woman's spirit looked like.

But the fact that the power of the elements between heaven and earth can be condensed without resorting to the power of the martial soul is too surprising.

It was almost impossible, so there was another guess in the hearts of the two of them.

Maybe that woman can hide her martial spirit so that others can't find it.

"Is that right?"

After Bibi Dong heard this ambiguous answer, she was obviously a little uncertain.

In the entire Douluo Continent, I really don't know any soul master who can hide his own martial soul and soul ring, it's too weird!
This matter is not something she needs to consider for the time being, the most urgent thing is to auction off the stone of life as soon as possible.


In another box.

Ning Fengzhi and the others also looked at Xuanshuang in front of them with horrified expressions.

"Her strength is indeed so terrifying!"

"It's just why she can mobilize the power of ice between the heavens and the earth, and I have never heard of any kind of martial soul with such a shocking power!"

Jian Douluo saw that Xuanshuang shot so decisively and killed the Contra without any suspense, and then said in a heavy tone.

That woman's strength is really too strong!

Even for him, it would take a lot of effort to take over the icy sword condensed from the power of the ice element, and this was on the premise that she did not use the soul skill.

If she unleashes an attack during the process of using her soul skills, Sword Douluo is really not absolutely sure that she can receive the attack safely under Xuanshuang's hands.

"What a weird martial soul. It can mobilize the power of heaven and earth in an area. Only domain soul skills can do it. But I didn't find that woman released the martial soul!"

Bone Douluo sighed in disbelief, today's discovery really made him unable to calm down.


PS: Hahaha, let me tell you some good news. From today on, the author will not ask for leave casually. There will be at least two updates every day, with [-] words, and there may be explosive updates!
I also hope that readers will greatly support it, thank you very much!

(End of this chapter)

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