Chapter 197

After hearing the effects of these two bottles of liquid, many soul masters were shocked.

I can't believe what they heard about this baby, it's too heaven-defying!
To be able to give birth to a martial arts fusion technique!

You must know that martial soul fusion skills are something that most soul masters can't hope for.

Soul masters who can give birth to martial soul fusion skills are all one in a million existences.

But I didn't expect that the Star Dou Auction Pavilion would actually take out these two bottles of liquid, allowing two unrelated martial souls to create a martial soul fusion skill.

How can this not shock the soul masters present?
Especially the top powerhouses present.

Their own strength has reached the limit, if they can create martial soul fusion skills with other soul masters, their final strength will definitely increase to another level.

Therefore, most of the soul masters began to move around, looking greedily at the two bottles of liquid in front of Xuanshuang, wishing to take it for themselves immediately.

However, some witty soul masters bid first, wanting to compete for these two bottles of Wuhun Fusion Liquid.

Time flies, and the competition between the two bottles of liquid has become fierce.

Every soul master competes, for fear of missing these two bottles of Wuhun fusion liquid.

"One hundred thousand soul crystals!"

"11 soul crystals!"


After hearing the price of the first auction, almost all the powers bid for the two bottles of Wuhun Fusion Liquid one after another.

The intensity of its competition is comparable to that of previous auctions.

It is enough to see that in some respects, the preciousness of these two bottles of Wuhun Fusion Liquid is much stronger than other things.

In the box where Bibi Dong was staying, she was also very shocked by the two bottles of Wuhun Fusion Liquid.

"Ju Douluo, take these two bottles of spirit fusion liquid at all costs. If we have two more soul masters with spirit fusion skills in our spirit hall, then there will be two more top-notch fighters."

At this moment, Bibi Dong turned her head and said to Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo at the side.

Let them take these two bottles of Wuhun Fusion Liquid at all costs.

After all, according to the introduction of Xingdou Auction Pavilion, these two bottles of martial soul fusion liquid are suitable for soul masters and martial souls of any level.

In other words, she can also perform martial soul fusion with another strong person, and even Bibi Dong can't keep calm about such a precious treasure.

Absolutely not allow other forces to obtain it, otherwise the Wuhun Hall will inevitably lose the Wuhun Fusion Skill, this scene is not what Bibi Dong wants to see.

"Yes, Your Majesty the Pope!"

Chrysanthemum Douluo and Ghost Douluo at the side nodded fiercely after hearing this, expressing their satisfaction with the two bottles of Wuhun Fusion Liquid.

Compared to other people, Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo present knew the power of the martial soul fusion technique best.

The two of them have martial soul fusion skills, and with their current soul power levels, they can display two poles of stillness, enough to control soul masters below Limit Douluo.

From this, it can be seen how powerful the martial soul fusion technique is.

Especially for high-level soul masters, it is like God's help in battle.

This is also why this martial soul fusion technique occupies such an important position in the hearts of the two of them.


The soul masters in Box No. [-] also wanted to compete for these two bottles of Wuhun Fusion Liquid.

The soul master in this box is Qian Daoliu and others.

Qian Daoliu kept an eye on it, the elders of their worship hall had already missed the last auction.

No matter what they say, they don't want to miss this auction, it's a waste of a day at worst.

If they got a relatively good treasure, wouldn't it be a profit for them, so Qian Daoliu personally came to the Xingdou Auction Pavilion this time.

Beside him are two powerful titled Douluo, Qingluan Douluo and Guangling Douluo.

These two people have been to the Star Dou Auction Pavilion before, and they are very familiar with such a scene.

As for other people to sit in the Wuhun Temple, so as not to cause irreversible events when they leave.

"Big priest, are we going to take these two bottles of Wuhun Fusion Liquid?"

Qingluan Douluo at the side asked Qian Daoliu respectfully.

He and Guangling Douluo agreed in their hearts to take this treasure.

"Take it down, we can't let these two bottles of Martial Soul Fusion Liquid fall into the hands of other forces."

"The two of you will be able to absorb these two bottles of martial soul fusion liquid at that time. At that time, you two will use your current soul power level to create a martial soul fusion skill, and the strength that will be released in the end should be extremely strong."

"Perhaps no soul master below Limit Douluo will be a match for the fusion skills of the two of you."

Qian Daoliu thought for a while, and asked Qingluan Douluo and Guangling Douluo to take down the Wuhun fusion liquid.


After hearing Qian Daoliu's words, Guangling Douluo and Qingluan Douluo looked at each other gratefully.

They also did not expect that such a huge pie would fall on the heads of the two of them.

The treasures brought out by the Star Dou Auction Pavilion before are all real.

Then these two bottles of martial soul fusion liquid are absolutely sure in the end that they can give birth to the martial soul fusion skill.

How can this not excite Qingluan Douluo and Guangling Douluo?

Thus, Qingluan Douluo began to bid for these two bottles of Wuhun Fusion Liquid.

It is related to the future of the two of them, so we must be active.

Time passed slowly, and the forces present fell into fierce competition.

Most soul masters are unwilling to miss these two bottles of martial soul fusion liquid.

"53 soul crystals!"

Although the price soared all the way, when Qingluan Douluo called out 53 soul crystals, the remaining forces chose to withdraw from this competition.

These soul crystals are still too much, and most of the forces brought this time did not have 53 soul crystals, so they had to give up this competition.

As for some top forces, although they have so many soul crystals, after some thinking, considering the preciousness of the next few auction items, they had no choice but to give up the competition for these two bottles of martial soul fusion liquid.

"53 soul crystals once!"

"53 soul crystals twice!"

"53 soul crystals three times!"

"Since no one continues to increase the price, then the two bottles of Wuhun Fusion Liquid will eventually go to Box No. [-]."

Seeing that no one continued to increase the price, Xuanshuang announced the two bottles of Wuhun fusion liquid, which were finally taken by Qian Daoliu.

Next, pay with one hand and deliver with one hand!
Xuanshuang announced the end of the auction of the first auction item, and did not stop.

The next moment, Xuanshuang waved his hand, and suddenly a cold current surged throughout the Xingdou Auction Pavilion, spreading to the entire area in an instant.

The entire Star Dou Auction Pavilion turned into a cold area, with pieces of ice crystals falling down.

After feeling the coldness, many soul masters unconsciously tightened their clothes and used their soul power to expel the surrounding cold.

This chill is really terrifying, it penetrates deep into the bone marrow.

They were very curious, could the second auction item be an ice-type treasure?
Is it a soul?
Or a soul beast?

Or is it an ice attribute martial soul?

(End of this chapter)

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