Chapter 212 The Light of Qingluan
"Let's make a move and try to get rid of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School."

Although they usually don't deal with Bibi Dong, Bibi Dong is also the Pope of Spirit Hall anyway.

Naturally, they couldn't just sit and watch the Wuhun Palace lose, so they planned to join the battle and help Bibi Dong deal with the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School.

At this moment, Qingluan Douluo and Guangling Douluo released their martial souls one after another.

The aura of a Super Douluo gushed forward, instantly waking up the few people who were fighting in front.

"You guys are here at the right time, help me get rid of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect."

Bibi Dong was also shocked by the sudden appearance of the two auras, and after seeing their faces, she was relieved.

If there is no accident, the two people coming here should be Qian Daoliu's means.

But the two of them came in a timely manner, taking the opportunity to get rid of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect.

"No, it's an offering from the Spirit Hall."

After Jian Douluo saw these two people, his expression was horrified, and he quickly said to Ning Fengzhi and Bone Douluo.

He also didn't expect that two more titled Douluo appeared, and they were also extremely mysterious enshrined spirits of the Spirit Hall.

Originally, their battle was a bit difficult, but with the addition of two priests from the Wuhun Hall, the battle will become even more difficult.

If there is a long delay, there will be no chance of winning.

So Jian Douluo planned to leave.

With this in mind, Ning Fengzhi and the three resolutely left the battlefield, fled towards the distance, and immediately fled from this place.

"If you want to escape, have you asked us?"

At this time, Qingluan Douluo looked at the few people who were fleeing not far away, and snorted coldly.

But the speed of Sword Douluo and the others is too fast, it is difficult to catch up.

That being the case, the only way to do it is to use that trick!

Qingluan Douluo and Guangling Douluo looked at each other, and the next moment their martial souls were released.


Gradually suspended in the sky, bursting out a powerful breath.

In this way, the martial souls of the two gradually merged together under a magical force.

A shocking roar sounded, and a huge Qingluan appeared in a trance.

Qingluan's feathers are icy blue, releasing a bright icy aura.

From the moment this Qingluan appeared, the majestic power violently oscillated towards the surroundings, as if even the void was frozen by this icy breath.

After the fleeing Sword Douluo and the others sensed this cold breath, their speed of escape became extremely slow.

His expression became extremely horrified, he didn't expect that these two priests of the Wuhun Hall actually possessed the Wuhun fusion skill.

This is bad!

After Bibi Dong saw Qingluan Douluo and Guangling Douluo releasing their martial soul fusion skills, fear flashed across their eyes.

The aura produced by the two people's martial soul and martial soul fusion skills made her feel very terrifying.

After some thinking, Bibi Dong probably understood, it seems that the Wuhun Fusion Liquid in the Xingdou Auction Pavilion was taken by Qian Daoliu.

Immediately, Qingluan Douluo and Guangling Douluo were subdued. It seems that she will have to be wary of that old guy Qian Daoliu again next time.

"Martial Soul Fusion Skill: Light of Qingluan."

Qingluan Douluo and Guangling Douluo injected all the soul power in their bodies into Qingluan above.

In an instant, Qingluan let out roars, and the terrifying sound waves directly shattered everything within a radius of ten miles, turning them into nothingness.

The soul power in Qingluan's body gradually gathered in front of him, and an ice-blue beam of light suddenly bombarded forward.

Wherever it passes, even the space can't bear it.


Seeing this situation, Bibi Dong immediately had a cloud of purple-black energy appear in her palm.

He kept injecting the soul power in his body into his right hand, always ready to deliver a fatal blow.

She believed that under this martial soul fusion technique, Jian Douluo and others had to deal with it with all their strength, and she wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to deal a fatal blow to the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School.

"Fengzhi, fast, display nothingness."

Jian Douluo's eyelids twitched when he saw the attack approaching at a high speed not far away.

Under this blow, if they use soul skills to resist, they will obviously be seriously injured, and even if they are not careful, they may lose their lives.

Therefore, Sword Douluo planned to use the martial soul fusion technique with Ning Fengzhi.

Under the guidance of the two, the ancient life tree martial soul and the Qibao Liulizong martial soul gradually merged together.

"Martial Soul Fusion Skill: Nothingness."

The martial souls of the two merged together, bursting out a halo of seven colors.

The light of Qingluan came to Jian Douluo in the blink of an eye.

But a strange scene appeared!

The light of Qingluan, which was originally invincible, instantly turned into nothingness after touching the colorful halo and dissipated in midair.

At this moment, Sword Douluo and Ning Fengzhi fell to the ground one after another, their faces becoming extremely pale.

"How is this possible?"

"They also have martial soul fusion skills!"

When Bibi Dong and the others saw this scene, their expressions also changed in surprise, they never expected that Sword Douluo and Ning Fengzhi would be able to display the martial soul fusion technique.

Thinking of this, Bibi Dong's heart rang an alarm, if the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect is not eliminated, she will not live in peace.

Although I don't know what the specific function of this martial soul fusion technique is, it is definitely not easy to easily destroy the light of Qingluan!
After all, Bibi Dong sensed the power of that Qingluan's light, even she was not absolutely sure that she could neutralize that attack safely.

"It's now!"

Bibi Dong suddenly came back to her senses, when the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School was distracted, she immediately made a move.

A strange smile appeared on Bibi Dong's face, and his figure disappeared instantly. The purple-black light in his hand formed a sharp sword, filled with strange power.

"go to hell!"

Bibi Dong immediately appeared behind Sword Douluo, and the sharp sword in his hand stabbed towards Sword Douluo's heart.

"not good!"

At this time, Sword Douluo suddenly came to his senses, aware of the deadly sense of crisis behind him, and wanted to quickly escape from this place.

But it was still a step too late, and saw that the sharp sword directly pierced Sword Douluo's heart.

The purple-black power infiltrated Sword Douluo's whole body, and Sword Douluo's eyes widened suddenly, and he spat out blood.

The breath on his body became more sluggish.

"Ninth Soul Skill: Heart of Life."

Jian Douluo sensed this strange power and kept devouring his life.

Thus, Sword Douluo used all his remaining soul power to cast the ninth soul ability.

The Martial Soul of the Ancient Tree of Life suddenly transformed into a green heart and entered Sword Douluo's body.

Constantly resisting, the strange power released by Bibi Dong.


Ning Fengzhi and Bone Douluo were also shocked by this scene and did not react.

Sword Douluo exerted his last ounce of strength, and left this place with Ning Fengzhi and Bone Douluo.

Bibi Dong stood where she was, and when she saw Jian Douluo and the others leaving, she had a strange smile on her face.

She didn't chase after it!

That attack just now condensed all her own soul power.

That is not ordinary power, but the power of gods far higher than soul power, which cannot be resisted by the power of mortals.

Jian Douluo, who was pierced through the heart, has almost no possibility of survival.

(End of this chapter)

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