Chapter 224 The Lost Tang San

At this time, there was a solemn look in the eyes of everyone looking at Lu Yun.

They sensed a threatening aura from Lu Yun's body.

It also shows that Lu Yun has gained a lot this time, and his strength has been greatly improved.

"Congratulations to the Pavilion Master's substantial improvement in strength!"

Jiuyou, Xuanshuang and the others came to their senses and congratulated Lu Yun on his improvement.

"It's just a small gain!"

"Xuanshuang, Jiuyou, these two divine pills, if you take them, there is a high chance that you will become god-level powerhouses."

Lu Yun didn't know what he thought of, and spent a lot of auction points from the god-level store, bought two divine pills and handed them to Jiuyou and Xuanshuang.

The strength of the two of them is not too far from the god-level powerhouse, and this pill contains a powerful breath of god.

It can completely help Jiuyou and Xuanshuang to become god-level powerhouses.

Now the strength of the Star Dou Auction Pavilion needs to be improved again.

It will be very convenient to enter the Sun Moon Continent in the future.

"Thank you, Pavilion Master!"

After Jiuyou and Xuanshuang heard the effects of these two pills, everyone was surprised.

The strength of the two of them has reached the bottleneck, and they cannot break through in a short time.

Fortunately, the pavilion master gave the two of them this magic pill, which can save a lot of time and become god-level powerhouses.

Dugu Bo and Yan Lingji on the side also showed a hint of envy in their eyes.

Their soul power level at this time is far from Limit Douluo.

I can't use that magic pill for the time being!
As for Queen Medusa at the side, her expression didn't change at all, because she had truly become a god-level powerhouse.

Queen Medusa's talent is extremely powerful, and it seems not surprising that she has become a god-level powerhouse by virtue of her own strength.

As for Bailong and Heilong, they were resting in the room on the third floor, and no one knew what they were doing.

"These two are specially made soul power pills, which are enough to increase your soul power level by three or four levels."

At this time, Lu Yun also bought two special soul power pills and handed them to Dugu Bo and Yan Lingji.

This special soul power pill is also very precious, and it can completely raise Yan Lingji's soul power to the level of Limit Douluo.

As for Dugu Bo, it can also raise his soul power to level 97.

There is even a chance to reach the level of 98 peak Douluo.

"Thank you, Pavilion Master!"

Dugu Bo and Yan Ling thanked, took the two specially made soul power pills, and put them away as if they were treasures.

"Okay, you can go back to your room to retreat now, maybe it won't be long before our Star Dou Auction Pavilion will have a big operation."

Lu Yun sent a few people back, let's practice with peace of mind.

As soon as the words fell, Xuanshuang, Jiuyou and others quickly left the place, returned to their room, and fell into a deep retreat.

Having nothing to do, Lu Yun strolled around the Star Dou Auction Pavilion to see the development of the Chaos Secret Realm, the Spirit Realm and the Soul Pavilion.


Not far from the place of killing.

Suddenly, a group of people suddenly appeared in this open space, everyone was extremely messy, staring at the other figures behind them with panic expressions, as if they were running away from pursuers.

"Tang San, don't run away, don't waste your energy, with your strength, trying to escape from the hands of the Spirit Hall is simply a dream."

A tone full of murderous intent resounded in this empty area, the enormous pressure of soul power made it extremely difficult for Tang San and the others in front to move.

"You Wuhundian are really despicable. We Shrek Academy has never provoked your Wuhundian, but you have been chasing us all the time."

Tang San swallowed the blood in his mouth, and roared angrily at the pursuers behind him.

Not long ago, they went to the capital of killing, and they were very careful along the way, but they were still discovered by the strong men of the Wuhun Temple.

So they fell into this chase, but their strength was too weak, and they couldn't get rid of the pursuit of Wuhundian.

So they ran away in a panic!

Even so, they couldn't resist the attack of the pursuers behind them. Everyone suffered a lot of damage, and their physical strength couldn't last too long.

"Hmph, the strong prey on the weak, the Pope issued an order that Shrek Academy will be erased from Douluo Dalu!"

"You might as well be acquainted, follow me honestly to the Wuhun Hall, and let the Pope crown me."

The man headed by Wuhundian said to Tang San and the others in a disdainful tone.

The next moment, the soul power around him surged one after another, and the seven soul rings on his body shone with brilliance.

Obviously this is also a strong soul saint.

"Don't even think about it, it's impossible for us to follow you back to the Spirit Hall!"

Yu Xiaogang couldn't help the anger in his heart, and roared forward.

"Since you are so ignorant, then don't blame the Spirit Hall for being cruel and cruel. The Pope ordered that if Tang San and others disobey the order, they will be killed on the spot!"

The powerful soul sage of the Spirit Hall stopped talking nonsense with Tang San, and the sixth soul ring on his body flickered one after another.

"Sixth Soul Skill: Moment of Death!"

A ray of light suddenly appeared between the sky and the earth, and a sharp blade cut through the sky in an instant, stabbing directly in the direction of Tang San and the others.

"No, run away!"

Tang San immediately sensed the strength of this attack, with their physical strength, it was absolutely unbearable.

So with a serious tone, he urged the people around him to quickly escape from the place shrouded by this soul skill.

The powerful Soul Sage who released the attack seemed to be watching a clown.

How could these weak soul masters be able to resist a full blow from a soul sage.


Even though Tang San and the others ran with all their might, they were seriously injured, and the sword energy behind them chased after them.

With the final consequences, Tang San and the others could only watch this ray of light fly towards them.

"Is it really impossible to escape the clutches of the Spirit Hall today?"

Tang San and the others felt a hint of despair in their hearts.

Even so, Tang San and the others would not give in to the Spirit Hall, everyone tried their best to release their soul skills with all their strength.

Trying to resist the gorgeous light between heaven and earth.


Seeing this scene, the Wuhundian expert snorted coldly.

Just when this ray of light was about to pierce Tang San and the others.

Suddenly, a murderous aura quietly emerged.

The red rays of light instantly shined on the sky and the earth, Tang San and the others watched these red rays of light envelop them.

The previous spirit ability also forcibly blasted towards the ground, this area was exactly where Tang San and the others were located.

"Damn it, let them escape again!"

The face of this strong man of Wuhundian became extremely ugly.

But no matter how he probed, he couldn't find out where Tang San and the others fled to?
"Forget it, go back and report everything that happened here to the Pope!"

The experts in Wuhundian couldn't find out clearly, so they had to leave here.

Tell Bibi Dong everything that happened here.

(End of this chapter)

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