Chapter 228

"not good!"

Seeing this sudden situation, Bibi Dong frantically tried to counteract the fatal crisis in the sea of ​​spirits.

But this power is too powerful, far above the soul power.

Bibi Dong didn't notice it for a while, but was instantly hit hard by this force.


That purple-black crystal suddenly exploded, and terrifying divine power circulated in Bibi Dong's body.

Bibi Dong's sea of ​​spirit was severely injured, and the divine power in her body, which had nowhere to vent, was constantly damaging her own meridians and so on.


At this moment Bibi Dong couldn't bear it any longer, and immediately vomited blood, her face became extremely pale.


"God Rakshasa, get out!"

Bibi Dong wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth, with a very strong killing intent in her eyes, she shouted towards the void in front of her.


"Bibi Dong, stay safe!"

A burst of purple-black light flashed ahead, and an illusory figure appeared in front of Bibi Dong.

The aura emanating from the phantom surpasses the power of the gods between heaven and earth.

This phantom is exactly the spiritual body of God Rakshasa left in Douluo Continent.


Bibi Dong stared fixedly at the Rakshasa in front of her, wishing she could smash her into pieces immediately.

During this period of time, due to Tang San's affairs, her mind was disturbed, which made her forget that she had been participating in Luo Sha Shen's test before.

Because he was anxious to use the medicinal power of this elixir to prove himself a god, he ignored the god Rakshasa.

But who knows, at the last critical moment, being attacked by Rakshasa god, how could this not make Bibi Dong angry?

The attack released by the power of the gods, not only her body, but also her mental strength suffered unprecedented damage.

As a result, her current strength is less than one in ten, and now she is seriously injured, let alone break through to the god level.

Even if he wanted to recover all his injuries, he didn't know how many years it would take.

The plan she had worked so hard to plan for so long was actually disrupted by the Rakshasa God. Now Bibi Dong wished she could kill the Rakshasa God immediately to relieve her anger.

"In front of me, wanting to rely on my own strength to prove myself a god is simply a dream."

"As for the rewards you received for participating in the God Examination, let's take it as the price of this time."

Rakshasa said to Bibi Dong with a mocking face.

After all, Bibi Dong is also her fancy inheritor, not to mention that she rewarded Bibi Dong with a lot of things because Bibi Dong passed the divine test.

Regrettably, Bibi Dong was about to complete the divine test and inherit her Rakshasa God position, but unexpectedly something happened.

I don't know where Bibi Dong got a magic pill, and he can prove himself a god by relying on the power inside.

How can this not surprise Rakshasa God?
But Rakshasa God is the God of Evil after all, so naturally he doesn't want to see his efforts go to waste.

This is the intention to directly detonate the inheritance spar she left in Bibi Dong's spiritual sea from the moment Bibi Dong became a god.

As a result, Bibi Dong was seriously injured, and there was no hope in a short period of time, and she once again proved herself as a god.

Even the foundation has been damaged, it is really a bit uncertain whether he can step into the god-level field in the future.

This scene is also the scene Rakshasa would like to see.

"I kill you!"

Bibi Dong was extremely angry, and the next moment, the Soul-eating Spider Emperor martial soul emerged.

Nine soul rings around his body released monstrous soul power breath, condensed a sickle, and slashed towards the phantom of Rakshasa in front of him.

The original inheritance spar was destroyed, this is just a spiritual body, it does not have any combat power.


Therefore, Rakshasa God Phantom looked at the coming attack with a smile on his face.

When the phantom touched that attack, it was directly annihilated between the sky and the earth.

Only the angry Bibi Dong was left in this secret room.

After a long time, Bibi Dong tried her best to calm down the anger in her heart.

Fortunately, she finally got rid of Rakshasa's entanglement.

In the future, she can unscrupulously prove herself to become a god, but the injuries in her body have become extremely serious.

It is impossible to prove oneself to become a god in a short period of time.

She also didn't have the healing treasure in her hands, which put Bibi Dong in a predicament.

Suddenly, Bibi Dong didn't know what to think of, and a gloomy look flashed in her eyes.

Immediately, Bibi Dong got up and left the secret room, walking towards the direction of the offering hall.

When Bibi Dong walked into the hall of enshrinement, she saw Qian Daoliu who was sitting under the statue of an angel practicing in seclusion.

Bibi Dong's arrival naturally awakened Qian Daoliu not far away.

"You came to the worship hall, what's the matter?"

Qian Daoliu turned around and looked at Bibi Dong with an unkind expression on his face.

During this period of time, Bibi Dong's visits were too frequent, which made Qian Daoliu think that Bibi Dong had some kind of conspiracy.

"I'm here to make a deal with you!"

Hearing that, Bibi Dong didn't have any dissatisfaction, and naturally heard Qian Daoliu's impatient tone.

Immediately, she spoke out her plan on her own.

That's right!

Bibi Dong's purpose this time was still for the god-level martial soul evolution liquid in Qian Daoliu's hands.

The injuries in her body were extremely serious, and she couldn't recover in a short time.

If she wanted to guarantee that she would be able to prove herself as a god in a safe and sound way next time, she had to find another way.

The god-level martial soul evolution liquid in Qian Daoliu's hand gave her a good opportunity.

If she can evolve one of her martial souls into a god-level martial soul.

After recovering from the injury in the future, he will have great confidence in proving himself to become a god again.

And after becoming a god-level powerhouse, his own strength will also reach an unimaginable level.

So this time Bibi Dong had to get the bottle of god-level martial soul evolution liquid.

"Tell me!"

Qian Daoliu saw that Bibi Dong didn't know why her injuries had become so serious.

Originally, Qian Daoliu wanted to make a move to get rid of Bibi Dong.

But because of Xiaoxue, he didn't do anything, intending to hear what tricks Bibi Dong was going to play next.

"You should know that the last auction held in the Star Dou Auction Pavilion, the finale auction item was an opportunity to see the future."

Bibi Dong said slowly.

"See through the future? Isn't that fake?"

When Qian Daoliu heard these words, he asked in bewilderment.

He also heard the news before that, but he also remained skeptical about the chance of seeing through the future.

No need to think about it, it must be fake.

Even after becoming a god-level powerhouse, he is not so powerful that he can see through the future of a soul master.

"Then if I said that chance, is it true?"

Bibidong said playfully, she believed that as long as she told the future fate of Wuhundian, Qian Daoliu would still consider it for Wuhundian.

It is possible to hand over the bottle of god-level martial soul evolution liquid.

Only she can make it possible for the Hall of Spirits to survive the disaster in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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