Chapter 231 The Origin of Soul Power
"Next, all soul masters are invited to take a look at the first auction item in this auction."

With her god-level mental power, Xuanshuang could naturally sense her strength in the box on the second floor, and everyone discovered her strength.

But for this situation, she didn't say much, there is no need to hide her strength, after all, the pavilion master once said that everything will come naturally.

Xuanshuang didn't delay any longer, and immediately spread out his right hand, and suddenly a ray of golden flame danced.

On the whole, there is no temperature on the surface, and it seems that the soul power has been purified to a certain extent and condensed into a flame state, which looks really mysterious.

"Huh? What is this thing? Why does it look like a flame?"

"It seems to be a flame. Could it be another flame-type Martial Soul?"

"No way, the Star Dou Auction Pavilion's auction this time is so huge, the first item to be auctioned is the Wuhun thing."


This flame dancing with the wind appeared in front of everyone, and everyone showed doubts.

He also expressed his inner guess that it was most likely a kind of Martial Soul.

Xuanshuang heard everyone's discussion and smiled lightly. This time they guessed wrong.


I saw the soul power surging in Xuanshuang's hands, and the flame suddenly turned into a drop of water, and then quickly transformed into other forms.

This kind of change once again made all the soul masters extremely puzzled, what is it, so weird.

"This is the source of soul power, which can be driven by the soul power of the soul master to change form."

"This source of soul power also has a very heaven-defying effect. It is the form that can only be condensed when the soul power is purified to a certain level."

"It allows a soul master to completely reach the realm of Title Douluo. Even a soul master without any soul power can immediately be promoted to a strong Title Douluo after absorbing the source of this soul power."

"As for the powerhouse who is about to break through the Title Douluo, absorbing this source of soul power, how much the specific level of soul power will increase depends on your own foundation."

Xuanshuang didn't continue to play tricks, and explained to everyone in a solemn tone the powerful role of this source of soul power.

It can make a soul master without soul power break through to the realm of Titled Douluo.

Such a treasure is unheard of, or even heard of, such a rare treasure.

Everyone stared fieryly at the source of soul power in Xuanshuang's hand, which was transforming into different forms.

This is an opportunity to step up to the sky!

For such a temptation, none of the soul masters present could refuse.

Sure enough, the Xingdou Auction Pavilion was as strong as ever, and the first auction item was such a precious treasure.

"Although this source of soul power has such a powerful effect, it has a disadvantage that cannot be ignored, that is, after taking this source of soul power, there is no possibility of further progress in life."

"That is to say, as long as you take this source of soul power and reach a certain level of soul power in the end, then you can only stop here in this life, and there is no chance to advance."

Xuanshuang's tone changed, and she immediately revealed the disadvantages of this source of soul power.

That is, taking it will cause the lifetime soul power level to be unable to go any further.


When the soul masters present heard this shortcoming, their eyebrows were furrowed, obviously caught in a dilemma, especially the soul masters in the box on the second floor.

I feel a little pity about the disadvantages of this source of soul power.

But when everyone thought about it, it seemed that there was no major problem.

After all, where in the world can one step to the sky?
How could it be possible to become a Title Douluo level powerhouse without paying any price!

But all the soul masters on the first floor of the Xingdou Auction Pavilion stared brightly at the source of soul power in Xuanshuang's hand.

For them, they may not be able to break through the realm of Title Douluo in their lifetime.

This source of soul power gave them a chance, how could this not excite them.

Therefore, for most soul masters, this disadvantage is dispensable.

As long as they can step into the realm of Titled Douluo, it seems that this shortcoming can be completely ignored.

"The origin of this soul power, the specific function is these, the first auction price is: [-] soul crystals!"

Xuanshuang said the first auction price of this source of soul power, which is not too precious overall.

If it weren't for the limitation of a shortcoming, the first auction price of this source of soul power would be even higher.

"One hundred thousand soul crystals!"

"11 soul crystals!"


In this way, the soul masters present went through a series of fierce competitions.

Most of the soul masters who competed at the beginning are first-tier soul masters. In their eyes, they must not miss such an opportunity.

"Your Majesty, do we want to take down this source of soul power? If we have it, our Spirit Hall will once again give birth to a powerful Titled Douluo."

When Ju Douluo saw this auction item, he was obviously moved.

The addition of a titled Douluo powerhouse in Wuhundian is very conducive to the future Wuhundian's unification of Douluo Continent.

Ghost Douluo at the side also nodded slightly, expressing the hope that Bibi Dong could get the source of this soul power.

If you miss this treasure, you may never meet again next time.

Bibi Dong fell into contemplation at this time, after thinking for a while, she gradually made a decision in her heart.

"No, we still keep more soul crystals and wait for the subsequent auction items to appear."

"Now that the Douluo Continent has the Xingdou Auction Pavilion, the overall strength has been greatly improved. In the future, there will no longer be a few strong Titled Douluo. An ordinary strong Titled Douluo will not be able to decide the situation of future wars."

Bibi Dong rejected the proposal of the two, and did not plan to auction this auction item.

She knew that the future situation in Douluo Continent would definitely far exceed their expectations.

And it won't be long before she proves herself to be a god.

An ordinary titled Douluo powerhouse can't play any role at all in the god-level battlefield.

Even if this source of soul power can really allow a soul master to break through to the realm of Titled Douluo, there is a drawback.

Not only the strength cannot be improved, but even the final combat power is uncertain.

Which is more important, Bibi Dong is still very clear.

It is better to keep more soul crystals and participate in the follow-up auction, give up this source of soul power, and let other forces compete.

As soon as the words fell, Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo had a lot of thoughts in their minds. The more they thought about it, the more they felt that it was very correct, so they didn't bother with this matter anymore.

There are also individual top forces who have the same idea as Bibi Dong.

Even so, there are still several top forces participating in the competition, namely the Heaven Dou Empire, the Star Luo Empire, the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex Clan and so on.

(End of this chapter)

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