Chapter 233 Fatal Disadvantage
"Although this killing sword has the power to kill gods, there is a fatal flaw in it. This killing sword contains a majestic murderous aura, so for ordinary soul masters, it is impossible to bear such a violent overflow of murderous aura. "

"If you rashly activate this killing sword, the user will also be confused by this murderous aura, and eventually go to a situation where there is no redemption."

"What's more, they are directly annihilated by this violent murderous aura on the spot, and their souls are completely returned to heaven and earth."

At this moment, Xuanshuang also informed everyone of a fatal flaw of this killing sword, that is, the user is likely to die.

This is also the reason why this killing sword is the second auction item.

With this fatal flaw, ordinary people can't motivate it at all, let alone be willing to bid for it.

Even if you encounter a powerful enemy and use this killing sword rashly, you still have the mentality of dying together.

In this way, neither side will end well.


When this fatal flaw was uttered, the soul masters present were in an uproar, with expressions of fear on their faces.

Obviously, they didn't expect that this killing sword would devour the master, and even the user would not be spared, which also made most soul masters retreat.

After all, they don't know that if this killing sword suddenly riots, the murderous aura will leak out.

At that time, he will really be attacked with murderous intent, and his life and death will not be known in the end.

Most soul masters choose to withdraw from this competition, and no one wants to put an uncertain factor by their side.

"Then let me ask, what kind of strength is it that can drive this killing sword intact?"

Suddenly, a doubtful word spread throughout the entire Star Dou Auction Pavilion.

This is also what everyone is curious about. This killing sword has such a powerful power, so what kind of strong man can grasp it safely?

"Of course, this killing sword is mastered by a god-level powerhouse. It will be unscathed, and it can be regarded as a powerful weapon. However, if the title Douluo urges this killing sword, the damage will be relatively light, up to a year Unable to use soul power."

"Of course, the stronger the soul master who masters this killing sword, the least harm will be caused in the end."

"As for how far it can be achieved, you still need to explore by yourself. In short, the powerful people with the title of Luo level will not return to heaven and earth when they activate this sword. As for soul masters of other levels, it may not be possible."

Hearing this, Xuanshuang told everyone a concept, that is, if a strong Titled Douluo uses this killing sword, at least his life will be safe.

As soon as the words fell, most of the soul masters on the first floor showed gloomy expressions, and they could only miss this killing sword.

In the box on the second floor, the eyes of each of the titled Douluo powerhouses shone brightly.

Titled Douluo powerhouses will not lose their lives if they use this killing sword. Doesn't that mean that they have the opportunity to use this sword to kill gods.

Although there are no gods in Douluo Continent today, there are also strong people who are infinitely close to gods.

If they got this killing sword, would they and the forces behind them have a guarantee of safety?

So everyone began to make small calculations in their hearts, preparing all their soul crystals, and doing their best to compete for this killing sword.

"The specific power and flaws of this killing sword are these. If so, the first auction price of this killing sword is 20 soul crystals."

Xuanshuang finished the introduction of this killing sword and announced the first auction price, which was as high as 20 soul crystals.

The reason why Lu Yun took out this auction item was due to his own considerations.

It was expected that the top powerhouse in the Douluo Continent would be very interested in this killing sword.

God is the realm that all soul masters in Douluo Continent yearn for, but at this time a killing sword appears, which can kill gods.

It didn't take much thinking to know that the top powerhouses in Douluo Dalu would not let go of this killing sword, so the starting price reached 20 soul crystals, and there seemed to be no problem.

This killing sword has the power to kill gods, so it is very precious. As for the previous disadvantage, it is not fatal to the top powerhouse, and can even be ignored.

When this price appeared, everyone in the soul masters on the first floor showed surprise.

For such a dangerous killing sword, the first auction price unexpectedly reached 20 soul crystals.

The soul master who was originally on the sidelines immediately refused to participate in this competition.

The prices are outrageous.

The soul masters on the second floor frowned, obviously feeling that the price of the first auction was a bit expensive.

But they didn't have anything more, and they were ready to bid for competition.

"20 soul crystals!"

"21 soul crystals!"


Time flies, and the price of Killing Sword soars rapidly, and almost all the strong players in the second-floor boxes compete for bids.

As for the soul masters on the first floor, they all remained silent, quietly watching other forces competing for the killing sword.


Box number ten.

Sitting inside was Gu Yuena and other beasts.

"My lord, should we auction off this killing sword? If I use it, I might be able to kill a god. If I attack the God Realm later, this killing sword can make a god in the God Realm pay the price. "

Di Tian asked Gu Yuena with a face full of surprise, his eyes fixed on the killing sword.

Want to compete for that killing sword.

If the killing sword with the power to kill gods is mastered by him, maybe he can really fight a god.

Let those hypocritical gods pay the corresponding price.

"Interesting, the murderous aura in this killing sword is so majestic that even I can't ignore it. If all this murderous aura is released, it does have the power to kill gods."

"But this killing sword, after releasing all the murderous aura, can only threaten the weakest gods in the God Realm. Even so, it is a rare treasure."

Gu Yuena looked at the killing sword ahead with interest.

Feeling the majestic murderous aura contained in the killing sword, even she couldn't keep calm.

Such a strong murderous aura, I don't know how many people this sword has killed, after a long period of time, it contains such a huge murderous aura.

"Then... my lord, shall we compete?"

Di Tian continued to ask.

"If you want, you can bid and compete. Try not to let this killing sword fall into the hands of human soul masters, otherwise it will be a ticking time bomb for our soul beast clan."

Gu Yuena said softly, but her tone suddenly became serious.

This killing sword has the power to kill gods, it is best in the hands of the soul beasts.

If it is obtained by a human soul master, and a battle between the soul beast and the soul master occurs, then this killing sword may severely damage the soul beast family.

In order to avoid this scourge, the only way to kill it at the source is to auction off this killing sword, which is the most cost-effective deal.

"Okay, my lord!"

After the words were finished, Di Tian was eager to try, and immediately called out the price to participate in the next competition.

(End of this chapter)

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