Chapter 235 Gathering Tree

The specific function of this death talisman spread to everyone's ears, and everyone was surprised.

I didn't expect this death talisman to have an unexpected magical effect.

Originally, they thought that after the death talisman had resisted a fatal attack, if there was no way to get out of the dangerous situation, the three chances of this death talisman might not be able to last for too long.

I never thought that another function of the death talisman could completely solve this disadvantage.

Although the location of the teleportation is uncertain after using a chance to replace the death talisman, the final result is good.

As long as you can get out of the dangerous area, whether the final teleportation location is dangerous or not really depends on luck.

Even if teleportation is a dangerous area, it can't be so unlucky. The place where you use the death talisman three times in a row is very dangerous.

The probability of this is really too small.

Almost most soul masters have ideas about this death talisman and want to auction it off.

"The specific functions of this death talisman are these. The first auction price is: 15 soul crystals!"

Xuanshuang didn't make any other introductions, and immediately announced that the death talisman had officially started auctioning.

Afterwards, most of the soul masters began to compete to bid, and the competition for this talisman was even fiercer than the previous two auction items.

After all, everyone needs death talismans. As for the previous two auction items, they are not of much use to most soul masters.

And this death talisman can keep him alive three times. No soul master is willing to refuse such a temptation.


Half an hour has passed, and this kind of competition is gradually coming to an end.

"67 soul crystals!"

When the price was called out, the soul masters present were silent for a while, and did not intend to continue the competition.

Some people couldn't afford so many soul crystals, so they continued to raise prices to compete.

However, some soul masters have far-reaching considerations and want to take a look at the next two auction items.

After all, the first three auction items in this auction are all valuable, and perhaps the next two auction items are even more precious, which will give them an unimaginable surprise.

Therefore, a small number of forces remained on the sidelines, leaving more soul crystals to participate in the auction of the last two auction items.

"67 soul crystals once!"

"67 soul crystals twice!"

"67 soul crystals three times!"

"Since no one continues to increase the price, then this death talisman will eventually go to the tenth box."

After repeated confirmation by Xuanshuang, no one continued to increase the price, and directly announced that this death talisman was taken by Box No. [-].

Gu Yuena and other ferocious beasts were inside the tenth box.

Gu Yuena is very interested in this death talisman, after all, it can withstand three fatal crises.

I don't know if it can withstand the attack of a god-level powerhouse?
She is not interested in the power of this death talisman, what she needs to do is whether she can research how this death talisman is made.

If it is really possible to get a glimpse of the mystery and produce it in large quantities, the spirit beast family will be continued for a long time.

After spending 67 soul crystals to get this opportunity, Gu Yuena thinks it is not a loss.

In her eyes, these soul crystals are really insignificant. With her strength, it is a matter of minutes to condense a large number of soul crystals.

After Gu Yuena handed over the soul crystal to Xuanshuang, a piece of golden paper appeared in front of the tenth box, which was the previous death talisman.

Gu Yuena picked up the death talisman with both hands, it felt smoother, it didn't look like a piece of paper.

Especially the mysterious aura emanating from this piece of paper made even Gu Yuena feel very curious.

Obviously, such a thin piece of paper can withstand three fatal crises, it is really unimaginable.

Gu Yuena did not doubt the introduction of Xingdou Auction Pavilion, after all, almost none of the previous auction items were fake.

The Star Dou Auction Pavilion can even see clearly the future of a soul master and power.

It seems not surprising to make a death talisman that can withstand three fatal crises.

"It's strange that such a huge amount of divine power injected into this death talisman did not cause any disturbance. It seems that the mystery of this death talisman is a bit beyond my expectation."

The power of seven colors in Gu Yuena's right hand poured into this death talisman instantly.

After a while, the entire surrogate did not change at all.

And her previous power, entering the hands of the death talisman, seemed to be like mud entering the sea, without any trace.

She couldn't even find her power, which made Gu Yuena even more curious about this death talisman.

Such a production method is really unimaginable, Gu Yuena immediately put away this death talisman.

For a while, she couldn't figure out this surrogate talisman, so she should wait for this auction to end and study this surrogate talisman quietly.

Hope to get a good result in the end.

"The third auction item is over, please look at the fourth auction item."

Xuanshuang announced the end of the third auction and started the next auction.

Xuanshuang waved his hand, and a small emerald green tree was suspended in his right hand.

The whole small tree exuded a very strong vitality, and then a shocking scene happened.


From the moment this small tree appeared, the soul power of the entire Star Dou Auction Pavilion instantly gathered around this small tree.

Soon, a storm formed around the little tree.

The appearance of this scene made all the soul masters present look surprised.

It's hard to imagine that this small tree is so magical, gathering such a high concentration of soul power around it.

This is too weird!

Therefore, every soul master's eyes fell on Xuanshuang, wanting to hear her introduce the name and specific function of this little tree.

Being able to be the fourth auction item, the value of this small tree is, to some extent, far better than the first three auction items.

"The name of this small tree is Juyuan Tree. As the name suggests, it can gather all the energy around this small tree. There are many types of energy, and the cultivation system of Douluo Continent uses soul power. Yuan Shu can gather the soul power of the surroundings in one area."

"This small tree can continue to grow. At present, it can only gather the soul power within a radius of one meter. As this small tree continues to grow, the range of the gathered soul power will also continue to expand."

"As for how much soul power can be gathered in the end, it depends on the ultimate growth limit of this little tree."

Xuanshuang introduced the name and specific function of this Juyuan tree to many soul masters, and it is also a rare treasure.

It can gather the surrounding soul power and turn it into a blessed place for cultivation.

This is the fourth auction item that Lu Yun took out after careful consideration.

The current overall strength of Douluo Continent is not very strong, which is very unfavorable for the auction held by Star Dou Auction Pavilion.

(End of this chapter)

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