Chapter 239 Fierce Competition

Not only did Bibi Dong have such thoughts, but even the other top forces also had a sense of caution towards the No. [-] box.

In order to win the last auction item, every faction is very vigilant, lest the No. [-] box make a sudden move and interrupt their plans.

Box No. [-] got three auction items before, and the number of soul crystals brought out is breathtaking.

No one can predict that there are really not many soul crystals left in the hands of the tenth box?

Just in case, many forces became very vigilant.

How to win the finale auction item on the premise of avoiding competition from box No. [-]?

Inside compartment three.

This box is the soul master of Sea God Island.

Only two people came to Sea God Island this time, besides Bo Saixi, there was also a Witch Douluo.

This time, only the two of them came to participate in this auction.

"Great priest, should our Sea God Island take down the source of this soul crystal vein?"

"If Seagod Island has the source of this soul crystal vein, plus a water attribute treasure obtained from the Star Dou Auction Pavilion, the overall strength of Seagod Island will definitely be greatly improved."

"On the other hand, this soul crystal vein can produce soul crystals continuously, and we can also take them out to participate in the auction held by the Star Dou Auction Pavilion."

Witch Douluo came to the Star Auction Pavilion for the first time, and was very surprised to see how precious the first four auction items were.

It is really hard to imagine that such a magical baby exists in the world.

It's a pity that for the first four auction items, the Great Priest did not compete, which almost missed those few items.

As for why the big priest didn't make a move, she didn't know.

The soul crystals they brought this time are more than enough to take down one of them.

"This one can be bid for competition. I came to the Star Dou Auction Pavilion this time to prepare to bid for the final auction item."

"I also want the first four auction items very much and hope to auction them off, but in order to wait for the final auction item, I can only give up the competition for the previous auction items."

"On the other hand, you are right. The origin of this soul crystal vein is of great benefit to the improvement of the strength of Sea God Island, so of course we will not let go this time. Even if we take out all our soul crystals, we must auction it off."

Bo Saixi slowly explained the reason why she did not participate in the bidding for the first four auction items.

It was nothing more than for the finale auction item.

The origin of this soul crystal vein did not surprise her, but it was a surprise.

The rest of the forces also began to discuss, counting their own soul crystals, and prepared to do their best to take down the source of this soul crystal vein.

As for this finale auction item, whoever gets it depends on who has more soul crystals.

"The general function of this soul crystal vein is these, and there may be some other small benefits. You need to explore it yourself. The first auction price of this soul crystal vein is: 30 soul crystals."

Afterwards, Xuanshuang ended the introduction of the source of the soul crystal vein, and announced the first auction price, which was as high as 30 soul crystals.


As soon as Xuanshuang's words fell, all the top forces waited to bid for the auction.

"30 soul crystals!"

"31 soul crystals!"


The sound of bidding made the atmosphere of the entire Star Dou Auction Pavilion extremely lively.

Every faction is jealous of the competition, and they all want to win the source of this soul crystal vein.


The time is long, after an hour of competition.

The original price of this soul crystal vein also soared to 150 million soul crystals.

Until this price appeared, few forces participated in the competition.

"Damn it, as expected, I still can't get the finale auction."

When Bibi Dong heard that the price had soared all the way, soon far surpassing the soul crystal brought by the Spirit Hall this time, she couldn't help being a little angry.

Why is this auction so weird.

Especially in Box No. 120, the price has been increasing all the time, causing the price of the last auction item to exceed [-] million soul crystals.

She is not eligible to participate in the next competition.

Originally, there was still hope to obtain one of the auction items, but Box No. [-] kept intervening.

As a result of this auction, they didn't get a single item from the Spirit Hall.

This made Bibi Dong very angry in her heart, but things have come to this, she can't do anything in the Star Dou Auction Pavilion.

This is no different from courting death.

Suddenly, Bibi Dong didn't know what to think of, and there was a gloomy look in his eyes, no one knew what was going on in Bibi Dong's mind.

"Yueguan, ghosts are ready, you should always pay attention to the movement in the tenth box, and after they leave, we will follow him closely."

"In any case, the Juyuan tree before must be obtained."

Bibi Dong turned her head and gave instructions to Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo beside her.

This time the auction will definitely not be returned empty-handed, and she wants to see which faction in Box No. [-] is able to produce such a huge number of soul crystals.

However, Bibi Dong kept a secret in mind, she wouldn't act immediately when they met.

Find out the opponent's background in advance, otherwise it will inevitably capsize in the gutter.

If the opponent is extremely powerful, she can only give up unwillingly.

"Yes, Your Majesty the Pope!"

Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo nodded fiercely after hearing Bibi Dong's order.

He began to think about how to deal with the soul master in Box No. [-] next.

This time the plan is related to the future of the two of them in cultivation, and there must be no mistakes.

Otherwise, they would be forced to miss this opportunity.


In box ten.

Ditian still casually followed Bo Saixi's price competition.

It seemed that he didn't feel distressed because of these soul crystals.

Soon the price was raised by Ditian to 170 million soul crystals.

"Okay, stop the competition, there is no need to waste more time and fight with the third box."

"Although the origin of the soul crystal vein is also very precious, it is nothing more than exchanging some soul crystals condensed by human power for a soul crystal vein origin. There is not much difference between the two."

"Although cultivating on the source of this soul crystal vein, the speed will increase countless times, but according to my perception, this level of soul power is not very useful for powerful soul masters."

"Furthermore, we already have the topmost treasure, the Juyuan Tree, coupled with the soul power breath from the core area of ​​the Star Dou Great Forest, the cultivation speed is much higher than the origin of this soul crystal vein."

Suddenly, Gu Yuena was also a little bored, and directly told Di Tian not to continue raising the price.

(End of this chapter)

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