Chapter 246 Nine Tests of Asura

Tang San was also moved back hundreds of steps by this momentum, and when he raised his head again, looking at the scene ahead, he was completely stunned.

The surrounding scene has completely changed. A splendid palace appeared in the open space before.

The surrounding blood-red light kept pouring into the hall, releasing a terrifying killing aura.

Completely covering the blood-red hall, it looks cold and creepy as a whole.

"You are here, enter the Shura Temple, and start your own Shura Divine Examination."

In the moment Tang San was in a daze, a majestic voice suddenly sounded in the palace.

Lead Tang San into the palace and start the Asura Divine Examination.

Tang San didn't say anything after hearing this familiar voice, and walked into the hall with slight steps.

From the moment he entered the main hall, the surrounding scene changed again, and there was nothingness around him.

A blood-red bright light flashed ahead, attracting Tang San's attention, striding forward, saw a blood-red long sword floating in mid-air.

There are strange patterns carved on it, releasing the breathtaking power of Shura.

"This is……"

When Tang San saw this sword, a look of astonishment flashed in his eyes.

With his eyesight, he can naturally see that the forging process of this sword is very complicated and extremely powerful.

"This is the Asura Demon Sword, touch it, and start your own Asura Divine Test."

The void in front of him flashed, and then a man in a blood-red robe stood across the sky, but his body was in a state of nothingness, and his face was blocked by an unknown force.

Tang San couldn't see the real face of the person in front of him, but after hearing this voice, he knew that this person was the God King Shura.

This is just a phantom that God King Shura left behind in the Slaughter City with his divine thoughts.


Tang San took a deep breath, slowly raised his right hand, and touched the Asura Demon Sword.

From the moment the two touched, the Shura Demon Sword immediately released a blood-red light that shot straight into the sky.

The Shura Demon Sword began to make a clanging sound, which resounded throughout the Slaughter City.

Seeing the light released by the Shura Demon Sword, God King Shura's eyes flashed with shock.

Sure enough, it was beyond his expectation.

He also didn't expect Tang San's talent to be so powerful, and it was very suitable for his Asura position.

This made God King Shura feel extremely excited as if he had picked up a great treasure.

"Congratulations on successfully opening the highest inheritance of the Shura God Test: the Nine Tests of Shura."

God King Shura faced Tang San with a smile all over his face, and told the level of the divine test he had opened.

"Sura Nine Examinations, could it be that there is another grade division in the God Position Examination?"

After hearing the words of God King Shura, Tang San let out a long sigh of relief. Hearing the tone, it seemed that the level of the god test he opened was very powerful.

"The Nine Tests of Shura is the highest level in the assessment. If you can successfully complete the Nine Tests of Shura within the specified time, then you will eventually inherit the position of God Asura."

"However, if the assessment you inherit fails to reach the Asura Nine Examinations, then you will miss the position of Asura God."

God King Shura continued, answering Tang San's doubts.

In fact, at the beginning of the Asura God King, it was not certain that Tang San would be able to obtain the Asura Nine Trials and finally inherit his god position.

But he couldn't wait to pass on his god position, so Tang San started the Asura God Examination.

The final result made him very excited, and sure enough his guess was right.

Tang San is very suitable for his Shura god position.

"Get ready to accept your Shura Nine Trials!"

God King Shura didn't continue to say anything, his eyes were fixed, and the divine power in his body surged.

The Shura Demon Sword suspended in front of him released the brilliant Shura divine power.

God King Shura put his fingers together, and lightly tapped Tang San's eyebrows.

I saw a shrunken version of Shura's Demon Sword appearing between Tang San's eyebrows.

Tang San was immersed in the infusion of this huge Shura divine power.

After a while, Tang San gradually came back to his senses, and involuntarily touched the center of his brows with his hands.

Just now, he noticed a powerful force, injected it into his body, and even the soul power in his body has increased by three levels, only one level away from the soul king.

Tang San couldn't help sighing, indeed the power of God is incredible.

Only the power accepted by the divine test has been turned on, and it has been raised by three levels.

How precious would the rewards he finally received after completing each assessment be?
"Well, you have successfully accepted the Asura Nine Tests, as long as you complete the test within the specified time, then you will be the new Asura God King."

"Just use your soul power to stimulate the Shura Demon Sword between your eyebrows, and you will know the specific content of your assessment."

God King Shura continued.

When Tang San heard these words, his soul power rushed into the center of his eyebrows.

The Nine Trials of Asura appeared in his mind, the content of the first test.

"Sura's Nine Tests, the first test: Complete a hundred consecutive victories in the killing field."

"Time limit: one year."

Tang San was a little surprised when he saw the content of his first assessment.

Just need to complete a hundred consecutive victories?

Originally, he felt relaxed about this task, but when he saw the deadline later, he couldn't keep calm.

Only for one year?

This is a bit too difficult. He only completed [-] consecutive victories in a month, and the further he goes, the less likely he is to win.

The first test of the Shura Nine Tests is so difficult, I can't imagine the difficulty of the last few tests, how can it be terrifying?

Suddenly, Tang San thought of Dai Mubai and the others.

"By the way, God King Shura, I don't know if my partners can also participate in the assessment?"

Tang San asked expectantly.

"Yes, but they have no way to obtain the Asura Nine Examinations. Although the assessment level they obtained is relatively low, the rewards they get for completing the assessment are also very precious."

"All you need to do is let your partner touch the Asura Demon Sword, and the Asura God assessment will start automatically. I wish you success in the assessment and inherit the Asura God position as soon as possible."

God King Shura continued.

He told Tang San how to help his partners to successfully start the Asura Divine Examination.

What kind of assessment they get in the end depends on their own talent.

After God King Shura finished speaking, his figure gradually blurred and disappeared between the sky and the earth in an instant.

Only this Asura Demon Sword was left, floating in front of Tang San.

Tang San left the hall, and told Dai Mubai and the others the news.

Everyone was very surprised when they heard the shocking news.

It is extremely lucky for them to be able to participate in God's assessment.

Thus, Dai Mubai and the others non-stop came to the Asura Temple, touched the Asura Demon Sword, and prepared to start the Asura Divine Examination.

The rest of the people got the assessment surprisingly consistent, almost exactly the same as the Seagod's assessment in the original book.

It's just that the Sea God was replaced by the God of Shura.

The content of their first assessment is to complete a hundred consecutive victories in the killing field, but it will be sooner or later.

(End of this chapter)

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