Chapter 248 Caused Continent Shock
"It's just how many of you have passed the assessment of God Asura?"

The Slaughter King's serious tone came out.

"Damn, who is this person? Why did he target us as soon as he appeared?"

Dai Mubai and the others couldn't help cursing inwardly, they didn't dare to resist, after all in their perception, the man in front of them was extremely powerful.

If they were not careful, they would even be killed by the man in front of them, so they could only swallow this breath.

"This coercion is almost the same as the coercion released from Bibi Dong, so this person is also a powerhouse of Limit Douluo, could he be the King of Slaughter?"

Tang San began to think about the identity of the person in front of him, after feeling the coercion of the Limit Douluo around him.

Within a moment, Tang San guessed the identity of the man in front of him, he should be the Slaughter King.

"Your Majesty the King of Slaughter, we have indeed passed the test of the Asura God."

Tang San said it honestly.

"Oh, then what level of assessment did you get?"

At this moment, the Slaughter King continued to ask.

Hearing these words, Tang San fell into hesitation, and didn't intend to tell his real assessment level.

He also didn't know what the attitude of the Slaughter King was.

"The assessment level that the few of us obtained is only the Sixth Examination of Shura."

Tang San randomly made up an assessment level.

I hope to be able to get away with it. Judging from the attitude of the Slaughter King, it seems that the comer is not good.

"Huh? You lied!"

The Slaughter King, who had already believed in it, suddenly noticed an inexplicable change.

Especially the Asura Demonic Sword pattern on the center of Tang San's eyebrows released a powerful aura, which was obviously completely different from the auras of the people around him.

I probably know from this that Tang San lied to him!
So the Slaughter King didn't intend to continue asking, put his two fingers together, the surging killing power surged out from his fingertips, and instantly came in front of Tang San.

Pointing at Tang San's eyebrows with both fingers, he saw the pattern of Shura's Demon Sword, suddenly releasing endless youth.

The Slaughter King was also shocked by this powerful divine power, showing a horrified expression.

"It's the Asura Nine Trials!"

The King of Slaughter made an unbelievable sound.

That's right!

Although he didn't get the Asura Nine Trials, the pattern on Tang San's brows clearly established a connection with the body of the Asura Demon Sword.

In other words, with the gradual completion of the assessment, the connection between Tang San and Shura Demon Sword will become closer and closer.

After completely completing the Asura Nine Trials, Tang San is equivalent to completely mastering the Asura Demon Sword.

Apart from the Nine Trials of Shura, there is no assessment level that can establish a connection with the Shura Demon Sword.

"I didn't expect that you got the Asura Nine Tests!"

A killing intent flashed in the Slaughter King's eyes, but he quickly concealed it.

He is also working hard to inherit the throne of Asura, but who is this young man in front of him, who actually took away his chance out of thin air.

This made the King of Slaughter have a killing intent, wanting to wipe Tang San off immediately.

But he knew that now was not the best time to kill Tang San.

"Very good, I hope your next assessment goes well!"

After a moment of silence, the Slaughter King said meaningfully.

After saying this, he turned and left the place.

The few people who stayed in Tang San stood in place, their faces full of uncertainty.

They don't know exactly what the Slaughter King thinks, and they seem to be shocked by Shura Jiukao.

"This is trouble!"

On the way, Tang San remembered the various behaviors of the Slaughter King before, and a bad premonition suddenly appeared in his heart.

I always feel that the next assessment will not go well.

Just like that, Tang San and the others left Shura Temple with anxiety, went to the killing field, and completed the first assessment as soon as possible.

When Tang San triggered the Shura Nine Trials, the Shura God Demon Sword released that bright red light, which directly spread to the outside world.

Therefore, everyone in Douluo Continent's top powerhouses has sensed the change of this aura.


On the third floor of the Xingdou Auction Pavilion, Lu Yun was practicing in the room, and did not notice the appearance of the powerful aura from the outside world.

The Star Dou Auction Pavilion is almost isolated from the atmosphere of the outside world, no matter how powerful that force is, it cannot affect the interior of the Star Dou Auction Pavilion.

At this time, in one of the rooms, the black dragon immediately noticed the change.

Heilong thought for a while, but still planned to tell the Pavilion Master about this change.

When he came to Lu Yun's room, under Lu Yun's curious gaze, he told all about the aura he felt before.

"Pavilion Master, before in the northeast direction of the Star Dou Auction Pavilion, there was a powerful killing aura released, the power of this aura far exceeded the limit of the Douluo Continent, and even in the world above, it belonged to the top level .”

The black dragon told Lu Yun all the intensity of the breath he felt.

"Huh? Killing power? Exceeding the limit of the Douluo Continent?"

"Could it be the God King Shura!"

"So that's the case. It seems that Tang San at this time has already obtained the approval of the God King of Shura, and has officially started the test of the God of Shura."

Lu Yun was only stunned for a moment, and he probably guessed the reason of the matter.

After hearing these few pieces of news, Tang San knew without even thinking about it, Tang San had passed the Asura Divine Examination.

If there is no accident, it should be the highest level of the Asura God King's assessment: Shura Nine Tests.

"I know about this matter, don't worry about it for now."

Lu Yun responded casually.

Now Tang San's strength can't pose any threat to them at all.

Even if Tang San's talent was very strong, and the God King Shura had given him a small stove, in just five years, he couldn't complete the Nine Trials of Shura and be successfully promoted to the new God King Shura.

Even if Tang San became the God King of Shura, he couldn't make any waves in front of him.


Wuhun Temple.

Bibi Dong immediately sensed the aura above the Slaughter City.

He directly guessed what happened in the killing capital.

She once passed the Sansheng Stone, and has seen the final fate of the Wuhun Palace.

He also knew that the City of Slaughter was the domain left behind by God King Shura after he broke through level [-] and became a god.

"Tang San, it really is the culprit of the Spirit Hall!"

Bibi Dong snorted coldly, an earth-shattering killing intent flashed in her eyes.

She was not reckless and immediately went to the Slaughter City, and no one knew whether the God King Shura had left behind in the Slaughter City.

In order to prevent her from capsizing in the gutter after going to the killing capital, unnecessary troubles will be caused.

Tang San couldn't complete all the assessments in a short period of time, thus becoming the God King of Shura.

She must seize the time to break through her own seal now, otherwise she will prove herself a god after three years, which will be very troublesome.

The Shura God King is the most powerful god in the God Realm.

And after she proved herself as a god, she was only the weakest existence among the god-level powerhouses.

In order to rewrite the final fate of Wuhundian and kill Tang San, she must become a god as soon as possible and hurry up to practice.

(End of this chapter)

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