Chapter 256 5 Years Soul Bone

"And this corpse powder can perfectly solve this problem. Just lightly sprinkle some corpse powder on the corpse, and the corpse will disappear into nothingness in an instant, and there will be no breath left on the scene. When it comes down, no trace can be detected.”

In this way, Lu Yun briefly introduced the name and specific function of the third auction item.

From a certain point of view, this corpse powder is indeed not very precious, but for some people, it is a rare self-protection artifact.

With the Corpse Powder, one can kill enemies recklessly without worrying about revenge from the forces behind them. This is the best of both worlds.

Therefore, the overall preciousness of the third auction item that Lu Yun took out must be far inferior to the first two auction items.

Lu Yun knew that all the soul masters present didn't bring much gold soul coins, so he didn't take out too precious treasures this time.

"Is it just used to dispose of corpses? This corpse powder is not very useful. After all, we can use our own soul power to completely destroy corpses. As for other soul masters, they can't detect anything at all. "

"Hmph, your thinking is a little simple. Some martial spirits can still trace the murderer based on the breath of the scene. It's better to be careful."

"Hey, the preciousness of this corpse powder is far inferior to the previous two auction items. I will withdraw directly and let you compete."


Many soul masters at the scene discussed one after another, expressing their indifference to this corpse fan.

Especially the top powers among them, they are among the big powers, even if they kill other people by mistake, no one dares to come to take revenge with their own power background.

Therefore, this corpse powder is really insignificant to them.

"The specific functions of this corpse powder are these. If so, the first auction price is: 100 million gold soul coins!"

At this time, Lu Yun finished the introduction of the corpse fan, and directly announced the price of the first auction.

Afterwards, the Star Dou Auction Pavilion suddenly fell into a new round of competition.

But the level of competition this time is far less intense than the previous auction.

Moreover, most of the competing soul masters are from the first level, and there are also individual forces on the second level who choose to compete.

10 minutes passed, and the competition was gradually coming to an end. This competition ended too quickly.

"339 gold soul coins once!"

"339 gold soul coins twice!"

"339 gold soul coins three times!"

"Since no one continues to increase the price, I will announce the third auction item, which will be won by the number 92 wooden sign."

Lu Yun reconfirmed that no one would continue to increase the price, and immediately announced that this corpse powder would eventually belong to a black-robed man in the corner of the first floor.

But because the clothes cover the face, people look down on the appearance.

Pay in one hand and deliver in one hand.

"The third auction item is over. Next, please look at the fourth auction item. I believe this item is very precious to you."

Lu Yun announced the next fourth auction item, and said in a playful tone, planting a surprise.

After a while, Lu Yun raised his right hand lightly, and a soul bone appeared in front of him in an instant.

The appearance of this soul bone is the soul bone of the left arm, and the surface of the soul bone releases a powerful force of thunder.

The ferocious and explosive aura vibrated directly towards the surroundings. The soul masters sitting in the front all felt the violent aura produced by this soul bone.

The breath of the soul bone after the death of this soul beast also made it difficult for the weak soul master in front of him to breathe.

"This is the soul bone!"

"It's still a ten-thousand-year spirit bone!"

From the moment this spirit bone appeared, the soul masters present stared forward dumbfounded.

All the shocking colors before appeared in the eyes, after all, this is a soul bone.

A soul beast with a low age will only explode its soul bone by chance and coincidence. As for a soul beast with a high age, the chance of exploding a soul bone is naturally higher.

But for ordinary soul masters in the Sun Moon Continent, how can they hunt and kill high-age soul beasts?
They also didn't expect that the Star Dou Auction Pavilion actually took out a soul bone for auction.

This handwriting...

It's amazing!
This is not what surprised everyone, the age of this soul bone has actually reached more than ten thousand years.

The flickering thunder power surprised all the soul masters, it was obviously a thunder attribute left arm soul bone.

"This soul bone is the fourth auction item in our auction this time. The age of this soul bone is a thunder attribute soul bone of more than 5 years, which burst out from a Thunder Tiger of more than 5 years. of."

"I don't need to say more about the power of the 5-year spirit bone, not to mention the extremely lethal thunder attribute spirit bone."

"The soul skill born from this soul bone is a powerful soul skill. As for how powerful it is, it needs to be perceived by the photographer."

Lu Yun clearly introduced the power of this 5-year-old spirit bone.

As for the soul bone skills that were born, he didn't give too much introduction.

In the eyes of soul masters from the Sun Moon Continent, soul bones are extremely rare, and they are treasures that cannot be ignored.

"This 5-year-old thunder attribute soul bone, the first auction price is: 400 million gold soul coins!"

Lu Yun paused for a moment, and directly announced the first auction price of this soul bone, which reached 400 million gold soul coins.

Such a high age spirit bone is extremely rare, no matter how high the price is, some people are willing to take it at all costs.

It's a pity that when this first auction price appeared, most soul masters showed disappointment.

400 million gold soul coins is too exaggerated!

This time they came to join in the fun, but who would have thought that the Xingdou Auction Pavilion would auction off 5-year-old soul bones?

They didn't have enough gold soul coins to participate in the competition, so they could only watch helplessly as the soul bone in front slipped away.

"400 gold soul coins!"

"401 gold soul coins!"


"480 gold soul coins!"

Even with such a high price, there are individual top forces participating in the competition.

Although only a few forces participated in the competition, their voices were much louder than the previous competition.

It is enough to see that everyone's pursuit of this 5-year-old soul bone is unimaginable.

"This is too bad. I knew I would have brought more gold soul coins this time. Although the elders mentioned that I had already brought most of the gold soul coins, but looking at this posture, this 5 The soul bones of many years may very well be missed by our Sun Moon Empire."

At this moment, after Xu Hao heard the intensity of the next competition, a dignified expression appeared on his face.

I don't have full confidence in my heart that I can successfully auction it off.

After all, he didn't expect that this time the Star Dou Auction Pavilion would actually take out a soul bone that was more than 5 years old.

Much beyond his expectations.

(End of this chapter)

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