Chapter 259 Two Mysterious Beasts

When Mingde Hall called out the price, the entire Xingdou Auction Pavilion fell into silence, and no one immediately chose to increase the price.

The rest of the soul masters are also looking forward to the next scene. In the end, will the manufacturing blueprint of this ninth-level soul tool be sold at such a price?

Lu Yun also listened to whether anyone would continue to increase the price. After a while, he still did not choose to bid immediately.

You probably know the final result.

"1592 gold soul coins once!"

"1592 gold soul coins twice!"

"1592 gold soul coins three times!"

"Since no one continues to increase the price, I will announce the last auction item. The blueprint for making this ninth-level soul tool will be obtained from Box 2."

In the end, Lu Yun repeatedly confirmed that no one continued to increase the price, and directly announced the final ownership of the blueprint for the manufacture of this ninth-level soul tool.



At this time, the old man and Xu Hao, who were keeping a high level of tension, burst out laughing when they heard Lu Yun finally announced that they had successfully won the manufacturing blueprint of the ninth-level soul tool.

The fists beside him were clenched tightly, and they were extremely happy.

The two of them were more fortunate, fortunately no one continued to increase the price, otherwise the final result would be unimaginable.

In this way, Lu Yun handed over the blueprint to the No. 2 box, and also received the golden soul coin from Mingdetang.

"Okay, the five auction items in this auction have all been auctioned by others, and this auction has ended perfectly."

"In the future, our Star Dou Auction Pavilion will hold a small auction once a month, and a large auction once a year. I also hope that all soul masters will participate as scheduled."

"In addition, starting from the next auction, the trading currency in our Star Dou Auction Pavilion will no longer use gold soul coins, but a brand new currency called: soul crystals. As for what soul crystals are, I will tell you later will tell you."

At this time, Lu Yun announced that the auction was officially over, and also told that the transaction currency used in the next auction would be soul crystals.

After all, the profits obtained from soul crystals are more than gold soul coins, so Lu Yun has no reason not to give up gold soul coins for trading.

After the soul masters present heard these words, everyone showed doubts on their faces.

What is a soul crystal?
Why have they never heard of it?

Since the soul crystal that can replace the golden soul coin must be a trading currency invented by the Star Dou Auction Pavilion.

So everyone was full of anticipation that the Star Dou Auction Pavilion could produce so many precious treasures.

I think the next soul crystal must be a very magical currency.

Less than a moment later, Lu Yun told the soul masters present the specific method of condensing soul crystals.

After a long time, after everyone saw the specific condensing method of the soul crystal and its powerful effect, everyone's heart was stirred up.

They never thought that such a magical soul crystal existed in the world.

Not only can it be used for trading, but it can also be used for cultivation.

This also made individual top powerhouses realize that the appearance of soul crystals would definitely change the entire pattern of the Sun Moon Continent.

Perhaps within a few years, golden soul coins will be completely eliminated, and soul crystals will become the mainstream trading currency in the Sun Moon Continent.

Once again, they realized the mystery of the Star Dou Auction Pavilion.

With the existence of the Star Dou Auction Pavilion, the forces they belong to will definitely be affected and lose most of their benefits.

After everyone understood the other rules of the Star Dou Auction Pavilion, they did not stay any longer, and left the Star Dou Auction Pavilion with light steps.

He began to tell the members of the forces behind him not to provoke the Xingdou Auction Pavilion.

"It's a lot of money!"

The soul masters left one after another, and Lu Yun also converted all the golden soul coins he got this time into auction sites.

Just as Lu Yun was about to leave the auction stage, a middle-aged man walked in front of him.

After Lu Yun sensed someone coming, he looked up, and when he saw the man's face, he showed a surprised look on his face.

That's right!

This man was a former Limit Douluo expert. After seeing him coming here, Lu Yun couldn't help but have some doubts in his heart.

At this time, the auction is over, shouldn't you leave the Star Dou Auction Pavilion?

"Is there anything you need?"

Lu Yun expressed the doubts in his heart, and looked at the middle-aged man inquiringly.

"I want you Xingdou Auction Pavilion to do something for me. Don't worry, I won't let you do it for no reason. I'm willing to pay a certain amount."

The middle-aged man flashed a killing intent in his eyes, and then said to Lu Yun in a solemn tone.

"Oh, you should know that our Star Dou Auction Pavilion is only doing auction transactions. As for your matter, our Star Dou Auction Pavilion doesn't seem to be interested."

Hearing this, Lu Yun raised his eyebrows and said in a soft voice, which could be regarded as a tactful rejection of the middle-aged man's request for help.

He didn't want to get involved in the affairs between the Sun Moon Continent, just hold an auction.

As for the reward the man said, Lu Yun didn't care much.

In his opinion, this man can't bring out anything precious, even if he is a Limit Douluo expert, he won't show something that makes his heart flutter.

In the god-level store, there are countless treasures from the heavens and the world. You only need to spend a certain amount of auction points, and you can get any kind of treasure.

"Is it still not possible?"

At this moment, the middle-aged man did not get angry when he heard Lu Yun's words.

It's just that there is a gloomy look in the eyes, and there is a sad breath all over the body.

When Lu Yun saw this man, his temperament suddenly changed, and he became even more puzzled.

Logically speaking, this middle-aged man is an extreme Douluo powerhouse, and his strength ranks at the top level of the Sun Moon Continent. What can be difficult for him?
[Ding, it was detected that the host was too lazy, so a task was issued. 】

[Please host to help this middle-aged man kill two 60-year-old soul beasts.Reward: One of the fragments of the mysterious Rift. 】

At this moment, the cold voice of the system suddenly sounded in Lu Yun's mind.

Lu Yun was also taken aback by the sudden sound, the system didn't make any sound for no reason.

Unexpectedly, this incident triggered a mission.

After hearing the content of this mission, Lu Yun was even more surprised. It turned out to be two spirit beasts with more than 60 years.

This is too unbelievable!

I never thought that in today's Sun Moon Continent, there are actually two 60-year-old beasts, it's so weird.

In the Sun Moon Continent ten thousand years later, there are no two 60-year-old beasts.

After Lu Yun thought about it for a while, he understood everything.

Today's Sun Moon Continent is not the Sun Moon Continent ten thousand years later, perhaps there are still some powerful soul beasts that are unknown.

In ten thousand years, it may have gone to extinction.

"Tell me, if you can impress me, maybe our Star Dou Auction Pavilion is willing to help you solve your predicament."

After a while, Lu Yun said softly.

Now that the system has given the task, he has nothing to do, so he went to take a look at the task.

(End of this chapter)

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