Douluo: 10-year-old soul bones are auctioned at the beginning

Chapter 263 Using the Power of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 263 Using the Power of Heaven and Earth
The so-called meeting of enemies makes them extremely jealous.

Even though Mu Tianxing was very afraid of the strength of this soul beast, thinking of Lu Yun's words before gave him full confidence.

Immediately, the eyes became extremely scarlet.

"If I came alone to deal with you two soul beasts, maybe I would hate the Northwest this time, but I'm not alone at this time."

"So today is the day when you two soul beasts will die!"

Emboldened, Mu Tianxing taunted the soul beast in front of him with a murderous intent in his tone.

"Oh, it's the two young men next to you. They will be my opponents. You must be out of your mind!"

When the soul beast in front heard Mu Tianxing's words, it burst into a smile, its face full of disdain.

He saw that Lu Yun and Jiuyou were young, how could they possess such great strength?

Originally, when he saw the three of them coming to this secret realm, a bad premonition suddenly emerged in his heart.

Before this, Mu Tianxing was alone, and it took them a lot of effort to defeat the two soul beasts.

Now their two soul beasts have obtained a great opportunity, so their strength has been greatly improved.

Even if Mu Tianxing came here again, he would not be a match for their two soul beasts.

Only then did he come out of the cave alone, and he alone was enough to deal with this life-or-death human soul master.

As a result, two more people came suddenly, but seeing that the faces of these two people were very young, they did not regard them as too much threat.

It's just that it should be taken for granted that these two people accompanied Mu Tianxing to die.

"Hmph, it's still unknown who will win in the end!"

"watch out!"

Mu Tianxing didn't intend to waste words with this soul beast, the soul power in his body surged, and the majestic Limit Douluo's coercion permeated the audience.

Immediately afterwards, a huge bear-like martial spirit suddenly appeared behind Mu Tianxing, covered with yellow hair, and the pressure in his eyes released like Mount Tai.

Nine soul rings flashed around him.

Yellow, yellow, purple, purple, black, black, black, black, black.

It's just the most common soul ring configuration, but Mu Tianxing is also a genuine Ultimate Douluo powerhouse, so he is also an invincible existence in the Sun Moon Continent.

"The Vajra Bear Martial Soul?"

"It may be because of the origin of the secret realm that Mu Tianxing's martial soul has evolved to a higher level, but there is still a slight gap from the top martial soul."

After Lu Yun saw Mu Tianxing's martial soul, the name of this martial soul appeared in his mind.

The King Kong bear is a high-level soul beast, and there is still a little distance from the top-level soul beast.

With this level of martial spirit, one who has cultivated to the limit of Douluo is enough to see how powerful the effect of the secret source that Mu Tianxing took before is.

Generally speaking, a soul master with a high-level martial soul is already a genius soul master if he breaks through to a soul saint. As for the titled Douluo powerhouse, it is almost impossible.

"Seventh Soul Skill: Martial Soul Avatar."

Mu Tianxing didn't dare to be arrogant at all, and dealt with the soul beast in front of him with a full-blown posture.

The seven soul rings on his body shone with brilliance, and the martial soul of the Vajra Bear behind him expanded several times again.

At this moment, Mu Tianxing's aura was earth-shattering, and the coercion was completely released.

"The fourth soul skill: Vajra Rage Fist!"

Mu Tianxing jumped up, and the fourth purple soul ring on his body lit up.

The Vajra Bear Martial Soul behind him beat his chest vigorously, and two khaki rays of light condensed from the bear fist, rushing straight into the sky with frightening power.

He blasted directly at the soul beast in front of him.

"Small tricks are worthy of displaying embarrassment."

Seeing this tickling attack, the soul beast in front didn't show any serious expression.

The power of the ferocious beast in the body surged violently, raised his right fist slightly, and blasted forward abruptly.

"Bang bang bang!"

Just like that, the two attacks collided, and there were bursts of bangs.

Mu Tianxing felt a huge force rushing from his fist to his whole body, and his expression suddenly changed.

Using soul power to weaken this attack, even so, Mu Tianxing was shocked back more than a dozen steps, with blood dripping slightly from the corner of his mouth, and his expression became extremely serious.

"Damn it, your strength has improved so much!"

Mu Tianxing wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and stared fixedly at the soul beast in front of him.

Compared with the strength of the soul beast a year ago, compared with today, the difference in strength is too huge.

It's almost impossible!

Originally, he was able to use soul skills and confront it with more than a dozen moves. If the two soul beasts hadn't joined forces to attack him, he might not have been defeated.

Now his all-out attack was actually defeated by this soul beast's casual attack.


"Sure enough, the guess is correct, these two soul beasts can use the power of heaven and earth in this incomplete secret realm."

"It's no wonder that even though Mu Tianxing exerted all his strength, he still couldn't match this spirit beast."

A golden light flashed in Lu Yun's eyes, and he saw the attacks from the two sides.

Just as the soul beast was circulating its soul power, he sensed a change in the power of heaven and earth in the entire secret realm.

A part of the power of heaven and earth was fully blessed in the body of the soul beast, and only then did the scene just now happen.

Mu Tianxing, who used all his strength, was repelled by that soul beast's casual blow.

"Okay, leave this beast to us to deal with. It's normal that you are not his opponent if you can use the power of heaven and earth in this area."

At this time, Lu Yun came to Mu Tianxing's side, asked him to withdraw from the battle, and explained the reason.

Mu Tianxing was even more surprised when he heard the news.

Being able to use the power of heaven and earth, is this really something a soul beast can do?

Mu Tianxing also knew how much he weighed, and he was not a match for these two soul beasts before.

Now that this soul beast can use the power of heaven and earth, he is even less sure of winning.

That being the case, this battle should be handed over to the Star Dou Auction Pavilion.

"Who are you, why can you see the source of my strength!"

The soul beast looked at Lu Yun vigilantly, and he was also shocked.

Lu Yun actually said that it can use the power of heaven and earth in this incomplete secret realm.

This also made him truly realize that it was definitely not easy for Mu Tianxing to bring two soul masters this time.

"This sentence is given to you intact. In my eyes, your petty skills are like fakes. Don't play tricks in front of me, you will only ask for trouble."

Lu Yun said in a calm tone.

"court death!"

After hearing these words, the soul beast was furious and roared angrily.

He decisively used the power of the entire secret realm, acting on his whole body, and then condensed a more terrifying attack with his right fist, blasting towards Lu Yun in front.

Seeing this situation, Jiuyou came to Lu Yun's body in an instant, and his divine power was running.

Prepare to use your power to get rid of this lifeless soul beast.

(End of this chapter)

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