Douluo: 10-year-old soul bones are auctioned at the beginning

Chapter 270 The Power of the Level 9 Soul Guidance Tool

Chapter 270 The Power of the Ninth-Level Soul Guidance Device

"It's too strong. I'm absolutely sure. I have no chance of surviving under this attack. I don't even have a chance to get close to this ice phoenix. If I don't get close, I will be completely frozen into an ice sculpture, and I will be completely alive." none."

The old man stared at the ice phoenix soaring in the sky in shock, and felt a sense of fear in his heart.

Directly speaking of this attack, it has the power to destroy the world.

"Hiss, it's so scary!"

When Xu Hao heard these words, he couldn't help but also took a deep breath.

The elder is a titled Douluo powerhouse above level 95, and he is also the top group of people in the Sun Moon Continent.

But who would have thought that the elder actually said that he couldn't even get close to this ice phoenix.

It is enough to imagine how powerful the soul master who released this attack is.

"Sigh, it's been a troubled time, let's not talk about the Star Dou Auction Pavilion appearing out of thin air, and now there is another strong man whose strength is unknown. It seems that the situation in the Sun Moon Continent will be chaotic!"

Afterwards, the elder sighed and stopped exploring the matter.

After all, this kind of strong man is not something he can easily detect.

The current situation in the Sun Moon Continent is too chaotic.

"Yes, during this period of time, our Sun Moon Empire still needs to be cautious."

Xu Hao agreed with the elder's words very much, so he made up his mind to let the soul masters of the Sun Moon Empire keep their own place and practice quietly.

Quickly improve your strength and enhance your empire's foundation, remember not to go out and provoke other forces at will.

Xu Hao and the elders left this place one after another. After all, the ice phoenix had disappeared before their eyes.


Mingde Hall.

At this time, the real ruler of Mingde Hall, the Hall Master: Hao Hongchen.

He also felt the powerful power of the ice, and looked at the ice phoenix soaring in the sky with serious eyes.

Sensing the strange fluctuations in the breath, his brows were furrowed, and his face became extremely solemn as he didn't know what to think of.

"how can that be possible?"

"There is a brand new soul tool in the Sun Moon Continent, and it is still a ninth-level soul tool with such a powerful ice power. This is impossible!"

"Could it be the Star Auction Pavilion?"

At this time, Hao Hongchen felt the ice phoenix soaring in the sky and the breath it released.

That breath is similar to the breath released by a ninth-level soul tool. If it weren't for the soul master who often makes high-level soul tools, he really wouldn't be able to find it.

However, this is what shocked Hao Hongchen. After all, nine-level soul tools are extremely rare on the Sun Moon Continent.

And now the nine-level soul tool that appeared in the Sun Moon Continent, he knows exactly what kind of power it has.

Only the ninth-level soul guide that I bought from the Xingdou Auction Pavilion before, the specific power is not clear.

This transformed ice phoenix is ​​obviously another attack released by a brand new ninth-level soul tool.

After this incident in the Xingdou Auction Pavilion, Hao Hongchen naturally connected this soul tool with the Xingdou Auction Pavilion.

Afterwards, Hao Hongchen's heart became extremely serious. It seemed that the background of Xingdou Auction Pavilion was deeper than he imagined.

Not only did they take out the blueprints for the production of the ninth-level soul guide, but they even had the finished products.

It's still a different kind of nine-level soul guide than before.

The status of the Star Dou Auction Pavilion still needs to be considered.

After a long time, Hao Hongchen did not stay here for too long, and returned to the secret place of Mingde Hall.

Next, he will try his best to make that ninth-level soul guide.

Nowadays, there are very few soul masters who can create nine-level soul tools, and as the head of Mingde Hall, he naturally possesses this strength.


This is an inaccessible area, it is barren, and there are no living creatures around.

In the black and red mist, there are huge attics built here. At a glance, countless crows are flying in the sky.

The surroundings of these attics contained a very strong evil spirit. If a normal soul master penetrated into them, he would probably be infected by this evil force and eventually become a monster who only knew how to kill.

The most central area of ​​this black mist.

A man in a black robe was cultivating in an unknown place, with a powerful aura that instantly shook his surroundings.

The evil power of the entire area poured into his body continuously, and the strength of this black-robed man was gradually improving.


"What's going on? Why is there a bad feeling?"

Suddenly, this black-robed man felt a bad feeling in his heart, and then opened his eyes, the dark pupils gleamed with endless evil power.

This is also what makes the man in black extremely puzzled. Logically speaking, with his strength in the Sun Moon Continent, he is an invincible existence.

How could there be a strong man who could threaten his existence.

Moreover, no one knew about the base camp of their evil soul masters.

All of this is full of weirdness, one must know that with his strength, his premonition is generally not wrong.

In order to be careful, this man in black robe also planned to leave this place to avoid unexpected accidents.

But when the man got up, suddenly a phoenix's voice spread throughout the area.

A powerful force of ice descended, instantly freezing the crow in the sky into an ice sculpture, and finally fell to the ground, smashed into ice slag.

"not good!"

The man in black robe felt terrified after feeling the power of the ice.

He finally knew what his bad premonition was, it was the power of ice that was about to strike.

"Damn it, what is it that can erupt such ice power, and I have never heard of a soul master who has cultivated the power of ice to such a level!"

The black-robed man was extremely puzzled, who exactly erupted such a terrifying power of ice.

Seeing that the attack was about to come, the black-robed man didn't delay any longer, he spread his right hand and released his martial spirit.

In an instant, a thick vine stood in the air, and then turned into vines, surrounding the black-robed man.

Nine soul rings suddenly appeared on this black-robed man.

Yellow, yellow, purple, purple, black, black, black, red, red.

From the moment these black and red vines appeared, the evil power in the entire area suddenly plunged into riots.

"Seventh Soul Skill: Martial Soul Avatar!"

The black-robed man released his martial spirit avatar, and a burst of Limit Douluo's aura shook the void.

Prepare to withstand the coming force of ice.

"Eighth Soul Ability: Light of the Blood Vine!"

The eighth 10-year soul ring on the black-robed man immediately released a monstrous red light, and then the vines swelled against the wind.

Then they were combined together to form a huge barrier, blocking the man in black robe.

He wanted to use the strength of the 10-year soul ability to resist this ice power that contained a terrifying crisis.

(End of this chapter)

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