Chapter 273
【The host please don't be too whimsical. With your current strength and background, even if you are given ten thousand years, you will have no way to cultivate a real world tree. 】

[However, the host, if you are lucky, you may be able to rejuvenate this branch and grow seedlings. After long-term cultivation, this World Tree seedling will continue to grow and grow. 】

[Even if the World Tree is in a weak period, it is a great opportunity for the host. 】

At this moment, the system mercilessly dispelled the fantasy in Lu Yun's heart. It was simply impossible to cultivate a world tree in its heyday.

But I still told Lu Yun that it is possible to cultivate a young World Tree.

"So, it seems that the world tree is more difficult to cultivate than I imagined."

Hearing this, Lu Yun sighed leisurely, but he was not discouraged.

The system said that if he is lucky, he can cultivate a seedling.

Even if it is a seedling, it was the weak period of World Tree.

What kind of benefits will be brought in the end, even Lu Yun can't imagine. With this in mind, Lu Yun is ready to start cultivating the World Tree.

Bring this withered branch back to life.

Lu Yun planned to put this branch in the secret realm of chaos for cultivation, but at this time he was in the Sun Moon Continent, and the secret realm of chaos remained in the Douluo Continent.

In a short period of time, he has no way to completely revive this withered branch.

On the other hand, it is impossible for him to go to Douluo Continent immediately, so he must try his best to maintain the vitality in this branch.

Lu Yun thought directly into the god-level store, and began to search for treasures that can radiate the vitality of this branch of the world tree.

After nearly half an hour of selection, according to the effect and price, Lu Yun selected an item named Shenshui of Life.

This divine water of life comes from a powerful elf world, and this divine water of life has the effect of the flesh and bones of the living dead.

Especially for plants, it has unimaginable benefits.

I believe that with this divine water of life, this branch should be able to keep alive for several months.

On the other hand, Lu Yun was not sure whether the result would be as he expected.

After all, this branch comes from the branch of the world tree. It has an extraordinary origin, and ordinary treasures have no way to affect it at all.

Lu Yun spent nearly 100 million auction points to buy a drop of life water.

Just such a drop of life water is worth 100 million auction points, which makes Lu Yun feel a little distressed.

But for the sake of long-term consideration, it is better to let go of this small benefit in front of you.

From the moment the 100 million auction points disappeared, a drop of green liquid suddenly appeared in front of Lu Yun.

From the moment this drop of green liquid appeared, violent vitality instantly flooded the entire room.

Lu Yun bathed in this powerful force of vitality unconsciously, and let out a long sigh of relief.

As for the soul power consumed before, it was recovered instantly at this moment.

This made Lu Yun sigh, the strength of this vitality is worthy of being a treasure worth 100 million auction points.

On the whole, it is not a loss. I hope this drop of life magic water can bring him unexpected results.

Lu Yun took out the withered branch.

Immediately afterwards, the withered branch felt the enormous vitality filling the room, and a layer of brown light appeared on the surface of the branch, which looked extremely mysterious.

"It really works!"

Seeing this situation, Lu Yun knew it was safe this time.

So without hesitation, he slowly blended this drop of the divine water of life into the branch that was about to wither.

This withered branch, after absorbing this drop of life water.


Suddenly, a terrifying green light erupted, covering the entire branch, emitting a strange light.

I saw that the brown bark on the surface of this branch gradually fell off part of it.

A part of the green bark re-grows, and the whole branch contains vitality that cannot be ignored.

After the effect of this drop of life-sacred water disappeared, the movement and movement completely returned to calm.

The appearance of this branch has completely changed.

Half of it is green and half is brown. The vitality inside is much stronger than before.

"According to this situation, it should be able to maintain life for at least a month or two."

Lu Yun breathed a sigh of relief after sensing the current situation of the branch.

After all, this vitality is enough to last for two months, and Lu Yun originally planned to leave the Sun Moon Continent.

After the next auction is over and Lu Yun arranges everything, he will return to the Douluo Continent.

His main attention is still on the Douluo Continent.

When the two continents are almost all under the control of the Star Dou Auction Pavilion, then he can start to completely merge the Douluo Continent and the Sun Moon Continent into one.

At that time, he will not have to cross the endless sea and shuttle between the two continents.

After a while, Lu Yun put away the branch and directly absorbed all the remaining vitality in the room.

This is a full 100 million auction points, absolutely not a single bit of it wasted.


The time is long, and ten days have passed in the blink of an eye.

This day is the day when the Star Dou Auction Pavilion will hold an auction.

Compared with the previous auction, this auction has more people and stronger strength.

Half an hour before the start of the auction, many people sat in the entire Star Dou Auction Pavilion.

Almost all the top experts from the Sun Moon Continent came to the Star Dou Auction Pavilion, wanting to experience the powerful background of the Star Dou Auction Pavilion.

After all, in the last auction, the treasure that was brought out by the Star Dou Auction Pavilion shocked the entire Sun Moon Continent.

They also want to know how grand this auction will be, will it be the same as the previous auction?
This also filled their hearts with full expectations.

Half an hour has passed, and the auction officially started.

I saw a middle-aged man walking slowly on the auction stage, it was Mu Tianxing who had joined the Star Dou Auction Pavilion before.

Mu Tianxing had long been familiar with the tasks of the auctioneer, stood on the auction stage, and said to all the soul masters with a smile on his face.

"Welcome all soul masters to the Star Dou Auction Pavilion to participate in this auction. Next, I will conduct this auction for you."

Mu Tianxing welcomed the arrival of many soul masters, without further delay, this auction just kicked off.

From the moment Mu Tianxing appeared, individual soul masters in the Xingdou Auction Pavilion showed solemn expressions.

The powerhouses who came this time were not like the first auction. This time there were at least ten titled Douluo powerhouses.

They can naturally feel the strength of Mu Tianxing.

When Lu Yun held the auction before, he was completely integrated with the Xingdou Auction Pavilion. Even if he was a god-level powerhouse, there was no way to find out his specific strength.

(End of this chapter)

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