Douluo: 10-year-old soul bones are auctioned at the beginning

Chapter 279 Auctioning the God Bestowed Soul Ring Again

Chapter 279 Auctioning the God Bestowed Soul Ring Again
Xu Hao nodded slightly when he heard such words, agreeing with the elder's words very much.

"Unsurprisingly, the competition this time will be unprecedentedly fierce. When necessary, we will also join forces with Mingdetang to obtain these three ten thousand poison pills."

"At that time, we can share these ten thousand poison pills equally with Mingdetang, and keep them as our heritage."

The elder came up with another idea.

The competition this time is definitely very fierce, and he has no way to guarantee that the soul crystals he brought are enough.

In case of unavoidable circumstances, we had no choice but to join forces with Mingdetang.

"That's all!"

After Xu Hao heard these words, he nodded, and then began to transmit the voice to Mingdetang, hoping to join forces again this time, and must take these three ten thousand poison pills.

If it falls into the hands of other forces, it will be a huge hidden danger.

Afterwards, the two forces secretly ventilated and planned to join forces to participate in the competition.


After Mu Tianxing saw the serious expressions of many soul masters, he didn't say anything more, and directly prepared to announce the official auction of the three Wandu Pills.

"These three ten thousand poison elixirs and the three detoxification elixirs are just that. Since this is the case, the first auction price is 500 million soul crystals."

Mu Tianxing directly announced the first auction price.

There are a total of six elixirs, and the first auction price reached 500 million soul crystals, which is really not much.

"500 soul crystals!"

"501 soul crystals!"


In this way, the atmosphere on the scene became active again, and almost all the top forces participated in the competition.

This is a very powerful poison pill, of course they will not let such a treasure fall into the hands of other forces, adding a huge hidden danger to them.

In order to avoid this from happening, they had to spend a lot of soul crystals to successfully take down these ten thousand poison pills.

Then everything will be fine.

Lu Yun was on the third floor, watching what happened below.

Originally, before this, the third auction item was not these three ten thousand poison pills.

It is another treasure, and its value must be far inferior to these three ten thousand poison pills.

It was precisely because a top-level martial spirit was released from the first mysterious blind box, Lu Yun had no choice but to replace the third auction item with Wandu Dan in advance in order to restrain the soul crystal.

Tell Mu Tianxing the specific function of Wan Du Dan, and only then did the scene just now happen.

At this time, Lu Yun had already anticipated the thoughts in the minds of many soul masters.

In the face of these three Wandu Pills, there is a very big hidden danger. I believe that no force will allow these three Wandu Pills to be taken away by other forces.

Therefore, this competition is absolutely unprecedentedly fierce, and this is what Lu Yun wants to see.

After this auction is over, he will also leave for the Douluo Continent.

The Star Auction Pavilion in Sun Moon Continent will still be handed over to Mu Tianxing.

When he leaves, he will definitely leave many treasures here, and at the same time try to open up the teleportation array between the Sun Moon Continent and the Douluo Continent.

In this way, if he wants to come to the Sun Moon Continent in the future, he doesn't have to spend a lot of effort to cross a piece of sea area, which would be a waste of time.


Time passed slowly, and half an hour passed in a blink of an eye.

This competition is still going on fiercely, and the price of these three ten thousand poison pills has soared to 1000 million soul crystals.

It is enough to see that many forces are bound to win these three ten thousand poison pills.

Lu Yun was very happy to watch this scene, the more people compete for these three ten thousand poison pills, the more soul crystals he will earn in the end.

Another half an hour passed quickly, and the forces participating in the competition were almost gone.

Only two forces are still competing fiercely, and no one will let the other.

"1562 soul crystals!"

Just when this price appeared, the other side of the competition fell into silence.

All the soul masters in the Star Dou Auction Pavilion were shocked when they heard the price.

It has only been a month since they knew the method of condensing soul crystals.

I didn't expect that so many soul crystals would be condensed within a month.

How is this possible?
This made many soul masters lament that the background of the top forces is beyond their imagination.

After Mu Tianxing saw that no one continued to increase the price, he let it continue to develop.

"1562 soul crystals once!"

"1562 soul crystals twice!"

"1562 soul crystals three times!"

"Since no one continues to increase the price, I will announce that the three Wandu Pills and Jiedu Pills will eventually belong to the fifth box."

At this time, Mu Tianxing immediately announced the final ownership of the third auction item.

As soon as the words fell, the soul masters in the third box and the fifth box, after hearing the final result, everyone showed joy.

But it is very distressing, they have spent so many soul crystals.

These soul crystals can be regarded as all the soul crystals of the two forces, but they just took the three ten thousand poison pills and the detoxification pill.

In the end, it was Mingdetang who came forward and took down the three poisonous ones.

At this time, almost all the soul masters in the Xingdou Auction Pavilion knew that Box No. [-] was the Sun Moon Empire.

It would be a disaster if the three ten thousand poison elixirs belonged to the third box in the end.

Originally, Xu Hao had successfully absorbed a top-level martial soul before, but he was already in a little trouble.

If other forces were to know that the Sun Moon Empire had obtained these three ten thousand poison elixirs, then the direction of the mainland would not be predictable by the Sun Moon Empire at all.

This is also the result of careful consideration by the two forces.

It seemed very appropriate for Mingdetang to come forward, after all, no one among the soul masters present knew who was in box No. [-].

Next, pay with one hand and deliver with one hand.

After Mu Tianxing handed over these pills to Box No. [-], he was about to start the auction of the fourth auction item.


After a while, Mu Tianxing spread his right hand, and a burst of golden light spread towards the surroundings.

Large pieces of golden light gradually converged to form a golden ball.

This ball is exactly the spirit ring bestowed by the gods.

This god-bestowed soul ring is a god-bestowed soul ring that Lu Yun randomly took out from the system space.

The fourth auction item was not purchased from the god-level store.

After all, many god-bestowed soul rings have already been stored in the system space.

These god-bestowed spirit rings couldn't be left in the system space forever, so they planned to take out a god-bestowed spirit ring as the fourth auction item.

He believed that the soul masters of the Sun Moon Empire would never be able to remain calm after knowing the magical effect of the god-given soul ring.

The existence of God lies in their consciousness, and it is an illusory existence.

From the moment this ball appeared, most of the soul masters gradually recovered from the last auction item.

After feeling the miraculous aura emanating from this golden ball, everyone showed surprise.

What kind of baby is this ball?

Since it can be used as the fourth auction item, its final value should not be lower than the first three auction items.

Therefore, everyone had to calm down and wait for the next detailed introduction of this ball.

(End of this chapter)

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