Douluo: 10-year-old soul bones are auctioned at the beginning

Chapter 28 True Self Martial Soul, Time and Space God Tower

Chapter 28 True Self Martial Soul, Time and Space God Tower

【Douluo Continent Plane】

[Million Year Soul Bone (Random), Price Auction Point: 99999]

[Million Year Soul Ring (Random), Price Auction Point: 99999]


[God Bestowed Soul Ring (Limit 10 Years), Price Auction Point: 599]

[Growable soul ring (limit unknown), price auction point: 5999]

[Qi Luo Tulip, price auction point: 899]


Lu Yun looked at some product information that appeared in front of him, his eyes shone brightly, and a series of plans came into his mind.

"I didn't expect that even Douluo II and the follow-up things will come out. Now it's interesting!"

When Lu Yun saw all the commodities appearing on the plane of Douluo Continent, he couldn't be more excited.

The system even contains things from Douluo Continent tens of thousands of years in the future, which surprised Lu Yun very much.

However, what Lu Yun likes most is the method of souls and a series of precious souls.

After all, the method of the soul is a very novel thing for the soul masters of Douluo Dalu today.

If he announces his soul, it will inevitably cause shocks in the entire Douluo Continent.

Then, the influence of Star Dou Auction Pavilion will be further improved.

Therefore, Lu Yun must prepare for an opportunity to start the soul auction.

As for other series of precious items, Lu Yun can put them up for auction from time to time, so as to attract more soul masters to come to the Star Dou Auction Pavilion.

"What should I take out for auction next month?"

Lu Yun murmured softly, preparing for the auction in a month's time.

For the next auction, he must make good use of the auction site in his hand. As long as he does well, he will be able to collect more gold soul coins by then.

"By the way, system, where's my Wuhun gift bag?"

At that moment, a flash of inspiration flashed in Lu Yun's mind. He actually forgot that the system had promised him that after the first auction was completed, he would be rewarded with a gift package of martial arts.

He just remembered that the system didn't take the initiative to remind him.

Could it be that the system wanted to steal the Wuhun gift package?
As soon as Lu Yun's words fell, the cold system voice sounded in Lu Yun's mind.

[Congratulations to the host for successfully completing the first auction and rewarding a Wuhun spree. 】

After Lu Yun heard that the Wuhun gift package was rewarded to him, he smiled calmly, but still gave the system a blank look.

If he didn't remember it, the system probably wouldn't take the initiative to remind him.

Lu Yun didn't care too much about the system, and stared intently at a golden gift box floating in front of him.


With a light tap of the right hand, a huge golden light suddenly diffused, and a power like good fortune appeared in the whole room, and instantly entered Lu Yun's body.

This mysterious power roamed through Lu Yun's limbs and bones, constantly nourishing the blood vessels, meridians and so on.

Even his own physique has been strengthened several times, and his whole body exudes an ethereal temperament.

[Congratulations to the host for having a great explosion of luck and obtaining a chaotic-level martial soul: true self martial soul, time-space god tower. 】

After the changes in Lu Yun's body subsided completely, the system in his mind suddenly heard shocking voices.

Obviously, even the system did not expect that Lu Yun would acquire such a powerful martial soul.

"System, what level does a chaotic-level martial soul belong to?"

Lu Yun realized that the system's cold voice was mixed with a trace of shock, which made Lu Yun extremely excited.

He was even very curious about the origin of the chaotic level martial soul, which can surprise the supernatural system so much.

Presumably it must be a mysterious and powerful Wuhun level.

Lu Yun knew that in the Douluo Continent, the highest level of Martial Soul was only God-level, and the Chaos-level Martial Soul did not seem to exist in the Douluo Continent.

[The highest martial soul level in Douluo Continent is god-level martial soul, and chaos-level martial soul is much higher than god-level martial soul. As for how many levels are higher, the host needs to explore by himself. 】

The cold voice of the system continued to explain, giving Lu Yun a vague answer and letting him figure it out by himself.

"Forget it, anyway, my martial spirit level is the most powerful existence in Douluo Continent."

Hearing this, Lu Yun nodded lightly, not caring about how powerful the Chaos-level martial spirit is for the time being.

In short, it just needs to be countless times stronger than a god-level martial soul, otherwise the cold system would not be so shocked.

"It's just the real self martial soul and the time-space god tower martial soul. What are the specific functions?"

At this time, Lu Yun was completely puzzled. Two martial souls were released in the martial soul gift package. What is the use of them?

Lu Yun fell into contemplation, and the next moment he spread his left hand, and a burst of golden light emerged.

A illusory figure with [-]% similar appearance to Lu Yun appeared behind Lu Yun, releasing a mystical and mysterious aura.

As if from a supreme figure, it makes people feel a sense of worship.

"Is this the chaotic-level true self martial soul? It feels somewhat similar to the original martial soul?"

Lu Yun looked back, and after seeing the appearance of his true martial soul, he was also amazed.

I never thought that the real Wuhun is his own appearance, but the appearance of the Wuhun is too majestic.

However, at this time, Lu Yun thought of the new concept of noumenon martial soul that appeared during the period of Douluo II Peerless Tang Sect.

His martial soul is himself, and it should also belong to a category of his own martial soul.

It's just that the martial soul of Douluo Erpeer Tang Sect's body is only a part of the body.

But his true self martial soul is a complete self, which made Lu Yun very curious about the power of the true self martial soul.

After all, the main body martial soul is many times stronger than the ordinary martial soul.

[The host please don't compare that kind of rubbish main body martial soul with the chaotic level real self martial soul. There is no need to compare the two martial souls. 】

The system's disdainful tone came out, and it did not hesitate to belittle the original martial soul. It was too weak, and it was not worthy of comparison with the real martial soul.

"What? What is the specific function of the chaotic-level true self martial soul?"

When Lu Yun heard that the system belittled the original Wuhun to nothing, he had an idea in his heart. It seems that the origin of the real Wuhun is not simple.

[The chaotic-level true self martial soul is one of the most mysterious martial souls in the world, not weaker than your time-space god tower martial soul. 】

[The most important function of the true self martial soul is that with the improvement of your strength, the true self martial soul can also be improved without limit, without limit. 】

[That is to say, how strong you are as the host, so your true self Wuhun is as strong! 】

[Of course, this is only one of the functions. As for the more mysterious aspects of the true self martial soul, the host still needs to step up to improve its strength and tap the potential of the true self martial soul. 】

[In addition, because the plane of Douluo Dalu is too low-level, the power of the real self martial soul and the space-time tower is almost completely blocked. With the improvement of the host's strength, the power of the two chaotic-level martial souls will gradually be unblocked. 】

The cold voice of the system rarely explained some of the functions of the true self martial soul.

(End of this chapter)

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