Chapter 281 Outrageous Price

These nine-color lights are exactly the light that Mu Tianxing absorbed in the secret realm of enlightenment before that.

He personally experienced the benefits of enlightenment. Mutian Xingxing knew that many soul masters might not understand what enlightenment is.

So he carefully explained to them the power of the light of enlightenment.


After many soul masters heard the effect of enlightenment, everyone's eyes lit up, yearning for this mysterious and mysterious realm.

Before that, they had never heard of the name Enlightenment, nor had they fallen into this state.

Since the Xingdou Auction Pavilion has produced such a treasure, it also shows that enlightenment really exists.

It can actually increase one's own cultivation speed by a hundred times, as well as the use of soul skills and so on.

What a heaven-defying thing this is!

Almost everyone looked at the light of enlightenment in Mu Tianxing's hand with shortness of breath.

I can't wait to take it as my own right away, but this is the Xingdou Auction Pavilion, which doesn't allow them to sell without authorization.

Otherwise, the final end must be death without a whole body.

Most of the soul masters are just greedy for the light of enlightenment. They know that their own soul crystals are not qualified to participate in the auction of the final auction item.

After all, the transaction prices of the first four auction items have all reached such a terrifying level.

Therefore, the last auction item was such a sky-defying light of enlightenment, and they had no chance.

They can only sit where they are, watching other forces helplessly, successfully taking down these lights of enlightenment.

They themselves can only be envious.

"These are the functions of these lights of enlightenment. Of course, there may be many unimaginable effects."

"Perhaps you absorb the light of enlightenment, and you can also improve your own talent a little bit, which is a permanent improvement, maybe that's also possible."

"Absorbing the light of enlightenment, the ultimate benefits you will get depend on your own situation, but entering the realm of enlightenment is a certainty."

Immediately, Mu Tianxing released another big news.

He had personally experienced the magic of these lights of enlightenment, and after his enlightenment ended, he clearly noticed that his talent had improved a little.

Although it is only a little improvement, the final effect cannot be ignored.

Mu Tianxing didn't know if other soul masters could improve their talents after absorbing the light of enlightenment, and he didn't know all this.

As soon as the words fell, the hearts of many soul masters were beating thumpingly, and they were even more envious of these lights of enlightenment.

Almost all the forces that are qualified to participate in the competition for the last auction item began to count their own soul crystals, preparing to bid directly to compete for the final auction item.

"The specific functions of these lights of enlightenment are these. The first auction price is: 1000 million soul crystals!"

After Mu Tianxing introduced the benefits of the Light of Enlightenment, he directly announced the first auction price, which was as high as 1000 million soul crystals.

This price was also told by Lu Yun to Mu Tianxing. After hearing this price before, Mu Tianxing also felt incredible at the first time.

With such a high price, is there really a soul master willing to put it up for auction?

But it wasn't until he figured it out that it all made sense.

Leaving aside the powerful effect of enlightenment, no soul master could refuse it.

One of the most important points is the number of these lights of enlightenment.

Although the bottle is very small, the space inside is very wide, and there are countless nine-color lights inside.

Even if a soul master absorbs the light of enlightenment every moment, he can persist for seven days.

Every time you only need to absorb a part of the light of enlightenment, you can fall into a long-term enlightenment.

If this small bottle of light of enlightenment is cherished a little, there will be no problem in using it for a few years.

Although Mu Tianxing thinks this way, other soul masters may have other ideas.

When this price also appeared, it caused an uproar among the crowd, complaining that the Star Dou Auction Pavilion was just stealing money.

Almost all soul masters have this idea in their hearts.

For the first four auction items in the previous life, the highest initial auction price reached 500 million soul crystals. As a result, the initial auction price of these lights of enlightenment was as high as 1000 million soul crystals.

This is too outrageous~
Although most of the soul masters were somewhat dissatisfied, due to the strong strength of the Xingdou Auction Pavilion, they did not dare to question it, and they were unwilling to be gun-headed birds.

After most forces knew the price of the first auction, they had no choice but to give up the competition.

The power present that can produce so many soul crystals is not enough for the power of the three parties.

Of course, this excludes the Sun Moon Empire and Mingde Hall.

They had already spent all their soul crystals before, so naturally they had no choice but to participate in the competition for the final auction item.

"Well, sure enough, the last auction item did not disappoint us, but we have already consumed all the soul crystals before that. It seems that these lights of enlightenment have nothing to do with our Sun Moon Empire."

Xu Hao in the No. [-] box, after hearing the benefits of the light of enlightenment, also released a bright light in his eyes, and soon showed a gloomy look.

I can't help but regret that the soul crystal condensed this time is really too small, otherwise, wouldn't it be the last auction item that will be included in their pocket by the Sun Moon Empire.

Enlightenment is a very mysterious realm, maybe he will be able to break through to the realm of Titled Douluo soon after he gets these nine-colored lights.

Such a great opportunity slipped directly from his hands, but Xu Hao didn't have any regrets in his heart.

Compared with these lights of enlightenment, those ten thousand poison pills are even more important.

These lights of enlightenment are nothing more than a means to improve his strength, and now that he has become the owner of twin martial souls, he doesn't believe that his strength is not improving slowly.

"Don't worry, these lights of enlightenment are just means of external force to assist cultivation, and we haven't personally experienced the benefits of enlightenment, and no one knows that what the Xingdou Auction Pavilion said is true."

"Even if it is true, then we have nothing to do, we can only pray that the Star Dou Auction Pavilion can show these lights of enlightenment again in the future."

The elders on the side shook their heads secretly, and also sighed for these lights of enlightenment.

But they don't have soul crystals themselves to participate in this competition.

Of course, he had doubts about the role of these lights of enlightenment.

Does such a mysterious realm really exist between heaven and earth?
Just by absorbing some nine-colored light, one can increase one's own cultivation speed and other aspects by a hundred times, which is too incredible to say.

It's no wonder that the elder immediately expressed his disbelief.

What happened in Box No. [-] also happened in individual boxes.

Most of the soul masters remained skeptical in their hearts, but the previous auction items in the Xingdou Auction Pavilion had a high degree of authenticity.

It is also believed that these lights of enlightenment really have such benefits, so many forces began to compete fiercely.

(End of this chapter)

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