Chapter 285 Black Sea Water

When Lu Yun heard Haina's narration, his whole face showed a pensive expression.

There is indeed no record of this change in the mermaid family in the original work.

Moreover, the mermaid clan belongs to the top race among the soul beasts in the sea area, so there are not a few of them that have existed for more than 10 years.

But what kind of strong man actually made the top strong man of the mermaid clan wiped out, and fell into a deep sleep strangely?
A guess emerged in Lu Yun's mind, could it be that the mermaid clan really experienced uncontrollable changes?

At this time, Lu Yun's heart also became interested.

After Haina's narration, even if the system didn't give him this task, he still wanted to see what happened to the mermaid clan?
"Then can you tell me, the strong ones in your mermaid clan fell into a deep sleep?"

Lu Yun asked the Taoists in bewilderment, wondering what are the symptoms of their coma?
"I don't know the details. In short, since the strong man in the clan returned from that strange place, in less than a day, everyone passed out completely."

"No matter what, they can't be woken up. Of course, the weirdest thing is that they don't seem to have any injuries on their bodies, but no matter how the strong members of our clan treat them, it won't help."

"By the way, the sleeping powerhouses have black lines between their eyebrows. We are also very puzzled about this situation, but no matter how we search, we can't find its source."

Haina recalled the comatose state of the strong in the clan, and then said slowly to Lu Yun.

After saying this, Hana became even more worried, not knowing how her mother was doing now.

She has been hunted down by those three evil tiger and whale kings for several days, and no one knows what kind of changes will happen to the mermaid clan in these few days.

"Interesting, it seems that an unknown strongman has attacked your mermaid clan. If he can attack you without any resistance, then this person's strength should have reached the top level of the Douluo Continent."

At this time, a guess gradually emerged in Lu Yun's mind.

It must be man-made for the strong man of the mermaid clan to fall into a deep sleep.

If it wasn't for man-made, the strong man of the mermaid clan must have been seriously injured under this powerful force, and it was impossible for him to fall into a deep sleep intact.

It's really weird.

"What! What kind of strong man is he who is going to attack our mermaid family? Could it be the strong man of the evil killer whale king."

After hearing Lu Yun's speculation, Haina exclaimed, and her face became more worried.

The first enemy she thought of was the evil killer whale king.

Anyway, the mermaid clan lived relatively peacefully with almost other races in the sea area, with the exception of the evil killer, demon whale king clan.

In this situation, it was all aimed at the evil killer whale king.

"Not necessarily, the evil killer demon whale king clan, there should be no way for the strong man of the mermaid clan to fall into a deep sleep quietly, maybe there are others."

Lu Yun shook his head secretly, denying Haina's guess, the evil tiger, demon and whale king clan did not have such means.

Moreover, the Evil Tiger Demon Whale King Clan has a very serious desire to kill. If they encounter such an opportunity, they will definitely kill all the top powerhouses of the Mermaid Clan.

It would definitely not simply let it fall into a deep sleep unscathed, this is not in line with the practice of the evil killer demon whale king family.

"Let's go, can you take us to the mermaid family, so that I can find a solution as soon as possible."

Lu Yun proposed the idea of ​​going to the Mermaid Clan.

It is useless to guess here, only to see the sleeping strong man of the mermaid clan, then all the answers will be revealed.

"Okay, but now the territory of the mermaid clan is completely surrounded by the evil killer whale king. With our strength, it is really difficult to enter the territory quietly."

Hearing this, Hai Na nodded lightly, and she remembered another important thing.

Now the evil tiger, demon and whale king surrounded the mermaid clan, and it was as difficult as going up to the sky if they wanted to go back safe and sound.

Although the human soul master in front of her had killed the three 8-year-level evil orca kings who were chasing her, the evil orca kings that surrounded the territory of the mermaid clan had a true 10-year level.

So Haina is not sure whether this human soul master can safely enter the territory of the mermaid clan.

"Don't worry, with my strength, the Evil Orca Whale King Clan poses no threat to me.

Lu Yun said lightly, directly negating the strength of the evil tiger, demon and whale king clan.

After hearing these words, Hai Na finally breathed a sigh of relief, and then led the way ahead.

In the blink of an eye, several hours passed.

Lu Yun and Haina came to an unfamiliar sea area. This sea area was extremely strange on the surface. The color of the sea water turned completely black, full of a depressing atmosphere.

The color of this sea area is obviously completely different from the sea area Lu Yun was in before.

For some reason, Lu Yun always felt that the sea water was filled with an inexplicable power, which was extremely disgusting.

Suddenly, an idea popped up in Lu Yun's mind, maybe the changes in this seawater should be related to the changes of the mermaid clan.

"By the way, Hana, has this sea water always been this color?"

In order to confirm the guess in his heart, Lu Yun continued to ask Hai Na on the side.

"No, the sea area where our ethnic group lived was no different from other sea areas, but after that strange place appeared, this sea area became like this."

"The patriarch and the strong man checked it out, but they didn't find anything unusual. Over time, they got used to it."

Hana shook her head secretly, expressing that she didn't know what was going on?
"It really is!"

Hearing this, Lu Yun was sure that his guess was right.

This change in sea water is definitely related to the unknown area of ​​the Mermaid Clan.

Through this piece of sea water, Lu Yun could not analyze the reason.

It seems that in order to solve the plight of the mermaid family, it is time to go to that strange place.

Lu Yun returned to the cabin and left Medusa and the others here, while he and Jiuyou followed Haina into the territory of the mermaid clan.

Lu Yun and the others entered the deep sea, with their soul power running, completely isolating the surrounding sea water, and slowly followed Henna to dive towards the bottom of the sea.

After a long time, there were waves of ripples in the sea ahead, and then Lu Yun and the three saw several evil tiger and whale kings looking for them in the sea area.

"The front is the territory of our mermaid clan. Outside the shield, this evil killer whale king appears all the time."

When Haina saw the evil tiger, demon whale king tiger patrolling ahead, her expression was shocked, she pointed her right hand to the front, and said to Lu Yun beside her.

"Jiuyou, take us to the territory of the mermaid clan."

Lu Yun said to Jiuyou beside him.

(End of this chapter)

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