Chapter 292 The Incomplete Part

"There is one more thing, I would like to ask, what is the origin of the method that put us into a deep sleep."

Hai Liya expressed the confusion in her heart.

She personally entered the vortex at that time, and saw that strange land, full of black mist, constantly disturbing her emotions.

For some reason, after she left the whirlpool, she passed out instantly.

Everything that happened after that is unclear.

It wasn't until she woke up and heard the stories of the other members of the mermaid clan that she realized that she had been unconsciously asleep for a month.

It's scary to think about it.

After Lu Yun heard this question, he didn't hide anything, and slowly told Hai Liya everything that the strange man remembered.

In fact, Lu Yun continued to stay here for another purpose. The box he refined before was missing a corner.

This incomplete corner may have something to do with the mermaid clan.

Lu Yun also wanted to get the missing corner and restore the whole box.

At that time, what kind of power this box will finally explode may be beyond his expectations.

"I see!"

"I didn't expect it to be caused by this incident. The world is impermanent, and good fortune tricks people."

After Hai Liya heard this narration, there was a gloomy look in her eyes.

He also didn't expect that the source of all this was just her ignorance back then.

A moment later, under Lu Yun's curious eyes, Hai Liya told what happened back then.

After half an hour of narration, Lu Yun understood the past.

That strange man was originally the child of a 10-year-old mermaid, and he should have enjoyed a good life.

But the strange man's father got a black box from nowhere.

That box was the one that Lu Yun refined before.

The strange man's father didn't know the origin of the box, but it was too late when he discovered something wrong with the box.

He was affected by an inexplicable force and fell into madness all the time.

There are quite a few strong men in the mermaid clan who were persecuted by him.

After all, if a 10-year-level mermaid goes crazy and explodes with full strength, the damage caused to the mermaid family is immeasurable.

Until one day, the strange man's father wakes up and begs Hai Liya to kill him, so that all troubles can be solved.

The strange man's father also told all about the box and his own changes.

After knowing this situation, Hai Liya was unable to do anything for a long time. He was also a member of the mermaid, and she would definitely not do anything to kill the same people.

The strange man's father was unwilling to continue harming the mermaid clan, so he chose to kill himself, and died in front of Hai Liya.

Hai Liya was also very sad, and didn't notice what was wrong with him at the first time, but when she wanted to stop everything, it was too late.

The matter has come to this point, and there is no way to undo it!
Hai Liya had no choice but to block all news and announce to the outside world the result of the death of the strange man's father.

The strange man who got the bad news naturally wanted to find out the truth, and couldn't believe that his father died for no reason.

Things are here, even if it is over.

Hai Liya didn't expect that the box that caused his father's death would be obtained by his son again.

In the end, it was almost the same, which led to the destruction of the mermaid clan.

"I would like to ask, besides this box, did the father of that eerie man have anything else?"

Lu Yun said slowly.

After hearing these words, Hai Liya fell into deep thought.

Suddenly, she had a flash of inspiration, and she really remembered the last thing that the father of the strange man gave her.

The scepter in Hai Liya's hand released a faint light that filled the entire palace.

From the depths of the hall, a black bead slowly flew out, the surface was plain and nothing special.

"This black bead was given to me together with the box by him before, but he also said before, remember not to let the two be fused together, otherwise it will cause great terror."

Hai Liya said with a serious expression.

She and he don't know whether this matter is really so terrifying.

When Lu Yun saw the black bead, he immediately sensed the black box in the system space and began to tremble violently.

It seems to have a certain connection with this bead.

Seeing this situation, Lu Yun knew that the black bead and the box were inextricably linked.

As for whether it was a missing corner of the box, Lu Yun couldn't be sure.

"I don't know if you are willing to give this black bead to me. I am willing to pay a certain amount."

Lu Yun put forward his thoughts, wanting to take this black bead.

"It's not something precious, if you want it, just take it."

"Besides, your kindness to our mermaid clan cannot be repaid just by relying on this black bead of unknown origin."

Hearing this, Hai Liya shook her head secretly, letting the black star slowly fly towards Lu Yun.

Lu Yun put away the black bead and thanked Hai Liya.

Next, Lu Yun talked with Hai Liya for a while, and told Hai Liya the magic of the world of human soul masters.

After half a day passed, Lu Yun said goodbye to Hai Liya and left the palace.

I plan to play with the Mermaid Clan for a few days before leaving here.

During this period, Lu Yun wanted to figure out the secret of the box.

Lu Yun came to the palace arranged by Hai Yuan before, and when he returned to the room, he directly took out the box in the system space.

Together with this black bead, it was placed on the table in front.

When two objects appeared in an area, they immediately began to shake violently.

Then they quickly flew towards the middle direction, as if they were about to merge together.

Seeing this situation, Lu Yun immediately used his soul power to isolate the two things.

He didn't know how these two things would change when they merged together.

It is still necessary to avoid the next crisis.

Lu Yun's thoughts sank into his mind, and he asked the system: "System, is this black bead an incomplete part of this box?"

【Yes, this black bead is just the incomplete part of this box, and it's just a transformed form. 】

The system explained slowly.

"Then if I integrate this black bead into this box to make it complete, will something unexpected happen?"

At this time, Lu Yun continued to ask, he wanted to avoid all crises.

[The final result depends entirely on the host's own perception, but when the host fuses this box, it is best to first receive the reward for completing this mission and then talk about it. 】

At this time, the cold voice of the system continued to sound.

(End of this chapter)

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