Chapter 295 "Sacred Soul Code"

"I would like to ask, what is the origin of this box, and what is sealed inside?"

At this time, Lu Yun saw the old man coming out of the box, and directly raised his question.

There is a very terrifying big devil sealed in this box, keeping him by his side is equivalent to a time bomb.

In case one day, while he is not paying attention, this big devil breaks out.

I'm afraid he didn't have the strength at that time to be able to resist this big devil.

In order to avoid anything from happening, Lu Yun had no choice but to ask the old man, hoping to get a specific answer.

"Well, it's a long story. I haven't had this incarnation for a long time, so many memories have long been forgotten. I only remember that the one sealed in the box is a demon with the power to destroy the world."

"However, this devil was kind before he was alive, but because of a mistake, he stepped into the path of the devil, and finally ended up in such a situation."

"At that time, I united with other strong men, and it took a lot of effort to seal it in this Hunting Box. I didn't expect it to fall into your hands."

"The seal of this Hunting Box is gradually weakening. This is just an incarnation of mine. It cannot strengthen the seal around the Hunting Box at all. All this can only be left to my little friend."

The old man spoke slowly, and told the origin of the box and the demon sealed inside.

He has too much memory loss and can only remember some general things.

But he knew that this box had an extraordinary origin, and the strong man sealed inside was also extremely powerful.

If you are not careful, if you let it break the seal, there will be a catastrophe.

"Then how to strengthen this seal?"

Hearing these things, Lu Yun's face was extremely ugly. Sure enough, his previous guess came true.

This box is called the Huntian Box, but according to the words of the old man, this Huntian Box is a kind of supreme treasure.

It's a pity that the devil sealed inside is too powerful.

If one day this devil really breaks out, maybe he really has no way to deal with this crisis at that time.

I thought this box was a chance, but I didn't expect it to be a hot potato.

Lu Yun hesitated, wondering how to deal with this Hunting Box?
If the old man is really here, let him take it away.

But at this time, the old man is just an incarnation, and his main body does not know which world he is in.

This made Lu Yun fall into a dilemma.

"I can't remember the specific sealing method, but this violin was able to slow down the time when the seal was broken, and it also had a certain restraint effect on that demon."

"Originally, my incarnation was about to be gradually annihilated in the Hunting Box. Fortunately, the sound of your piano suppressed that wave of demonic energy, which led me to break free."

"Unfortunately, after this time, my avatar will gradually dissipate, and I will leave this Hunting Box to you."

The old man sighed leisurely, he didn't want this burden to fall on Lu Yun's body.

According to his investigation, although there was a trace of mystery in Lu Yun's body, he couldn't trace its specific origin.

But his strength is not very strong, he was able to barely suppress the change of the Huntian box before, and it seems to be inextricably related to the Qin that he can't see through.


Hearing this, Lu Yun frowned, feeling very speechless for the old man's words.

There is no way to seal?

The incarnation of this old man is about to dissipate again, is it possible that he really wants to keep this hidden danger by his side?

"Don't worry, little friend, I won't let you suppress this demon for no reason. Next, I will give you a chance, which will be beneficial for you to suppress this demon in the future."

The old man knew that this approach was a little too strong, so he gave Lu Yun a chance based on the remaining memories in his mind.


A ray of blue light flashed from the old man's hands, and immediately touched Lu Yun's forehead.

Afterwards, black characters appeared in Lu Yun's mind, and the whole person fell into a feeling.

After a long time, the characters in Lu Yun's spiritual sea slowly condensed together, forming a black book, exuding powerful power of soul.

From the moment this book was formed, the area of ​​Lu Yun's spiritual sea rapidly spread to all directions, fully expanding a hundred times compared to before.

Moreover, Lu Yun's spiritual power has completely broken through the realm of mortals and reached the level of gods.

The spiritual power has completely transformed into a divine soul.

Only after reaching the god-level powerhouse can one possess such a spiritual realm.

"This is……"

Lu Yun was extremely shocked by this scene.

After all, it is very difficult to improve his spiritual power, but he did not expect that the appearance of this book not only expanded his spiritual sea a hundred times, but also his spiritual power reached the level of a god in one fell swoop.

What is the origin of this book?
Lu Yun looked at the cover of this book, there were four large characters written: "Sacred Book of Soul".

After a while, Lu Yun withdrew from the current state, and looked at the old man in front of him in surprise.

Although I haven't looked at the specific content, but I can raise my spiritual power to the current level, so I know that this "Sacred Book of Soul" must have an extraordinary origin.

"This "Sacred Book of the Soul" is the pinnacle of the sacred book of the soul, and it is the top practice in our world. Now this "Sacred Book of the Soul" can be regarded as your compensation for suppressing the devil."

"If you can cultivate this "Sacred Book of Divine Soul" to a state of perfection, then you may be able to comprehend the method to strengthen the seal of Huntian Box."

"Even when the time comes, you will be able to completely kill the devil inside with the power of your soul."

The old man said seriously, emphasizing the power of the "Sacred Tome of the Soul".

"Forget it, if that's the case, then leave this Hunting Box to me to protect."

Lu Yun got the benefits, so naturally he didn't continue to shirk.

If it doesn't work, he has no choice but to hand over this task to the system. With the system's great powers, it will definitely be able to solve this monster before it is in danger.

"If you have a way to make the devil inside abandon evil and do good, that would be great."

"The devil inside is extremely powerful, and maybe one day, it can be your help."

The old man told another piece of news, he also knew the devil inside.

Before he became a devil, he was also a kind-hearted young man full of righteousness.

But the world is impermanent, good fortune tricks people, one wrong step, one wrong step.

Only then did this young man's future trajectory completely change.

"Okay, that's the specifics. I hope you can protect the Huntian Box well."

The old man said weakly, and after saying this, he looked at Huntian Box with a smile on his face.

The whole person instantly turned into wisps of green smoke, dissipating between the sky and the earth.

(End of this chapter)

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