Chapter 299 Discovery
After this attack, Sea God Poseidon was immediately alert to the movement around him.


After a while, finding that there were no other attacks, the whole person breathed a sigh of relief.

It's just that Poseidon is extremely restless at this moment, who is that young man?
Why have such a powerful strength!
Even if he used all his strength to prop up a shield, under that attack, there was no possibility of resistance.

Poseidon put away his thoughts of probing. After all, if he continued to investigate such a strong man, the final consequences would not be something he could bear.


Lu Yun sensed Poseidon, the god of the sea, and after being seriously injured by his blow, he didn't say anything.

He had already noticed that the person who made the shot was Poseidon, the sea god, and he was in the sea, belonging to the sea god's domain.

Lu Yun also blamed himself for being careless, for not hiding his aura before, which made Poseidon, the god of the sea, notice it.

There was no surprise that he repelled the sea god Poseidon with one blow.

He has used a first-level god experience card, his strength is at its peak, and he has a god-defying artifact like Fuxiqin.

Repelling a Poseidon is simply a piece of cake.

However, Lu Yun also knew that he couldn't stay here for long, and the time for this experience card was less than 1 minute.

If the sea god Poseidon has been paying attention to this place and suddenly finds that his strength has decreased, it would be terrible!

You can't continue to spend a lot of auction points to buy a god experience card, which is obviously not worthwhile.

Thinking of this, Lu Yun waved his big hand, put away Huntian Drink and Fuxiqin in an instant, and his whole body suddenly turned into a stream of light, flying towards not far away.

Lu Yun has asked Medusa and others to go ahead, and he is only responsible for chasing them.

When Lu Yun left, there was a burst of space power flickering on the spot, and a woman in a long silver dress walked out immediately. This person was Gu Yuena who came from the Star Dou Great Forest.

"I didn't expect that the strength of the master of the Xingdou Auction Pavilion would reach such a terrifying level. Even the top level gods in the God Realm are no match for him."

"Next, the soul beast clan, we still have to be vigilant against the Xingdou Auction Pavilion."

Gu Yuena looked at Lu Yunyuan's figure, the seriousness in her eyes became more intense.

She had already come to this sea area, and also discovered a divine sense from the God Realm, observing Lu Yun.

She didn't make any changes, and used the weird power of space to hide her figure.

And she also saw Lu Yun, who used the powerful Qin in front of her to repel Poseidon, the god of the sea.

This made Gu Yuena clearly realize Lu Yun's strength.

She didn't dare to provoke Xingdou Auction Pavilion casually, seeing may not be believing.

She also couldn't predict the extent of Lu Yun's final strength.

Have you reached the realm of a god king?

Or is it much higher than the king of gods, all of this is uncertain.

Immediately afterwards, Gu Yuena did not stay where she was, in case the spirits of the gods in the God Realm came to investigate this place.

Didn't she expose her traces, a burst of space power flickered, and Gu Yuena left this place immediately.

After leaving, Lu Yun caught up with Medusa and the others in less than a moment, and then got on the ship and sailed to the distance, towards the Douluo Continent.


Spirit world.

Sea God Poseidon breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Lu Yun leave this place.

Just as he was about to leave this place, a powerful murderous aura suddenly came from a distance, and he came to Poseidon in the blink of an eye.

This person is the God King Shura in red long-distance running.

"Sura, what are you talking about here?"

At this moment, Poseidon looked warily at God Shura in front of him.

Obviously he didn't understand what God Shura was doing in his territory at this time.

"Huh? Are you injured?"

At this time, God Shura noticed the remaining fluctuations of divine power in the air, as well as the slightly pale face of Poseidon the Sea God, and then murmured in doubt.

What surprised the Asura God King was that Sea God's strength belonged to the top level among the first-level gods.

Unless the five great god kings took action, no one would seriously injure Seagod here, which also attracted the attention of God King Shura.

"Yes, I sensed the birth of a divine power from the sea area before. After some investigation, I found a strange first-level god appeared in the sea area of ​​the Douluo Continent."

"We played against each other briefly, and found that I was not his opponent at all."

"Even I suspect that his strength has reached the realm of a god king!"

Poseidon slowly told God King Shura about the previous events.

That newly appeared human soul master is really weird.

Just in case, we still need to investigate thoroughly, where did this human soul master come from?

"What! A strange god appeared?"

"God King? Impossible!"

"You should know that the entire Douluo Continent is completely under the surveillance of our God Realm, not to mention a God King powerhouse, even if it is the birth of a Limit Douluo, we are aware of it."

"Besides, it is not easy to break through the realm of the god king. Maybe there is still a chance in the god realm. As for the Douluo Continent, it is impossible for such a backward continent."


When God King Shura heard these words, he immediately showed surprise, obviously doubting what Poseidon said.

Immediately denied that strange god, but a strong king of gods.

If you want to break through to the God King, chance, talent, luck, etc., everything is indispensable.

Moreover, in the Douluo Continent, where soul power is so rare, it is simply impossible to break through to the realm of the God King.

"Maybe my perception is wrong, but if he can easily defeat me, this person's strength must have few rivals under the king of gods."

At this moment, Poseidon shook his head secretly.

"This is indeed a little troublesome. Under our surveillance, a god was born, which is worthy of vigilance."

Hearing this, God Shura nodded slightly, with a serious look in his eyes.

The reason why he came here was because he felt a powerful attack, and it was a strange divine power.

As a result, when they came here, they found that Poseidon, the god of the sea, was seriously injured.

As for the culprit, he didn't know anything.

He covered the sea area with his divine sense, but found nothing.

"By the way, I heard that you recently found an inheritor, why don't you let me have a look."

"For so many years, I really haven't seen a human soul master with talent worthy of passing on the Seagod position."

Suddenly, Poseidon didn't know what he thought of, and said to God King Shura.

A few days ago, he heard that a human soul master in Douluo Continent had triggered the Nine Trials of the Asura God.

If there is no accident, he will be able to inherit the throne of God King Shura in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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