Chapter 310 Gu Yuena's Discovery
As soon as Xuanshuang's words fell, the soul masters present were in an uproar.

Originally, this 10-year-old soul bone was enough to surprise them, but the news that shocked them was still to be introduced later.

This soul bone actually came from a dragon clan soul beast. Nowadays, there are very few pure dragon clan soul beasts in the Douluo Continent, almost completely extinct.

Of course, there are also some sub-dragon-level spirit beasts, and the spirit rings and spirit bones born from these spirit beasts have extremely powerful soul abilities at the same level.

It turned out that this soul bone contained pure dragon blood!
As for whether it is the blood of the beast, it is not what they pay attention to.

As long as the soul beasts belong to the dragon clan, they all contain top blood.

In their view, this 10-year-old soul bone is also a very high-level existence.

As a result, many top forces became short of breath, wanting to fight immediately to compete for this soul bone.

If they let them miss this piece of spirit bone, I'm afraid they will never encounter such a powerful 10-year spirit bone again.


"The handwriting of the Xingdou Auction Pavilion is still as strong as ever, even the 10-year-old soul bones of the Dragon Clan are put up for auction!"

"It's a pity that I already have a trunk spirit bone, so I can't absorb this 10-year trunk spirit bone again!"

At this moment, Bibi Dong looked at the 10-year-old soul bone in front of Xuanshuang, and was also very shocked by the origin of this soul bone.

Although she was very eager to absorb this spirit bone, but thinking of its own situation, she had to sigh secretly.

She once absorbed a trunk spirit bone, but the lifespan was far less than the 10-year spirit bone.

Although there are certain means to peel off the previously absorbed spirit bone, the damage to oneself is unavoidable.

On the other hand, her current strength has been sealed by that unknown mysterious woman for three years. If she strips her spirit bone at this time, it may cause other changes.

So Bibi Dong had no choice but to give up the idea of ​​stripping off the spirit bone.

Although she can't absorb it herself, she is bound to get this 10-year-old soul bone, and she must not let this 10-year-old soul bone fall into the hands of other forces.

Otherwise, she couldn't even imagine what the consequences would be in the end.

Therefore, Bibi Dong made up her mind to take this 10-year-old soul bone. Even if she couldn't absorb it, she could leave it for other members of the Spirit Hall to absorb it.

If a top titled Douluo powerhouse has this 10-year-old soul bone blessing, his own strength will definitely be improved to a higher level.

It is very beneficial for Wuhundian to dominate the Douluo Continent in the future.


As for the other private rooms, the top forces had almost the same idea as Bibi Dong, and were very eager to get this 10-year-level dragon spirit bone.

But they expected the level of competition for this spirit bone, which was absolutely unprecedentedly fierce.

They quickly counted the number of soul crystals they brought this time, and they all breathed a sigh of relief.

Almost every faction brought all the soul crystals of their faction.

I just want to participate in this large-scale auction. I don't need to think about it. The level of competition for these five auction items is definitely not comparable to before.


Compared to the fact that the 10-year-old soul bone is bound to be won in other boxes, everyone in one of the boxes showed a look of astonishment.

Clearly in disbelief at what they saw.

This box is the No. [-] box, and the people in the box are the fierce beasts from the core area of ​​the Star Dou Forest.

The middle-aged man on the side looked at the torso soul bone in front of Xuanshuang, and felt a very familiar aura, his face was full of disbelief.

"How is this possible? I have only one golden-eyed Black Dragon King in the Douluo Continent. So where did this 10-year-old soul bone come from?"

This middle-aged man was Di Tian. When he saw this 10-year-old spirit bone for the first time, he immediately realized that something was wrong.

After feeling the aura released by this spirit bone, he couldn't help asking questions.

He is the Beast God of Douluo Continent, with a lifespan of 80 years as a soul beast, and his body is the Golden-Eyed Black Dragon King.

He really felt that in the entire Douluo Continent, he was the only one among the Golden-eyed Black Dragon King race, so where did he get the soul bone in the hands of this human soul master.

Could it be that the Douluo Continent still exists, and the other golden-eyed black dragon kings 0
As for the other ferocious beasts, they were also very surprised by the appearance of this spirit bone.

They didn't know what was going on, so they turned to look at Gu Yuena at the side.

"You guessed wrong, this soul bone is not a newly born soul bone, this soul bone has existed for a long time, and the soul power in it has almost been lost."

Gu Yuena's mental strength moved slightly, she investigated the specific origin of this soul bone, and slowly told Di Tian and the others the truth.

Generally, in newly born soul bones, apart from the resentment of the soul beast, the most important thing is the surge of soul power.

However, although this soul bone contains a powerful 10-year-old soul beast coercion, the soul power in it is almost exhausted.

I don't know how many years it has existed.

"So that's the case, it seems that I was worrying too much!"

Hearing this, Di Tian nodded slightly, but there was a gloomy look in his eyes.

Originally, he thought that from this piece of soul bone, he could get the origins of the other golden-eyed black dragon kings.

But it turned out that he was still too naive!
This soul bone must be the soul bone left behind by the former Golden-eyed Black Dragon King. Somehow, it was found by the Xingdou Auction Pavilion.

Di Tian couldn't help but feel a little regretful, thinking how powerful the Golden-Eyed Black Dragon King clan was back then, but it turned out to be in the current situation, almost completely dying.

At this time, Gu Yuena fell into deep thought, staring at the soul bone in front of Xuanshuang, feeling a little bit of doubt in her heart.

"How could it be? Why does this soul bone contain the aura of the Dark Dragon King? Could it be that I feel wrong?"

At this time, Gu Yuena felt a little curiosity in her heart, and she didn't understand.

Although the aura of this soul bone has been exhausted, she still found a trace of her spiritual power comparable to that of a god king.

This soul bone clearly contained a powerful aura of divine beasts, and this aura was extremely related to the Dark Dragon King without exception.

But the Dark Dragon King had fallen ten thousand years ago, why does this soul bone still contain his aura?

"Could it be that the Xingdou Auction Pavilion found the place where the Dark Dragon King fell?"

Suddenly, a guess emerged in Gu Yuena's mind.

Thinking of this soul bone, it has existed for countless years, and it is also contaminated with the breath of the Dark Dragon King.

If there is no accident, the Star Dou Auction Pavilion has indeed found the burial place of the Dark Dragon King.

Gu Yuena didn't know what she thought of, and a gloomy look flashed in her eyes.

I plan to have a good talk with the Star Dou Auction Pavilion after this auction is over.

(End of this chapter)

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