Chapter 325 The Ninth Soul Skill
It wasn't until the entire space tunnel was completely stable that Gu Yuena came back to her senses.

The scene just now shocked her beyond measure.

She never thought that the ordinary man next to Lu Yun would have such great strength.

The power of space is very mysterious, and they are in the turbulent flow of space. If they are not careful, they will be strangled to pieces by these powers of space.

Even if she used all her strength, there was no way to stabilize such a chaotic space tunnel.

I never thought that this man could do what she couldn't do with just a little bit of strength

What shocked Gu Yuena the most was that when the man released a breath, the blood in her body immediately fell into a stagnation.

It seems that this man's blood is much higher than hers, this is what Gu Yuena doesn't understand.

No matter how you look at the man in front of you, they are all human soul masters, and human soul masters do not exist in blood.

Even if there is blood, I am afraid that apart from Dragon God, there is no one with a higher blood than her.

"Okay, the space tunnel has been completely stabilized, let's move on."

Seeing that the space tunnel was stable, Lu Yun nodded in satisfaction, and was not surprised by the scene just now.

The strength of "Heaven" is the existence above the king of gods. It is indeed very easy to stabilize the power of the surrounding space.

Lu Yun ignored Gu Yuena's shocked expression, and then led "Tian" towards the front entrance.

Gu Yuena who was behind her gradually came back to her senses, followed Lu Yun and the two of them in shock, and walked towards Longgu.

Less than a moment later, the scene in front of everyone suddenly changed, and they were in a wasteland.

Everywhere is full of silence, dilapidated atmosphere.


Seeing this situation, Lu Yun knew that they had successfully passed through the space tunnel and arrived at Dragon Valley.

Looking at the picture in front of him, he obviously didn't expect the environment in Dragon Valley to be so harsh.

The soul power in the air was extremely scarce, and the killing power permeated the surroundings, creating a desolate scene everywhere.

You don't need to look to know that there are no living creatures here.

The entire land was cracked, and the surrounding mountains were cut in half. If there is no accident, there must be a shocking battle here.

Before associating with the guess before, Lu Yun gradually affirmed that Dragon Valley is the battlefield of the ancient dragon god and the five great god kings.

"We split up, you go to find your Dragon God core, and we go to find our things."

Lu Yun turned around and said to Gu Yuena beside him, let her do her own thing.

With the guidance of the magic mirror, he didn't have much difficulty in finding the bones of the other dragon kings.

"it is good!"

Hearing this, Gu Yuena's eyes turned and she didn't say anything more.

As far as she knew, the most precious thing in the Dragon Valley was the core of the Dragon God. As for the remaining soul bones, it really didn't have much use for her.

The top priority is to get the Dragon God core as soon as possible.

Thinking of this, Gu Yuena nodded, and instantly turned into a stream of light, following the guidance of the power of blood, rushed towards the Dragon God's core.

"Let's split up and try to get the other dragon king's god bones as soon as possible, but if we come across the soul bones of other soul beasts, we can also collect them."

After seeing Gu Yuena leave, Lu Yun said to "Heaven" beside him.

The two split up to search for the god bones, which will improve efficiency. Lu Yun is full of anticipation for the other soul bones in Dragon Valley.

After all, this is an ancient battlefield, and there are countless fallen soul beasts.

Some spirit beasts are killed by powerful forces, and the final spirit bones may also be completely destroyed by some forces, but there will always be some intact spirit bones.

Lu Yun immediately waved his hand and evolved the route in the magic mirror, letting "Heaven" remember the specific position.

By the way, the positions of the bones of several dragon kings were marked.

After "Tian" heard about this task, he didn't say much, so he split up with Lu Yun to find the bones of other dragon kings.

After those two people all left, Lu Yun did not stop, but followed the guidance of the magic mirror and walked towards an unknown direction.

After ten minutes of rushing, Lu Yun came to an open space.


"What's going on here, why isn't there anything in the position pointed by the magic mirror?"

At this moment, Lu Yun looked at the open space in front of him, extremely puzzled.

Logically speaking, the route on the magic mirror will never go wrong. Could it be that there is something mysterious about this place.

Lu Yun's huge mental strength spread towards the surroundings, wanting to see if there was anything tricky about this place.

But no matter how he probed with his mental power, he couldn't find any weirdness ahead.

But why is the place pointed by the magic mirror an open space?
After activating the magic mirror again, it was found that the bones of a dragon king were still here, which made Lu Yun extremely puzzled.

Suddenly, Lu Yun had a flash of inspiration, thinking of the remaining pieces of divine bones that he had not obtained, among which the most mysterious and powerful one should be the Space Dragon King.

"It seems that it should be like this!"

After some thinking, Lu Yun got the final answer.

There must be a powerful force of space in this open space, blocking the original scene.

The strength of the space dragon king is comparable to that of a first-level god, and the space power mastered by the space dragon king is superb.

His current strength has not reached the god level, and it is indeed a bit difficult to find the flaws here.

However, he possesses the Martial Soul of the Space-Time God Tower, so he should be able to find a solution in a short time.

The Space-Time God Tower Martial Soul contains the power of time and space, and it is not difficult to decipher the illusion of space ahead.

"Boom boom boom!"

With a wave of Lu Yun's right hand, the Martial Soul of the Time-Space God Tower floated out, standing behind Lu Yun, releasing powerful power of time-space.

The nine golden soul rings behind him shone with brilliance, and the majestic power directly impacted the surroundings.

Lu Yun kept perceiving the changes in the surrounding space.

"So it's here!
Suddenly, Lu Yun's eyes lit up slightly, and he clearly sensed a weak force of space.

A wicked smile appeared on his face, finally allowing him to find the strangeness of the space ahead.

The ninth million-year spirit ring on his body erupted with its divine power at this moment.

"Ninth Soul Skill: Time-Space Barrier!"

Lu Yun immediately exploded with all his strength, displaying his ninth soul skill: Time-Space Barrier.

The time-space barrier is an extremely powerful soul skill. Within the time-space barrier, time and space will all be reduced to nothingness.

The space-time barrier is very mysterious, a soul skill that integrates attack, defense, support and other effects.

But Lu Yun himself has the most mysterious soul skill.

(End of this chapter)

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