Chapter 327 The Dragon God Appears
In front of Lu Yun, there is an endless open space, and the surrounding spaces are intertwined, as if the end half cannot be seen.

What shocked Lu Yun the most was that there was a huge keel in front of him, which was really too big.

Only by raising his head could Lu Yun barely see the dragon head of the keel.

Although there was no vitality in the white keel, Lu Yun still felt uncomfortable with the coercion unintentionally released.

Fortunately, he used his soul power in time to isolate the surrounding breath, and gradually regained his calm.

"This should be the keel of the Dragon God!"

Lu Yun murmured in a low voice, after all, a keel can release such aura, only the dragon god can come to think of it.

He had seen the keels of several other dragon kings before, and the coercion carried by them was far less than one-tenth of this keel.

However, what Lu Yun didn't understand was that the Dragon God had already fallen and split into the Golden Dragon King and the Silver Dragon King.

Why does he still have bones left here?


At this moment, Lu Yun's thoughts moved, and he noticed a subtle breath.

Looking up, I found that there was a group of nine-colored lights in the center of the dragon head, shining brilliantly.

According to his perception, the reason why this keel releases such an abyss of coercion is inseparable from this group of nine colored rays of light.

"Is this nine-color object the core of the Dragon God?"

A guess emerged in Lu Yun's mind, thinking that this ray of light should be the core of the Dragon God.

With his mental strength, there is no way to reveal what the nine-colored light and the core of the dragon god inside look like.

After a while, Lu Yun came back to his senses, and searched around with mental power, but did not find Gu Yuena's figure.

This made Lu Yun extremely puzzled. Could it be that Gu Yuena didn't come here, which is obviously not right!

Gu Yuena definitely knew the location of the Dragon God's core. Even if she didn't know, she could still feel the specific location of the Dragon God's core by virtue of her own blood.


Just when Lu Yun was wondering, the space in front of him flickered slightly, and a woman walked out, it was Gu Yuena.

"Why are you here?"

When Gu Yuena came to this area, she immediately noticed the existence of Lu Yun and "Heaven", and immediately said solemnly.

She is aware of the importance of the Dragon God's core. Lu Yun said before that they should act separately, and she believed it for a short time.

As a result, what Gu Yuena did not expect was why Lu Yun came here suddenly.

Could it be that everything Lu Yun said before was false, and they came to Dragon Valley to snatch the core of Dragon God.

"The spirit bones from other places have been found, and the last piece of the Dragon King's bone is here."

Lu Yun nodded lightly, ignoring the cautious look on Gu Yuena's face.

Upon hearing these words, Gu Yuena was stunned for a moment, her mental power was released, and she suddenly noticed a keel not far away.

Although this keel is far less imposing than the dragon god, it still cannot be underestimated.

Lu Yun followed Gu Yuena's line of sight, looked not far away, and found a keel, the aura emanating from it should be the Colorful Dragon King.

Lu Yun took light steps and flew towards the distance. Seeing a seven-colored sacred bone in the keel, he waved his hand and put it away.

After getting the sacred bone of the colorful dragon king, Lu Yun walked to "Tian".

Gu Yuena saw that Lu Yun got the last piece of Dragon King bone, but she still didn't want to leave and became more vigilant.

She didn't know what Lu Yun was doing, but when she thought of feeling the strength of the mysterious man beside Lu Yun in the space tunnel, she could only sigh.

If Lu Yun forcibly seized the Dragon God's core, I'm afraid she would not have any chance to resist at all.

So Gu Yuena had the thought of smashing the jar, and the whole person disappeared in place, appearing directly in front of the keel.

He stared straight ahead, the nine-color dragon god core.

"Finally found!"

Gu Yuena murmured in surprise, seeing the core of the Dragon God in front of her, let alone how excited she was.

Relying on her own blood, she sensed the location of the dragon god's core, but for some reason, she inadvertently walked into a void.

He kept searching in the space, and finally found the correct position of the Dragon God's core.

But she didn't expect that Lu Yun would come here first.

But at this moment, Gu Yuena's attention was completely attracted by the Dragon God's core, and she ignored other things.

After a long time, Gu Yuena used the blood of the Silver Dragon King in her body.

The palm of the right hand is filled with seven-color rays of light, the fusion of the seven elements slowly moves towards the core of the Dragon God in front.


At this moment, the mutation protruded!
When Gu Yuena's right hand touched the core of the Dragon God, the entire core of the Dragon God emitted a powerful light, and the entire space began to shake violently.

Even the dragon god's bones began to gradually collapse under this powerful momentum, and eventually turned into a pile of dragon bone ruins.

However, the Dragon God's core was still suspended in midair, and a nine-colored halo was generated around it, directly repelling Gu Yuena.

"How is this going?"

Gu Yuena stabilized her figure, and looked at the core of the Dragon God above with a face full of horror.

When she touched the Dragon God's core just now, she clearly felt a strong sense of repulsion.

Even if she exerted all her blood power, she couldn't control that aura, which shocked Gu Yuena very much.

Logically speaking, she is one of the clones of the Dragon God, and the soul beast closest to the core of the Dragon God in the entire Douluo Continent.

But why does this dragon god core reject her power?

Gu Yuena stood there with a heavy expression, and began to watch the next development.

Even Lu Yun on the side was very surprised. With Gu Yuena's strength and bloodline power, she couldn't successfully take away the Dragon God's core.


Suddenly, a gloomy look appeared on Lu Yun's face. It seemed that there was something tricky about the Dragon God's core.

If there is no accident, perhaps all of this is the means left by the Dragon God.

Lu Yun thought of something in his mind. In the original book, it was still Gu Yuena who successfully took away the core of the Dragon God.

But in the process of taking away the Dragon God's core, nothing was discovered.

But this kind of accident happened today, could it be that Gu Yuena woke up early, which caused the timeline to be messed up.

In the process of Gu Yuena's deep thinking, the core of the dragon god in front released a monstrous nine-color light.

The nine-colored light gradually condensed a phantom of a middle-aged man, but the nine-colored light covered his face.

"This is……"

When Gu Yuena saw this phantom, her expression was puzzled. She quickly sensed the aura of this phantom, and then saluted to the front with a respectful expression.

"Meet the Dragon God!"

Gu Yuena lowered her head, feeling puzzled in her heart, never thought that she would be able to see Dragon God again.

That's right!

The figure condensed by the nine-colored light in front of him carried the same aura as the Dragon God.

(End of this chapter)

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