Chapter 329 God King of Life
"Oops, Dragon God Core!"

Seeing this scene, Gu Yuena was horrified, and there were more and more cracks on the surface of the dragon god's core.

Then he crazily injected the power of the elements in his body into the core of the dragon god, trying to repair these cracks.

But the core of the Dragon God is a special treasure, and with her current strength, it cannot be repaired at all.

He could only watch helplessly as the dragon god's core continued to shatter.

It wasn't until Gu Yuena consumed almost all the power in her body that she stopped the Dragon God's core from continuing to shatter.

Seeing this situation, Gu Yuena breathed a sigh of relief, holding the broken Dragon God core with her right hand, and slowly fell to the ground.


Gu Yuena's heart is very complicated, the Dragon God core in her hand is not like before, releasing the dazzling nine-color light.

Not only did the light on the surface become extremely dim, but even cracks appeared in the entire core of the Dragon God.

If she hadn't used the power in her body in time to repair the Dragon God's core, then the Dragon God's core would have been completely broken.

Although Gu Yuena was extremely angry in her heart, she did not dare to attack Lu Yun and the two of them.

Otherwise, she wouldn't be able to leave Dragon Valley alive. The reason is that she didn't remind Dragon God in the first place, so that Dragon God made a move on Lu Yun and Lu Yun.

In turn, the core of the dragon god was about to be broken.

Seeing that the Dragon God's core was about to shatter, Lu Yun's expression remained unchanged, and he stared indifferently ahead.

No regrets for what he just did.

All of this is the Dragon God's own fault. The Dragon God's core is of little use to him.

Even if it is destroyed, he doesn't feel bad.

After putting away the Dragon God core, Gu Yuena sighed leisurely, wondering if the Dragon God core was still useful.

After a while, Gu Yuena didn't stay for too long, and disappeared in place in a flash.

He intends to leave Dragon Valley at this point.

A burst of space flickered, and Gu Yuena's figure disappeared out of thin air.

"Let's leave too!"

When Lu Yun saw Gu Yuena leaving, he didn't say anything, and then walked lightly, intending to leave this place.

The soul bones in the entire Dragon Valley were almost scraped by him, and it was time to leave.

Just when Lu Yun took a few steps, "Heaven" beside him suddenly sensed something and disappeared in place.

Seeing this situation, Lu Yun stopped and turned his head to look, and found that "sky" suddenly appeared in front of him again.

It's just that at this time, a nine-colored soul bone appeared in "Heaven"'s hand.

The aura emanating from this spirit bone is far superior to the divine bones of the Nine Great Dragon Kings, and even the power of the elements in this spirit bone is extremely majestic.

"Is this the Dragon God's soul bone?"

When Lu Yun saw this spirit bone, his expression was very surprised.

He also did not expect that after the death of the dragon god, his own soul bone was still left behind.

That's the dragon god, a powerhouse at the level of a god king, the lifespan of the soul bone is simply unimaginable.

After observing for a while, Lu Yun put away the spirit bone.

Don't be in vain!
You can't waste this soul bone in vain.

What makes Lu Yun more curious is why the five great god kings of the God Realm didn't completely destroy the core of the Dragon God?

He is very clear that the five god kings are very afraid of the existence of the dragon god.

Logically speaking, the five god kings would never sit idly by the core of the dragon god condensed from the original power in the dragon god's body, but this kind of thing happened.

These things happened tens of thousands of years ago, and Lu Yun didn't intend to pursue them further.

In short, he has gained enough this time to make this trip worthwhile.

Lu Yun and the two left the space one after another.

After the two left, without the existence of the dragon god's core, the space began to collapse one after another, gradually turning into nothingness.

Even the entire Dragon Valley began to shake slightly.

After a while, it gradually calmed down.

Lu Yun came to the area where he had just entered Dragon Valley, and looked around with his mental power, but he didn't find Gu Yuena's figure.

Not a moment later, Lu Yun knew that Gu Yuena had left first, so don't pay too much attention to this matter.

Anyway, he has already got what he wants, so there is no need for Longgu to exist.

Since Gu Yuena didn't tell them the specific method to open the Dragon Valley exit, then don't blame them for using brute force to break the Dragon Valley and leave here.

The "Heaven" on the side understood Lu Yun's thoughts, and formed seals with both hands, and the palms were filled with a surging aura of divine power.

The palm was slapped directly forward, and an illusory palm print passed through the endless space and bombarded forward fiercely.

"Boom boom boom!"

Wherever it passed, everything was shattered, and the power of space began to spread around.

Until a deep space vortex appeared ahead.

At this time, Lu Yun followed the figure of "Sky" and walked towards the space vortex.

I was in a trance for a while, and when the two reappeared, they were already outside the Dragon Valley.

Lu Yun breathed the surrounding air, and he didn't expect the "sky" to completely penetrate Longgu.

In an instant, he came to the outside of Dragon Valley. The entrance of Dragon Valley that Gu Yuena opened before had walked through the space tunnel for a long time.

If it wasn't for preventing the destruction of the soul bones in Dragon Valley, "Heaven" would have directly opened the entrance of Dragon Valley forcibly.

Just like that, Lu Yun and the two didn't stop, and flew in the direction of Xingdou Auction Pavilion at an extremely fast speed.

After Lu Yun and "Tian" left Dragon Valley, the space vortex left in Dragon Valley began to collapse rapidly without the maintenance of power.

The power of space in the entire space tunnel affects the entire Dragon Valley.

Under the influence of this force of space, the originally hard Dragon Valley gradually shattered.

The entire Dragon Valley collapsed one after another as if an earthquake had occurred, and fell into endless darkness.

After a long time, the entire Dragon Valley was completely destroyed, and the fragments drifted in the endless space turbulence.

It's a pity that after Lu Yun and two left Longgu, they didn't know that Longgu had disappeared into the world.


Spirit world.

Here is a huge void, and there is darkness everywhere.

There is a huge magic circle in the central area, which surrounds the four directions, as if connecting the sky and the earth.

At this moment, in the very center of the magic circle, there was a huge ball emitting multi-colored light.

Around this sphere, there are also five miniaturized spheres, emitting different lights, forming a huge connection with this huge sphere.

The magic circle is running slowly, and the inexplicable power affects the operation of the entire God Realm.

Just as Longgu was heading for destruction, the entire magic circle began to shake.

The six spheres emit different degrees of light.

At this moment, a woman suddenly flew from the distant sky. She was dressed in a green long board, and her appearance was peerless.

There is a touch of green between the eyebrows, which fills the whole body with a life-like and peaceful atmosphere.

This woman is one of the five great god kings in the God Realm today, the God King of Life.

(End of this chapter)

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