Chapter 33
"Oh, really, I hope you can still be so tough in the future!"

"Jiuyou, let him taste the dangers of society!"

Hearing that Dugu Bo was unwilling, Lu Yun handed over the Binghuo Liangyiyan to them, and then snorted coldly.

He stared indifferently at Dugu Bo in front of him, and asked Jiuyou to teach him a lesson, otherwise he would not know the heights of heaven and earth.

Unlike in the original book, Lu Yun did not tell Dugu Bo that he was poisoned. With this news, he entered the eyes of Binghuo Liangyi.

For him, as long as he has enough strength, let alone the entire valley, even if he kills Dugu Bo, it will have no effect.

So he came to the Eye of Binghuo Liangyi, and let Jiuyou follow him.

Under the hands of a Limit Douluo, how could Dugu Bo, who had just broken through the Title Douluo, be his opponent?

After hearing Lu Yun's presumptuous tone, Dugu Bo was about to continue to refute, but suddenly he noticed something was wrong.

how could be?

Since the two people in front of them know his identity, they naturally understand that he is a strong Titled Douluo.

But the young man in front of him dared to speak rudely. Could it be that this young man was not afraid that he would get angry on the spot and kill the two people in front of him.

A bad premonition emerged in Dugu Bo's heart, never thought that these two people would be so unafraid of his threat.

There is a possibility that the strength of the two people in front of him is far superior to him.


Next, the idea in his mind succeeded, and he saw Jiuyou's body was filled with a surging Limit Douluo aura, and he rushed towards Dugu Bo in front of him.


When Dugu Bo, who was not aware of it for a while, felt the coercion of this heaven and earth-like soul power, his whole heart set off a turbulent wave, and he quickly released the Jade Phosphorus Snake Emperor martial soul to resist this majesty.

But how could Jiuyou give him a chance to react?Put Dugu Bo directly on the ground, unable to move for half a minute?
"Stop, don't fight again!"

Immediately afterwards, Jiuyou raised his fist directly, and punched Dugu Bo under his feet, punching hard.

He directly beat Dugu Bo until his nose was bruised and his face was swollen, and he begged in a low voice.

"How about it, who do you think this valley belongs to?"

Lu Yun looked at Dugu Bo who was begging for mercy, nodded slightly, and slowly came to Dugu Bo, showing a strange smile.

"Of course...Of course it belongs to your Star Dou Auction Pavilion!"

"I'm leaving now..."

Blood gushed out of Dugu Bo's throat, he swallowed it quickly, and said in a panic that this valley belongs to the Star Dou Auction Pavilion.

At this time, Dugu Bo felt extremely aggrieved, seeing Lu Yun's face like a devil, he felt even more depressed.

He also didn't expect that the two people in front of him would pretend to be pigs and eat tigers, a limit Douluo powerhouse bullying him, a soul master who had just broken through the Title Douluo.

It must be bullying the small with the big!

But Dugu Bo felt bitter and couldn't tell, if he said it, the next thing would be more than just being beaten, it would be such a simple matter.

So when Lu Yun asked who this valley belonged to, Dugu Bo would not hesitate to give this valley to Xingdou Auction Pavilion.

If he continues to occupy the Binghuo Liangyi Eye, I am afraid that his body will be separated next.

Although his body was in extreme pain and his heart was filled with depression, Dugu Bo was still extremely shocked, what kind of power was the Star Dou Auction Pavilion.

Why had he never heard of it?
Having the power of an extreme Douluo powerhouse will definitely not be unknown in the Douluo Continent.

Could it be that the Xingdou Auction Pavilion is a hidden force, unknown to the people of Douluo Dalu?
In Dugu Bo's heart, the Star Dou Auction Pavilion was listed as the most unprovoked existence.

He, a single titled Douluo powerhouse, of course can't fight against this colossal monster.

So Dugu Bo couldn't think of any revenge in his heart, he still thought about how to get this Limit Douluo to let him leave the Sunset Forest.

"Wouldn't it be better to do this earlier? There is no need to suffer in vain."

When Lu Yun heard Dugu Bo say that this valley belongs to the Xingdou Auction Pavilion, he nodded slightly.


No matter how stubborn Dugu Bo is, he will succumb under absolute strength.

This made Lu Yun full of desire to improve his own strength, and became more dignified.

(End of this chapter)

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