Chapter 335 Be Prepared
Gu Yuena is very aware of the seriousness of this matter. In order to prevent the gods of the gods from attacking the entire soul beast family, Gu Yuena plans to make some plans in the next time.

Immediately, a silver light flashed from his right hand, floating directly towards the outside of the palace.

Di Tian, ​​who was originally cultivating outside the palace, immediately disappeared in place after realizing this message, and arrived in front of Gu Yuena.

"Master, do you know what you want from me?"

At this moment, Di Tian raised his head and asked Gu Yuena with a respectful expression.

"There is a bad thing that I want to tell you."

"I went to Dragon Valley some time ago and obtained the core of the Dragon God, but due to unknown reasons, the core of the Dragon God is about to shatter."

"So, now I hope you can find a way to repair the Dragon God's core. Even if you can't think of a way, I won't blame you, I can only say that you will do your best."

Gu Yuena handed the Dragon God Core to Di Tian, ​​telling the bad news that the Dragon God Core was on the verge of breaking.

"What, why did the Dragon God's core suddenly shatter? And what kind of power can cause the Dragon God's core to shatter?"


After hearing these words, Ditian's expression became extremely horrified.

Looking at the complex cracks on the surface of the dragon god's core in front of him, his heart became extremely complicated.

He is the entire clan of soul beasts, except for Gu Yuena, who is the only soul beast who knows the existence of the Dragon God's core.

He understands that the core of the Dragon God is the treasure of the soul beast family, but he did not expect a shocking news to reach his ears.

The core of the dragon god is about to be broken.

While panicking, Ditian couldn't understand what kind of strong man could destroy the Dragon God's core?
It is simply unimaginable whether it will be destroyed under the eyes of the Lord.

"My lord, could it be that group of hypocritical gods from the God Realm took the opportunity to attack?"

Suddenly, Ditian had a flash of inspiration and remembered a key point.

Those who have enmity with the soul beasts must be the group of gods in the God Realm.

Only they have the strength to destroy the Dragon God core in the hands of Gu Yuena.

Thinking of this, Di Tian became extremely powerless.

The five great kings of the God Realm seemed to be like a mountain pressing down on them, no matter how hard they struggled, it would be of no avail in the end.

Originally hoped that the lord could find the core of the dragon god and resurrect the dragon god again, but the original wish was broken in an instant at this moment.

"Don't worry, my lord, after I leave, I will definitely let the powerful soul beasts find a way to restore the Dragon God's core."

Afterwards, Ditian reassured in a firm tone.

No matter what the price is, the Dragon God core must be completely repaired.

There must be no mistakes in this grand plan for the revival of the soul beast family.

"You don't need to investigate how the Dragon God's core was broken, it will save you a whole lot of trouble."

"There is another bad thing. When I took away the core of the Dragon God in Dragon Valley, I was noticed by the five great kings of the God Realm."

"During this period of time, we must recuperate. Unless it is absolutely necessary, we must remember not to show our faces in public, lest the God Realm track down our location."

After a while, Gu Yuena said another important thing.

"I see!"

When Di Tian heard the news, even though he was extremely shocked, he still suppressed his emotions.

"Okay, these are the two important things for the time being. For the next month, if you don't have necessary things, don't bother me."

"I want to take advantage of this time to repair the Dragon God's core as much as possible, take the opportunity to improve my own strength, and respond to all changes with the same."

Gu Yuena said slowly, planning to fall into retreat in the following time.

As soon as the words fell, Ditian nodded slightly, and disappeared in place instantly with a flash.

After Ditian left, Gu Yuena's eyes were slightly closed, and the huge divine power in her body was slowly poured into the Dragon God's core in front of her.

The power of the seven elements surrounds the whole body one after another, exuding a powerful aura, flickering the entire palace.


far north.

This is a world of ice and snow, filled with the power of ice everywhere, strangers are not allowed to enter.

At this time, in the deepest part of the Far North, the air here was even colder, and suddenly a peerless woman in a white dress floated down from the sky.

This woman is the ruler of the Far North: Snow Emperor.

Snow Empress landed on the ground, looking at her surroundings with a vigilant expression. At the same time, her huge mental power spread rapidly towards her surroundings with herself as the origin.

Use the power of the surrounding heaven and earth to search the entire extreme north.

After a while, Xue Di slowly withdrew his mental power, flicked his right hand, and then a white bead appeared in a trance.

This bead released a powerful power of ice, which created a connection with the power of heaven and earth in the entire extreme north.

This white bead is the Ice Jade God Bead that Xuedi bought at the Xingdou Auction Pavilion before.

"go with!"

Xue Di looked at the Bingyu Divine Bead in his hand, with a serious look on his face.

The next moment, he threw the Ice Jade Divine Bead directly into the sky, and the huge soul power in Snow Emperor's body gathered towards the Ice Jade Divine Bead above.

At the same time, the Snow Emperor kept using all his strength to quickly activate the Ice Jade Divine Bead with the help of the power of the ice in the extreme north.

The Ice Jade Divine Bead received such a huge power of ice, and suddenly released a burst of white light, shining brightly on the sky and the earth.

Immediately afterwards, a shield that seemed to be able to cover the sky and the sun covered the entire northern land.

"I hope there will be no accidents in the future."

After finishing everything, Xuedi put away the Bingyu Divine Orb and murmured in a dignified tone.

After a long time, Snow Empress planned to return to his palace after not realizing the existence of the threat.

"Boom boom boom!"

Before she could take a few steps, suddenly the entire northern land seemed to shake.

The sky suddenly turned gray, and a darkness came quietly.

Countless purple thunderbolts flickering in the sky seem to be able to blast through the heavens and the earth.

This oppressive atmosphere caused the soul beasts in the entire northern land to riot.

"Is it coming so soon? I just don't know if Ice Empress is ready?"

Xue Di looked at the imminent catastrophe in the sky, his face became extremely solemn.

That's right.

This catastrophe is the Ice Emperor's 40-year soul beast catastrophe.

Snow Emperor originally estimated that it would take at least a few days for Ice Emperor to usher in the 40-year Soul Beast Tribulation.

Unexpectedly, it would appear today.

She wondered if Ice Empress was fully prepared.

Otherwise, under the 40-year soul beast catastrophe, there will be fatal danger.

In order for the Ice Emperor to successfully survive the catastrophe, the Snow Emperor used the Ice Jade God Bead to create a connection with the power of heaven and earth in the extreme north.

At the critical moment, it can help the ice emperor resist a fatal blow.

(End of this chapter)

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