Douluo: 10-year-old soul bones are auctioned at the beginning

Chapter 337 The Weirdness of the Ice Jade Divine Orb

Chapter 337 The Weirdness of the Ice Jade Divine Orb

The Ice Emperor secretly encouraged himself, there must be no mistakes in this time of crossing the catastrophe.

Not only for Xuedi's safety, but also for her own future.

At this moment, the soul beasts in the entire northern land felt the breath of the fourth catastrophe.

Every soul beast trembled, prostrated themselves on the ground, and wailed softly.

The Ice Empress was also very nervous, and took the next catastrophe seriously.

Suddenly, a large piece of thunder power appeared in the sky and suddenly gathered together to form a thick catastrophe.

There are bursts of black light in the center of the catastrophe, as if to destroy everything.

Following the completion of the gathering of the power of the thunder, it immediately bombarded the Bingdi at a speed exceeding the limit.

Seeing that the catastrophe was coming, the Ice Empress no longer had any doubts, and immediately threw the Ice Jade Divine Orb that the Snow Empress had given him to the sky.

All the soul power in the body poured into the Ice Jade Divine Bead, ready to resist the next catastrophe.

In an instant, the shield that Snow Empress had placed in advance also began to fall into violent shaking at this moment.

The power of heaven and earth was extracted from the extreme north, and poured into the ice jade bead, releasing a dazzling white light, directly blocking the catastrophe.


There were bursts of deafening sounds, and at the same time a terrifying destructive aura burst out from the Bingyu Divine Bead.

The Ice Empress tried her best to mobilize the Ice Jade Divine Bead to resist her own last catastrophe.

Seeing this scene, Snow Emperor also had a serious expression on his face, ready to make a move to help Ice Empress resolve the last catastrophe.

Then a surprising scene appeared, a powerful Qi machine suddenly appeared.

For some unknown reason, the ray of ice jade beads became stronger and directly destroyed the power of heavenly tribulation above.

The dark clouds between heaven and earth gradually dissipated, and this catastrophe disappeared completely.

"it is finally over."

After the Heavenly Tribulation ended, the Ice Empress instantly changed into a human form, but the breath on her body was extremely weak, and a relaxed smile appeared on her face.


Suddenly, a piece of golden light descended from the sky and entered the body of the Ice Emperor.

The Ice Empress enjoyed these golden lights, and her originally weak breath and serious injuries were gradually healed under this golden light.

In an instant, the breath of a 40-year-old beast was suddenly released from the body of the Ice Empress, permeating the entire northern land.

The soul beast in the extreme north felt the coercion of this extremely powerful beast, and the blood in its body began to tremble violently.

"Ice Emperor, congratulations on successfully stepping into the 40-year beast level."

After a while, Snow Empress put aside her previous doubts, walked to Ice Empress, and congratulated him.

"Hey, I didn't expect that this catastrophe would come so fiercely that I almost didn't get through it. If it wasn't for the ice jade bead before, then this time I'm afraid it would be dangerous."

The Bingdi patted his chest, thankful that he had successfully survived the catastrophe.

After all, before this, she had already anticipated her power of catastrophe, which should not be underestimated.

But it wasn't until she really faced the catastrophe that she realized how naive her previous thoughts were.

The power of this catastrophe is too strong, especially the last catastrophe, which is full of the aura of destroying everything.

Fortunately, she had the Bingyu Divine Orb, which helped her resist most of the attacks.

"However, I have a very strong hunch in my heart that maybe I won't be able to survive the next catastrophe."

Suddenly, the Bingdi didn't know what to think of, and there was a gloomy look in his eyes.

After this catastrophe, she will feel an inexplicable sense of crisis in her heart.

That is the 50-year soul beast catastrophe, and she may not be able to survive it.

"Don't worry, now you are still countless years away from the 50-year soul beast."

"On the other hand, there is the Star Dou Auction Pavilion. Maybe we can get some top-notch treasures from the Star Dou Auction Pavilion to solve this dilemma."

Hearing this, Xue Di comforted, and brought up the Xingdou Auction Pavilion by the way.

After all, the Xingdou Auction Pavilion is extremely mysterious, and all the treasures that are brought out are rare in the world.

She didn't believe in the follow-up Star Dou Auction Pavilion, and couldn't bring out something suitable for the two of them.

The next hope can only be placed in the hands of the Star Dou Auction Pavilion.

"hope so!"

Bingdi nodded lightly, then threw out the depression in her heart, and began to feel her own new strength.

While the two were talking, the Ice Jade Divine Orb, which had fallen to the ground dull and dull, was slowly suspended in the midair under the pull of an inexplicable force.

"call out!"

Then it turned into a stream of light, and flew away in an instant, heading towards the deepest part of the extreme north.

"How is this going?"

The Bing Empress naturally also noticed this movement, and immediately murmured in doubt.

"Come up!"

Seeing this scene, Xuedi said to Bingdi with a gloomy look in his eyes.

As soon as the words fell, Xue Di turned into a stream of light and flew towards the direction of the ice jade pearl.

The Snow Emperor had already known what was wrong with the Bingyu Divine Orb, and she originally planned to help the Ice Emperor to resolve the fourth catastrophe.

But for some reason, the Bingyu Divine Orb released a powerful force far beyond the previous one for no reason, directly destroying that fatal catastrophe.

Logically speaking, the Bingyu Divine Orb was a dead thing, and neither she nor Bingdi made a move at that time.

Then why did the Bingyu Divine Orb suddenly burst out with such powerful power?
The strangest thing is that even if she tried her best to activate the Bingyu Divine Orb, she was far from being able to achieve such a powerful explosive power.

Therefore, she has been focusing on the Bingyu Divine Bead just now.


All of this was as she expected, the Bingyu Divine Orb was weird.

So he chased after the Bingyu Divine Orb without hesitation, and maybe he could find some clues in the end.

Although the Bingdi on the side couldn't figure out why such a change occurred in the Bingyu Divine Orb.

But still following the figure of the Snow Emperor, he flew towards the deepest part of the Far North.

After a while, the Snow Emperor and the two came to an even colder area, which had even surpassed the extreme ice.

At this moment, the Bingyu Divine Bead appeared again, and flew into a cave ahead in the blink of an eye.

"how could be?"

Seeing this scene, the expressions of Snow Empress and Ice Empress slightly changed.

It never occurred to him that the Bingyu Divine Bead flew into that cave under the traction of an unknown force.

This made Xuedi and the two of them very complicated, but they didn't know whether the next incident was good or bad?

"Snow Emperor, do you think we should follow the Ice Jade God Orb and enter the Ice Temple?"

Bingdi, who really didn't know what to do, turned to ask Xuedi beside him.

Do you want to enter the Ice Temple?

(End of this chapter)

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