Chapter 340 Domain Mutation
"who are you?"

At this moment, Xue Di asked in a serious tone, the soul power in his body was surging all the time, ready to deal with any crisis.

However, her chances of defeating this phantom are extremely slim.

I can only do everything possible to find the flaws in this phantom, and take the opportunity to kill it.


"It's been too long, and I don't know my name, but I vaguely remember that I was the Lord of the Far North."

Suddenly, this phantom fell into silence, and a distant voice sounded in a trance.

After hearing this sentence, Xue Di was slightly taken aback, and said in a serious tone: "Impossible, the owner of the extreme north land was Lord Ice God, how could it be you?"

Xuedi denied the identity of this phantom without hesitation.

Now the Lord of the Extreme North is her, but before her, the Lord of the Extreme North was the Ice God.

After the Ice God became a god, the identity of the ruler of the Far North gradually fell into her hands.

"Ice God, it's been a long time since anyone called me that."

"Actually, to some extent, I am indeed the ice god in your mouth."

Afterwards, the phantom remembered something and said in a calm tone.

As soon as the words fell, Xue Di and the two were shocked beyond measure.

how can that be possible?
Is the phantom in front of me the Ice God?

Absolutely impossible!
In their memory, the Ice God was a kind god, and he would never harm the lives of soul masters and soul beasts for no reason.

But the phantom in front of them planned to swallow them as soon as they came up, Snow Empress and Ice Empress would definitely not believe that this phantom in front of them was Lord Ice God.

"Hmph, whether you believe it or not, it's the fact."

"If I'm wrong, you little fellow should be the current Lord of the Extreme North."

Xu Ying didn't intend to continue arguing with Xue Di, and immediately said doubtfully.

It's just that the tone is full of affirmation.

As soon as he woke up, he noticed the power of heaven and earth in the extreme north.

In addition, the Snow Empress in front of him is surrounded by the power of heaven and earth from the extreme north, and has a very close connection with this land of heaven and earth.

This result is very obvious.

"Let's do it, just let me see the strength of the Lord of the Extreme North."

The phantom continued to speak, stretched out his right hand and picked it up, letting Xuedi make a move.

"Xuedi, what should we do?"

Seeing this scene, the Ice Empress became extremely worried.

The phantom in front of him is extremely powerful, and the chance for Snow Emperor to defeat him is too small.

Only by solving this phantom can they survive.

Hearing this, Xue Di fell into contemplation, his eyes rolled, and he was also thinking about the next predicament.

"I will try my best to delay this phantom later on. If it doesn't work, I will die with him. You can take the opportunity to leave this place when you find the right time, and send away the soul beasts in the extreme north, so that they can't step into this area again. area."

After a while, Xuedi thought of a countermeasure, and sent a sound transmission to Bingdi.

Let her find the right time to lead the soul beasts in the extreme north to leave here.

With her strength, she would never be the opponent of the phantom in front of her, but for the sake of the soul beast clan in the extreme north, she stood up resolutely.

Even if the final fate cannot be changed, she will do her best to die with this phantom.

Fight for a little life for the remaining soul beasts.

"No, Snow Empress, you can't do this."

After hearing this astonishing news, the Ice Empress refused without hesitation.

He was not willing to let Xuedi fall into danger.

"Needless to say, it's decided like this."

Xuedi said indifferently, urging Bingdi to hurry up and make a decision.

After hearing these words, the Ice Empress immediately became extremely silent and didn't say anything.

She didn't know, should she continue to stay here?
The whole person fell into a struggle.

"Dancing Snow and Shining the Sun!"

Time was running out, so Xue Di ignored the subsequent change in Bing Di's expression.

Instantly burst out all of his own strength, and immediately released his own domain skills.

In the entire field, heavy snow was flying, and countless snowflakes fell down.

The scope of this field gradually expanded, even covering the entire Ice Temple, so the breath of the Ice Temple became even colder.

After releasing the domain, the Snow Empress did not stay any longer, and the palm of her right hand was filled with frightening ice palm prints.

With the help of the power of the domain, he slapped forward fiercely.

"A domain-type soul skill?"

"However, an attack of this intensity is really unbearable."

Xu Ying was naturally also covered by Snow Emperor's domain, feeling the changes in the power of the surrounding heaven and earth, Xu Ying showed an unexpected expression on his face.

After seeing the icy palm print in front of him, he shook his head lightly.

This level of attack is really too weak.

This phantom didn't move too much. With a light wave of his right hand, the power of the domain that originally covered the surrounding area was completely reversed at this moment.

Even the power of these domains has completely become the power of this phantom, blasting towards the attack ahead.

When the two attacks collided, there was a roar, and the terrifying momentum spread towards the surroundings.

The destruction of the entire Ice Temple was even more serious.

After the aftermath of the attack dissipated, the phantom stood on the spot intact, not even the fog around him was shattered.

It's just that the Snow Empress at this time couldn't keep her composure, and was directly shocked back ten steps by this powerful momentum.

After a while, the turbulence of the soul power in the body gradually calmed down.

"How on earth did you do it?"

After a while, Xue Di stood up and asked the phantom in front of him with a solemn expression.

At the same time, there was a feeling of powerlessness in my heart.

When she used the domain just now, she originally combined the power of the domain to erupt a powerful soul skill of her own.

But just when the attack was about to hit Phantom, she suddenly realized that her own domain was out of her control.

Instead, Xu Ying used her domain power to resist the attack she unleashed.

This method made Xue Di extremely incomprehensible.

What kind of power is it that can do this?

What Snow Emperor was certain of was that there was absolutely no way for an existence below the god level to do so.

Even ordinary god-level powerhouses have no way to reverse the power of the domain.

But the phantom in front of him did it.

Could it be that the strength of the phantom in front of him is also at the top level among god-level powerhouses?
Xuedi had to admit that the next predicament was simply unsolvable.

Originally, she had the blessing of the domain herself, and her strength could be increased by at least [-]%.

Now the power of the domain has become her dilemma.

So Xue Di lowered his head, thinking about how to solve the phantom in front of him?
(End of this chapter)

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