Chapter 347 The White Box

Although Lu Yun knew that the disaster in the extreme north was the queen of all true god-level powerhouses, he didn't care at all.

It is impossible for that strong man to reach the realm of a god-king. Xuanshuang can completely deal with existences below the god-king even without the help of "Heaven".

In the days when the auction was not held, Xuanshuang had been practicing in the secret realm of chaos, and at the same time increased the lifespan of her soul ring.

It can be said that Xuanshuang's strength at this time has reached a very advanced level.

The strength is comparable to a first-level god, and even an ordinary first-level god is far from Xuanshuang's opponent.

Xuanshuang has a god-level martial spirit, and she also has five million-year-old spirit rings.

Therefore, it is not surprising that Xuanshuang's strength can reach that level.

This is also thanks to Xuanshuang's continuous use of the secret realm of chaos to increase the lifespan of the soul ring.

"Don't worry, our Star Dou Auction Pavilion will definitely solve your worries."

"In this case, you can leave and arrange everything. After a while, the Star Dou Auction Pavilion will send a strong man to help you deal with that strong man."

Lu Yun let Xue Di and the two of them leave first, and then he would let Xuanshuang go there to quickly solve the hidden danger.

At the same time, bring all the ten-thousand-year ice essence promised by the Snow Emperor here.

"Thank you!"

Hearing this, Xue Di was relieved, since Xingdou Auction Pavilion has already said so, then they should be absolutely sure that they can get rid of that phantom.

This relieved the heavy burden in Xuedi's heart, and he immediately thanked him.

After a while, the two Xuedi turned into a stream of light, left the Xingdou Auction Pavilion, and walked towards the extreme north.

Apart from guiding the direction for the Star Dou Auction Pavilion, more importantly, they took advantage of this time to dismiss the soul beasts in the extreme north.

If there is no accident, when the phantom breaks out, there will inevitably be a big battle between the two sides. At that time, it will cause the loss of life and countless casualties.

Even if a soul beast under 10 years is far away from the battle range, it is difficult to withstand the collision of two god-level powerhouses.

For the sake of the development of the soul beast clan in the extreme north, it is still necessary to temporarily let them leave the extreme north as soon as possible, and return after the war is over.

After Xuedi and the two left, Lu Yun waved his hand and called Xuanshuang and Jiuyou over.

Although he heard Xuedi's description, the strength of that strong man should be around the level of a first-level god.

But he has no way to ensure that what Xue Di said is true or false.

For the sake of Xuanshuang's safety, Lu Yun planned to let Jiuyou accompany them, and the two went to the extreme north together.

This can also ensure the safety of the two of them. Jiuyou also has a god-level martial soul, and its strength is comparable to Xuanshuang.

Even if the two join forces, the existence under the king of gods can be called invincible.

With them attacking together, Lu Yun felt more at ease.

Less than a moment later, Jiuyou and Xuanshuang suddenly left the chaotic realm and appeared in front of Lu Yun.

"Pavilion Master, I don't know if you asked the two of us to come, do you have any orders?"

Xuanshuang was curious about what task Lu Yun had, and asked her to do it.

As for Jiuyou who was at the side, he was also very puzzled, what was the purpose of Lu Yun calling them here.

They had been cultivating in the secret realm of chaos before, and they immediately exited the state of retreat when they received Lu Yun's call.

"It's like this. There is a mission that really requires the two of you to do it. Originally, I planned to let Xuanshuang go alone, but I'm not sure how dangerous this matter is."

"So I decided to let the two of you go together and take care of each other, so as to avoid some sudden accidents."

Lu Yun roughly said that the task this time required two people to go together.

"The Snow Empress of the Extreme North has made a deal with our Star Dou Auction Pavilion, hoping that we can help her get rid of a strong person."


Lu Yun told Xuanshuang and Jiuyou all about the situation in the extreme north, and asked them to think carefully about the countermeasures.

"The degree of danger this time is not very certain, but there is no doubt that the strength of that strong man has not broken through to the king of God."

Lu Yun continued.

"Okay, Pavilion Master, I promise to complete the task."

As soon as the words fell, Xuanshuang and Jiuyou nodded fiercely, expressing that the transaction must be completed.

Lu Yun nodded lightly, suddenly thought of something, spread out his right palm, and a white box appeared in his hand.

The surface of the box emitted a glistening white light, and at the same time a powerful force of ice spread towards the surroundings, and even the air seemed to be frozen.

"This is a magical treasure that can be used to store the Ten Thousand Years Ice Essence. When you go to your destination, you only need to take out this box."

"Use part of the divine power to activate this white box, and then the ten-thousand-year ice essence in that area will automatically enter this box, so that you won't have to look for the ten-thousand-year ice essence at that time."

Lu Yun introduced the specific function of the white box in his hand to Xuanshuang and Jiuyou, and asked them to hold this white box to collect the Wannian Ice Essence.

Lu Yun knew that the ten-thousand-year ice essence was deep in the ground, and if it was dug out by powerful means, it would inevitably damage a lot of ten-thousand-year ice essence.

These are all top treasures of the ice attribute, and there must be no mistakes.

So he took advantage of the period of time just now to buy a treasure from the system, which is this white box, which is specially used to store some ice-type treasures.

As long as there is this white box, the surrounding Wannian Ice Essence will automatically enter the area where Xuanshuang and the others are located, and it doesn't take much effort.

"Xuanshuang, I will leave this box to you. This box has a very powerful power of ice. It just so happens that your martial soul is an ice-type martial soul, so you can perfectly control it."

Lu Yun handed the white box to Xuanshuang, and asked her to collect the ten thousand years of ice essence.

Although this box is just an ordinary treasure, the power of ice emanating from the surface is hard for ordinary soul masters to resist.

Then Xuanshuang, who has an ice attribute martial soul, is very suitable for holding this white box.

"Okay, the two of you can now go to the Northland and complete this transaction as soon as possible."

After Lu Yun arranged everything, he said directly to Xuanshuang and the two of them, telling them to set off now and go to the extreme north.

As soon as the words fell, Xuanshuang put away the white box, and looked at each other with Jiuyou.

There was a flicker in the space in front of the two of them, and they disappeared in the blink of an eye.


far north.

From the moment Snow Empress and Ice Empress stepped into the extreme north, they suddenly noticed two powerful auras around them.

Seeing this situation, the Snow Emperor looked horrified, but turned around to the far north, a deserted place, and suddenly there were two auras that made it difficult for them to resist.

I probably know, maybe these two strong men are the strong men sent by the Star Dou Auction Pavilion.


When the power of space flickered ahead, the figures of Xuanshuang and Jiuyou appeared beside Xuedi.

(End of this chapter)

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