Chapter 35 Immortal Grass
When the poison elixir was fully used, Dugu Bo opened his eyes, and quickly noticed the toxin left in his body, all of which had been removed.

Even his soul power level has reached the peak level of level 93.

All these shocking gains made Dugu Bo not recover for a short time.

Didn't he have hallucinations?

After several careful investigations, his strength was indeed, he had actually broken through to level 93, and he was only one step away from breaking through to level 94.

Dugu Bo couldn't believe it, the scene in front of him was so factual that he was not allowed to refute.

After a while, Dugu Bo stood up and looked at Lu Yun in front of him with bright eyes.

He knew that the reason for such a big change in himself should be a pill thrown to him by Lu Yun before.

I didn't expect it to be so precious!
In Dugu Bo's cognition, it seems that there has never been a treasure that can increase the soul power level of a Title Douluo by two levels.

This is a bit too scary!
Dugu Bo knew that this treasure was hard to find, but what he couldn't understand was why Lu Yun was willing to give him such an important treasure?

"Thank you!"

After a while, Dugu Bo's complicated emotions turned into words of thanks.

He joined the Star Dou Auction Pavilion willingly, after all, after getting such a big benefit, it's not his style to walk away.

The Star Dou Auction Pavilion can produce such a precious treasure, its power is definitely not simple.

Besides, it's not a shame for him to join the Star Dou Auction Pavilion. Next, he will work hard for the Star Dou Auction Pavilion.

"Don't act like you haven't seen the world. The poison pill I gave you is just the lowest level thing. If what you do in the future satisfies me, I can give you even more precious treasures."

"Even letting you break through to the god level is no problem!"

Hearing Dugu Bo's thanks, Lu Yun nodded in satisfaction, thinking that this poisonous pill was not in vain.

The reason why Lu Yun asked Dugu Bo to join the Xingdou Auction Pavilion, besides guarding the Binghuo Liangyiyan, was another reason, and that was being a human being.

Lu Yun, who has read the original book, naturally knows that Dugu Bo is a person who is on the verge of enmity, and few people can change what he believes.

Now that he joined the Xingdou Auction Pavilion and received the favor just now, Dugu Bo will be honest and work for the Xingdou Auction Pavilion.

This allowed Lu Yun to safely hand over the Binghuo Liangyiyan to Dugu Bo to take care of it.


After hearing Lu Yun's astonishing words, Dugu Bo showed astonishment.

He believed the first half of the sentence!

But let him break through to the god level, no matter what, he will not believe it.

After all, a god-level powerhouse has become a legendary existence in the Douluo Continent.

He thought that his talent was not very top-notch, so it was simply impossible for him to break through to the god level.

"After the two of us leave, you will still be stationed at the Eye of Binghuo Yangyi as usual, and remember that no one is allowed to step into it."

Lu Yun saw the disbelief on Dugu Bo's face, and he didn't say anything. In the future, he will always know the mystery and power of the Star Dou Auction Pavilion.

When the time comes to drive Dugu Bo away, he will not leave.

Lu Yun didn't continue talking about this matter, and soon asked Dugu Bo to follow the two of them into the Eye of Binghuo Liangyi.

By the way, on the way, he explained the things after leaving, the most important thing is to protect the Binghuo Liangyiyan.

Don't let any Xiaoxiao step into it, after all, the Binghuo Liangyiyan is Lu Yun's cash cow, and he won't let people pick the fairy grass easily.

"Yes, Pavilion Master!"

Dugu Bo nodded respectfully, he began to recognize his identity, and understood that the young man in front of him was the owner of the Star Dou Auction Pavilion.

Just like that, Lu Yun and the others walked into the eyes of Binghuo Liangyi with light steps.

Lu Yun looked at the Binghuo Liangyiyan ahead, and his heart was agitated.

What came into view was a small circular pool. The vermilion hot Yang spring and the ice blue cold pole Yin spring were clearly separated and did not invade each other.

It's like the image of black and white, two appearances, one eye twins, two appearances mutually restrain each other.

Lu Yun was amazed for a long time, his eyes swept around, and the beautiful fairy grass appeared in Lu Yun's eyes.

"Youxiang Qiluo Xianpin, the bane of all poisons, has the effect of neutralizing all toxins. Within the range of its fragrance, any poison has no effect. Its fragrance has the effect of neutralizing all poisons, and it is the best anti-poison herb. "

Lu Yun's eyes fell on the bank where the spring water of the Ice and Fire Liangyi Eyes intersected.

There is a large pale pink flower, the flower is huge, the stamen is lavender, and each petal looks crystal clear.

"Extraordinary Velvet Tongtian Chrysanthemum is a neutral celestial herb. It can transport Qi to the limbs, and the blood can flow through the eight veins. It can practice the indestructible body of the vajra. It has no fragrance."

"Eight-petal fairy orchid is a fairy herb with soft medicinal properties. It must be packed with gold and jade. As long as it is packed in jade utensils, it will not wither for thousands of years and never fade for a lifetime. Its rich orchid fragrance can make people smell it. Clear your mind and lift your spirits.”


Lu Yun shuttled among the rare fairy grasses. Whenever he saw the appearance of the fairy grass, its name and introduction would naturally come to mind.

Finally, Lu Yun set his sights on the two fairy grasses growing in the eyes of Binghuo Liangyi, the star anise ice grass and the raging fire apricot.

"The Star Anise Mystic Ice Grass grows in the center of one side of the Yin Pole Spring. It has an octagonal appearance, with stamens shining like ice crystals in the center. It belongs to the rare cold poison fairy."

"Fiery apricot grows delicately in the center of one side of the blazing Yangquan. Its appearance is fiery red. It is the opposite of the star anise black ice grass. It is a top-level fire poison and highly poisonous fairy."

Plants of top-level fairy grasses appeared in front of Lu Yun. With a system, he could naturally see the effects of these fairy grasses clearly.

There are even some fairy herbs whose medicinal effects are not recorded in the original book, which really amazed Lu Yun.

Next, while walking, Lu Yun used a special method to pick all the mature top-grade grasses, and then put them into the system space.

The system space is that he opens the system and carries a space inside.

As his strength increases, the area continues to expand, and this system space has a special role.

It is the things put inside, time is static, and will not change at all.

In other words, Lu Yun picked all these fairy grasses and put them into the system space. Even after ten thousand years, these fairy grasses will be exactly the same as the ones just put in.

There will be no loss of efficacy.

"Absorb two plants of fairy grass first!"

After learning about all the fairy grasses, Lu Yun fixed his eyes on the two fairy grasses in front of him, which were the Star Anise Mysterious Ice Grass and the Blazing Fire Xingshu.

This is also one of the purposes of Lu Yun coming to the Binghuo Liangyiyan, to exercise his body through the two celestial grasses.

(End of this chapter)

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