Chapter 360 The weird black box

After the two people agreed on their opinions, they no longer had any doubts, and then the majestic power of the God King in their bodies spread to the surroundings in an instant.

The surrounding space-time power began to vibrate, due to the means specially arranged by the two god kings.

Therefore, with this huge divine power, the soul beasts in the entire Far North did not notice this change.

Suddenly, the power of space in front of him was like a mirror, and a picture immediately appeared.

This picture is exactly the picture of Xuan Shuang and Jiu You fighting against the phantom.


Time flew by, ten minutes passed.

The God King of Destruction and the God King of Life watched the battle with solemn expressions.

At the same time, the relaxation in their hearts completely disappeared, replaced by a serious mood.

"This is a bit tricky. I didn't expect that the strength of those two humans is infinitely close to the fighting power of the God King, but their faces are very unfamiliar. How did they break through the gods under our perception?"


After the God King of Destruction sensed the strength of Xuan Shuang and Jiu You, his expression became very solemn.

He also realized that the strength of these two people should not be underestimated.

If you give them some time to grow, it won't be a problem to break through to the God King.

"Let's not talk about the strength of the two human soul masters, but why is the aura of the phantom so familiar? It seems that I have felt this aura before."

The God King of Life became very worried. What made her even more curious was that the aura of the shadow in front of her was too familiar.


After hearing the words of the God King of Life, the God King of Destruction recalled the previous scene, and it seemed that it was indeed very familiar.

When that black energy appeared, the two of them felt very uncomfortable unconsciously.

You must know that their strength has reached the top level of the God Realm, but under this black energy, their emotions are actually affected, which is incredible.

It seems that the origin of that phantom is not simple.

Fortunately, the phantom was completely eliminated by those two people, so there was no need to pursue all this further.

"Those two powerful men belong to our camp of human soul masters and should not go against us."

"The events in the Far North have nothing to do with the Silver Dragon King. So where exactly is the Silver Dragon King hiding?"

The God King of Life breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that the two god-level experts were human soul masters.

The reason why they came to Douluo Continent was that they naturally thought that the two wars between gods that took place in the far north should have something to do with the Silver Dragon King.

After some investigation, it was discovered that there was no connection between the two, which completely disrupted their previous plan.

After a while, the scene in front suddenly disappeared, and the God King of Life and the God King of Destruction looked slightly pale.

After all, having consumed so much divine power was a big test for both of them.

At this moment, after the powerful power of the God King dissipated, bursts of black energy suddenly emerged not far away.


After this breath appeared, the God King of Life immediately shouted loudly, his expression became alert, and he looked not far away.

A black mist was directly discovered, floating silently in the mid-air. This picture was very strange.

However, the two God Kings of Life did not dare to let down their guard, because this black energy was exactly the same as what they had sensed before.

The two of them were very serious about this weird black energy.

Under the vigilant eyes of the two people, they saw the black mist coming in front of them. The black air slowly dissipated, and a black box appeared.The surface of this box is covered with black lines. The most eye-catching thing is that there is a red gemstone in the center of this box, which emits red light.

The whole box looks extremely scary.

After some perception, the God King of Destruction found no danger in this box, and then gently took the box with his hand.

Want to explore this box? What is it?
"The auras are exactly the same. This box has nothing to do with the previous phantom. How about we take this box back to the God Realm and have our five God Kings explore it together."

The God King of Life didn't know why, but he always had a bad feeling in his heart, as if this box would bring them a crisis.

It is recommended that the God King of Destruction take this box back to the God Realm, and then the five God Kings will explore it together. This can also avoid some unexpected situations.

The God King of Destruction did not seem to hear this suggestion from the God King of Life, and his eyes were fixed on the ruby ​​on the top of the box.

In an instant, a red light suddenly flashed in the eyes of the God King of Destruction, and his mind seemed to be controlled.

Place your right hand gently on the front of the box, preparing to open the box.

"Don't open it."

The God King of Life also sensed something was wrong. When he saw that the God King of Destruction was about to open the box, he quickly spoke to stop it.

But the God King of Destruction did not stop what he was doing.

At this time, the God King of Life finally realized that something was wrong with the God King of Destruction. The next moment, the majestic power of life burst out from his palm, trying to stop this action.

But in the end, her action was too late, and the God of Destruction, Mie, opened the box directly.


A burst of red light soared into the sky and rushed away.

Under this powerful force, the God King of Destruction and the God King of Life were knocked back hundreds of steps, and finally fell heavily to the ground.

The God King of Destruction finally recovered from this impact.

"what happened?"

The God King of Destruction realized something was wrong, and his previous memory was completely gone, and then he asked the God King of Life on the side.

"Trouble, you just received the influence of an inexplicable force and actually opened the box."

The God King of Life stared forward, saw the red light pillar reaching into the sky, and told the God King of Destruction what had just happened.

"What happened? I didn't know what happened just now. I kept staring at the ruby. I never thought that a dead object could control my mind for a short time."

"What do we do now?"

The God King of Destruction patted his head in annoyance. It was his fault just now.

It's also his fault for not being vigilant. He originally thought it was just a box and couldn't make any waves.

It turned out that he still underestimated this weird box.

When the God of Destruction saw the red beam of light in the sky, he felt very uneasy, as if a major terrorist attack was about to happen.

Under the shocked eyes of the two people, they saw a red key flying out of the box.

This key gradually decomposed under the illumination of red light, releasing little bits of red light and bombarding directly not far away.

The sky above the entire Far North was completely rendered blood red. At this moment, the blockade arranged by the God King of Life and the God King of Destruction was also destroyed by this red light.

This change started from the far north and spread towards the entire Douluo Continent.

Almost every soul master can detect this terrifying and ominous aura.

(End of this chapter)

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