Chapter 366 The whirlpool changes again
far north.

The surrounding space was completely blocked, blocking the escape route of the God King of Life and the God King of Destruction.

"call out!"

Just when the two were about to wait for death, suddenly a red light pierced the sky.

The astonishing sword energy contained a murderous momentum, and it stabbed directly in the direction of the nine-tailed fox.

The pressure it carried was earth-shaking, and the entire Far North began to tremble violently under this momentum.

After the nine-tailed sky fox noticed this sword energy, his expression also changed slightly.

The next moment, his right paw was slightly raised, and a burst of white light bloomed in his palm, directly blocking the red light in front of him.

Upon closer inspection, he found a long sword covered with black and red patterns suspended in front of the nine-tailed sky fox, which contained very violent murderous intent.

"Sura is here."

"Now we're saved."


After feeling this familiar sword energy, the two God-Kings of Life had ecstatic expressions on their faces, feeling relieved.

Fortunately, God King Shura arrived in time, otherwise the two of them would really die if it were a little later.


At this moment, a solemn voice sounded in the ears of the two God Kings of Life.

Then a violent force completely broke the surrounding space blockade.

A burst of red light flashed, and the figures of the God King of Life and the God King of Destruction disappeared instantly.

"Damn it, I want to leave, have you asked me?"

When the Nine-Tailed Sky Fox saw that someone was interfering in this matter, unprecedented anger appeared in his eyes, and the white light in his hand became more powerful.

"Crack!" A sound.

Endless strangulation power burst out, and the extremely hard Shura Demonic Sword was broken into pieces under this power, and finally exploded into pieces in an instant.

The terrifying pressure permeated the entire Far North.

After the Nine-Tailed Sky Fox destroyed the Shura Demonic Sword, he did not stay any longer and saw that the space tunnel ahead was about to close.

The nine-tailed sky fox jumped up, its size instantly expanded tenfold, and the nine tails behind it swayed in the wind.

One of the tails contained a shocking momentum and blasted directly towards the space tunnel ahead.

The terrifying power of the nine tails burst out, and the space tunnel immediately turned into nothingness. The remaining attack power passed through the space tunnel and blasted towards Shura God King and the others.

After seeing this situation, the nine-tailed sky fox quickly moved forward, wanting to continue chasing those people.

At this moment, the mutation protruded!
"not good!"

A fatal sense of crisis suddenly emerged behind the nine-tailed fox.

As soon as he thought of this, the nine tails of the nine-tailed sky fox circled around the body, completely covering the whole body.

In an instant, the devastating lethality swept across the entire area.

The nine-tailed sky fox was directly knocked back hundreds of meters by this force. The energy and blood in his body surged, and finally he fell heavily to the ground.

The nine tails are covered with wounds.

After the aura dissipated, the nine-tailed fox removed its tail wrapping and returned to its normal shape.

He stood up, a trace of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth, and looked at the scene in front of him with a very solemn expression.

The red light originally suspended in mid-air completely disappeared, replaced by a deep black vortex.

The devouring power is always revealed inside, and the soul power of the entire Far North land is drained out in the next moment. A complete vacuum is formed here, and strangers are not allowed to enter.

"Damn it, what is the origin of this whirlpool? It's so stubborn."

Seeing this scene, the nine-tailed sky fox felt extremely powerless.Not even the blood essence contained in the nine-tailed sky fox's bloodline could completely destroy the vortex.

As a result, this strange vortex appeared again, but the color of the vortex also changed from red to black.

The most noteworthy thing is that the power in this black vortex becomes even more terrifying.

It can be said that the hardness of this black vortex is more than a hundred times stronger than the previous red vortex.

The Nine-Tailed Sky Fox didn't know what to do. With its currently sealed strength, it was impossible to completely destroy the vortex.

However, what it is more curious about is why the hardness of this vortex suddenly increased a hundred times.

All this is very unreasonable.

Even when it was in Qingqiu Territory, it had nothing to do and read the classics, but it didn't see such a strange thing.

While the nine-tailed sky fox was thinking, two rays of light suddenly flew from a distance.

After seeing this situation, the nine-tailed sky fox's expression became extremely vigilant, always ready to deal with the strange aura that followed.

After the two landed, it discovered a man and a woman.

It knew that man, it was Lu Yun.

As for the woman on the side, she was extremely unfamiliar, but after seeing that she and Lu Yun came together, I thought she must be in the same group.

Seeing this scene, the nine-tailed sky fox breathed a sigh of relief. It believed that these two people would not hurt it.


"There are three divine king-level auras. This change in the far north is inseparable from the divine realm."

After Lu Yun came to this area, his spiritual thoughts spread around, and he suddenly discovered the momentum of three divine kings, which surprised Lu Yun extremely.

But then I thought about it, and the source of this mutation in the far north has been found.

Seeing the extent of destruction in this area and the injured nine-tailed fox in front, Lu Yun was secretly speechless.

Before he came, an earth-shattering battle took place here.

The reason why the three god kings disappeared was probably the work of the nine-tailed sky fox.

What surprised Lu Yun was that with the nine-tailed fox's unparalleled bloodline power, how could he be injured?

Or maybe there was something he didn't know about all this.

Even though the Nine-tailed Sky Fox's strength is now sealed, it still has the strength of a god king, plus it contains the very rare power of the Nine-tailed Sky Fox's bloodline.

Not to mention those three god kings taking action together, even if all the gods in the God Realm take action together, they may not be the opponent of the Nine-tailed Sky Fox.

"What exactly is going on here?"

Then, Lu Yun came to the nine-tailed fox with light steps and whispered softly.

With a slight wave of his right hand, a piece of emerald green grass suddenly floated in front of the nine-tailed sky fox.

Finally, it faintly integrated into the body of the Nine-tailed Sky Fox. In an instant, the injured body of the Nine-tailed Sky Fox recovered as before in the blink of an eye.

It was as if he had never experienced combat before.

The nine-tailed sky fox did not show any surprise at the healing effect of this grass.

After all, such a treasure is not worth being so surprised in its eyes.

Fortunately, this little grass prevents it from spending more time recovering from its own injuries.

After hearing what Lu Yun said, the nine-tailed sky fox didn't hide anything and slowly told Lu Yun everything that happened before it came here without missing a word.


After Lu Yun heard the news, his expression became very serious, and his heart was extremely heavy.

(End of this chapter)

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