Chapter 373 Fierce Competition

This competition is in full swing, and I don't know how much time has passed.

"1300 soul crystals!"

As a serious voice sounded, the entire Star Dou Auction Pavilion fell into silence.

The person who shouted out the price was from Box No. [-], and the person in this box was none other than Ning Fengzhi from the Qibao Glazed Sect.

A flash of light flashed in Ning Fengzhi's eyes, staring closely at the mass of soul power in front of Xuan Shuang.

According to the introduction of the Star Dou Auction Pavilion, a strong man who has just entered the Title Douluo can actually increase his soul power by two levels by taking this soul power source. This soul power is really huge.

Although this is only the first auction item, Ning Fengzhi is not willing to let it go.

Judging from the change in the Far North, perhaps the entire Douluo Continent will become very dangerous.

In order to ensure the inheritance of the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect and the safety of the entire sect's soul masters, a treasure like this that can quickly increase one's strength must be obtained.

Originally, Ning Fengzhi was a little worried about whether he should take action to win the first few auction items.

As always, the finale of every major auction is a rare item.

Therefore, he wants to leave more soul crystals to compete for the final auction item.

But now Star Dou Auction Brother also said that you can use gold soul coins or some priceless treasures to exchange for soul crystals with Star Dou Auction Pavilion.

As soon as this condition came out, Ning Fengzhi no longer had any scruples in his heart.

When it comes to golden soul coins, the other forces in the Douluo Continent may not necessarily have as many as the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect.

Moreover, their sect's Qibao Glazed Pagoda martial spirit automatically senses the treasure.

It can be said that the treasures stored by Qibao Glazed Sect are the best in Douluo Continent.


As the price was shouted out, almost all forces remained relatively silent and did not choose to increase the price immediately.

Xuan Shuang felt the atmosphere of the entire Xingdou Auction Pavilion and roughly knew the final result.

"1300 soul crystals once!"

"1300 soul crystals twice!"

"1300 soul crystals three times!"

"Since no one continues to increase the price, then I declare that the source of this group of soul power will ultimately belong to Box No. [-]?"

After Xuan Shuang made repeated confirmations, there was still no force that chose to continue the competition, directly announcing that the source of soul power had been captured by Ning Fengzhi.

Next, Ning Fengzhi and Xuan Shuang paid with one hand and delivered the goods with the other.

After Xuan Shuang got the soul crystal, he directly started the auction of the second auction item.


Time flies by, and half a day passes in the blink of an eye.

With the fourth auction item falling into Box [-], the auction is coming to an end.

Only one final auction item remains.

As for the three auction items after the origin of soul power, the competition for each auction item is very fierce.

The next three auction items are:
A 50-year-old soul bone, five god-given soul rings, and a puppet that can explode with ultimate Douluo strength.

It was these three auction items that drove all the soul masters in the Star Dou Auction Pavilion completely into madness.

After all, if any of these treasures are taken out as usual, they can be used as the final auction item.

This is true even for large-scale auctions held in the past.

When everyone thought about the danger Douluo Continent would face a year later, it was not surprising that Star Dou Auction Pavilion would come up with such a treasure.It was precisely because of the preciousness of the first four auction items that the soul masters present were very curious.

How precious will the last auction item be?
As usual, the value of the final auction item is far higher than the first four auction items.

"The auction of the first four auction items has ended. Let me reveal to you the true identity of the last auction item."

Xuan Shuang said to the many soul masters with a smile on his face, preparing to start the auction of the last auction item.

Immediately, Xuan Shuang spread out his right hand, and the majestic divine power in his palm spread to all directions.
Bursts of light emerged quietly throughout the void, and in an instant, a red pill floated in front of him, releasing a huge aura.

The surrounding space began to tremble slightly, as if even the space could not bear the appearance of this elixir.

At the same time, this elixir also exudes a unique fragrance. The soul master closest to this elixir enjoys absorbing the fragrance released by this elixir.

And his own soul power began to stir.

This made the soul masters present realize that this elixir must contain a very powerful effect.

Otherwise, with just a trace of aura emitted, even his own soul power would show signs of breakthrough.

It’s hard to imagine what benefits will come from taking this pill completely?

"This elixir is the last item in our Xingdou Auction Pavilion. It is a supreme treasure that can enhance your strength."

"The name of this pill is: Transformation Pill."

Xuan Shuang spoke out the name of this elixir in a solemn tone.

Then he began to observe the changes in the expressions of all the soul masters present.

Sure enough, when many soul masters heard the name of this pill, most of them looked puzzled.

After all, they only knew the name of this elixir, but did not know its specific effects.

So he looked at Xuan Shuang attentively, wanting to know the specific function of this pill.

Of course, compared to ordinary soul masters, the top powerhouses in Douluo Continent, especially those soul masters who know the existence of god-level powerhouses,

After learning the name of this elixir, his pupils suddenly shrank and his heart couldn't help but beat.

"Shen Transformation Pill? It contains the word 'god', could it be..."

An idea emerged in the minds of the top experts present, and as they fell into deep thought, they became more and more excited.


Box number two.

In this box were the powerful men of Wuhun Palace, and the leader was none other than Bibi Dong.

When Bibi Dong heard the name of this elixir, she was also stunned for a while, and soon she became extremely excited.

The hands at his sides were clenched tightly, staring intently at the red bullet of the elixir in front of Xuan Shuang, which was releasing red light.

"His Majesty the Pope, the name of this elixir is: Transformation Pill. Is it really what we guessed?"

At this moment, Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo on the side also had a ridiculous idea in their minds, so they asked Bibi Dong uncertainly.

Want to know if it is true.

"If my guess is correct, this elixir is the elixir for becoming a god. After all, the preciousness of the first four auction items, except for treasures in the god-level field, there is really nothing else that can compare."

"And since this elixir can be used as the final auction item, it may really be what we imagined."

"Transform into gods... transform into gods, transform mortals into gods, break through the realm of mortals, and thus step into the realm of gods."

Bibi Dong murmured softly, gradually speaking out her thoughts.

(End of this chapter)

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