Chapter 375 Breaking the Seal
After all, Bibi Dong remembered very clearly that he met a mysterious woman in the Star Dou Forest not long ago.

Because of an accident, her own strength was sealed for three years.

When she returned to the Pope's Palace, no matter what methods she used, she could not break the seal.

And her strength has completely stagnated, and no matter how much soul power she absorbs, she can't go any further.

This resulted in Bibi Dong spending little time practicing and spending most of her time thinking about how to break the seal.

It wasn't until she successfully photographed the magic pill that she finally remembered this difficult matter.

If what the woman said is true, her strength cannot be improved within three years, even if she takes this magic pill, it will not help.

Fortunately, she remembered this matter. If she took this magic pill rashly, it might be wasted.

Bibi Dong knew how much she weighed and didn't know how to solve her dilemma.

Suddenly, Bibi Dong had an idea and planned to ask Xingdou Auction Pavilion to help her solve the seal in her body.

If it can really be solved, then she is [-]% sure that by taking this god-transforming pill, she can successfully break through to a god-level powerhouse.

Her current strength has already reached the demi-god level. Taking this god-transforming pill to break through to the god-level will be very easy and is not worth worrying about at all.

While Bibi Dong was thinking, Xuan Shuang began to prepare to announce the end of the auction.

"This auction has ended perfectly. Thank you again to all the soul masters for participating in this auction."

Xuan Shuang smiled and directly announced that the auction was officially over.

As soon as he finished speaking, Xuan Shuang left the place, and the other soul masters had sad expressions on their faces.

After all, this time they are also feasting their eyes, every auction item is rare in the world.

Even if they don't have that many soul crystals, it's still worth it to participate in the competition just now.

As a result, everyone left the Star Dou Auction Pavilion one after another, returned to their respective forces, and tried every means to obtain a large amount of soul crystals, so that they could participate in the subsequent auctions.

After all, a year later, Douluo Continent will face a fatal crisis.

Only powerful soul masters can continue to survive.

Everyone present became extremely urgent and couldn't wait to improve their strength to deal with the crisis a year from now.

In less than a few minutes, almost everyone left the Star Dou Auction Pavilion, except for Bibi Dong who stayed where he was.

She wanted to ask the Star Auction Pavilion if there was a way to remove her own seal.

Lu Yun naturally noticed that Bibi Dong did not leave immediately, and then said to Xuan Shuang, asking her to bring Bibi Dong to see him.

In less than a moment, Bibi Dong appeared in front of Lu Yun.

Lu Yun was very curious about Bibi Dong staying at the Xingdou Auction Pavilion. What happened?

After all, now that Bibi Dong has successfully obtained the God Transformation Pill, the only thing he has to do now is to return to Wuhun Hall as soon as possible, take this God Transformation Pill, and become a god in one fell swoop.

Lu Yun was very sure in his heart that if Bibi Dong took this god-transforming pill, he would definitely become a god, there was no doubt about it.

Bibi Dong's soul power foundation is so deep that it seems strange that she didn't become a god.

"Bibi Dong, if you don't hurry up and take the God Transformation Pill and break through to become a god, what else will happen to you?"

Then, Lu Yun's calm tone reached Bibi Dong's ears. He wanted to see what Bibi Dong was going to do.

"I would like to ask your Star Auction Pavilion to do me a favor. No matter how much it costs in the process, I will bear it."

Bibi Dong said to Lu Yun in a serious tone, no matter what the price is, the seal in her body must be lifted today.

Otherwise, she would not be able to become a god within three years, and by then the entire Spirit Hall would be in fatal danger. "Is such that……"

After Bibi Dong heard what Lu Yun said, she directly told Lu Yun all the difficulties she encountered.

After saying this, Bibi Dong looked at Lu Yun tentatively.

Want to know from Lu Yun's eyes whether Xingdou Auction Pavilion has a way to solve the seal in her body?

After Lu Yun heard this, his eyes lit up slightly, and he suddenly remembered something.

Before that, he did see Bibi Dong going to Gu Yuena's trouble without fear of death.

He didn't expect that Gu Yuena would seal Bibi Dong's strength for three years, which was really strange.

"I see!"

Thinking of this, Lu Yun directly used the invincible field and instantly detected the seal in Bibi Dong's body, which was insignificant to him.

For Bibi Dong who has not become a god, it is indeed extremely difficult.

"I can help you."

Then, Lu Yun said in a calm tone, agreeing to help Bibi Dong break the seal.

After all, Douluo Continent will be faced with many crises a year later. Bibi Dong, who has sealed his strength for three years, if the seal is not lifted, Douluo Continent will definitely lose one of its top combatants.

It is very unfavorable for Douluo Continent to completely survive that crisis.

"Thank you. I don't know if your Star Auction Pavilion needs me, but at what price?"

After hearing Lu Yun's agreement, Bibi Dong was extremely excited, and then continued to ask Lu Yun.

She didn't believe that Xingdou Auction Pavilion would help her unconditionally to lift the seal in her body.

I just don’t know if she can meet the conditions put forward by Xingdou Auction Pavilion?

This has also become a point of great concern for Bibi Dong.

"No conditions are required. This seal is insignificant to our Star Auction Pavilion."

"Of course there is one thing that needs your attention. I hope that after the seal is broken, you can quickly improve your strength within a year."

"I hope that in a year's time, I can see your Wuhun Palace stepping forward to deal with this crisis in Douluo Continent."

Lu Yun didn't know what he thought of and continued.

This is a small suggestion. The top priority is to let Bibi Dong improve her strength as soon as possible.

As for the seal in Bibi Dong's body, it's really not worth mentioning.

Within the Star Dou Auction Pavilion, he is an invincible existence.

Any seal in front of him is as if it were in vain.

After all, Bibi Dong paid so many soul crystals to take the shot of the God Transformation Pill, which also made him a huge profit.

As for the trivial matter of lifting the seal, it was a small benefit for Bibi Dong.

"Don't worry, when the time comes, our Wuhun Palace will do our best to protect Douluo Continent."

After Bibi Dong heard the news, she couldn't believe it immediately.

She also did not expect that Xingdou Auction Pavilion would not have any conditions to help her solve the seal in her body.

(End of this chapter)

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