Chapter 379 One year later, crisis comes

Lu Yun, who was currently in the Xingdou Auction Pavilion, naturally noticed the astonishing phenomenon above the Wuhun Palace.

"It's just as I expected. With Bibi Dong's background, the seal in his body will be broken, and it will be a matter of course for him to break through and become a god."

Lu Yun looked into the distance with a smile on his face and murmured softly.


Now Bibi Dong has made a good start, and another powerful god has been born.

Then the crisis in Douluo Continent will be much smaller in one year.

Even so, Lu Yun still dared not let down his guard. No one could predict where the world that would invade Douluo Continent would come from in a year's time.

If it is too strong, even with his intervention, it may not be possible for Douluo Continent to completely survive this crisis.

"It's not enough. Within this year, several more gods must be born, otherwise the crisis in Douluo Continent will be unavoidable."

After a long time, Lu Yun gradually came back to his senses, and his heart became heavy again. After all, the situation in front of him was indeed not optimistic.

However, Lu Yun already had a plan in mind, and he must use the auction to give birth to several gods in Douluo Continent in the next period of time.

Only in this way can the crisis in Douluo Continent one year later be perfectly resolved.

All this is just what he expected!
As for whether it can really be realized, it still depends on the changes in the situation after the seal is broken.

In this way, after Lu Yun sorted out all his thoughts, he stopped staying where he was and started to prepare related matters.


Time flies, and a year has passed.

Within this year, the overall strength of the entire Douluo Continent began to show a blowout development.

The overall strength of soul masters and soul beasts in Douluo Continent has increased by more than a hundred times, and every time the Star Dou Auction Pavilion takes out at least one god-like treasure.

About ten of the god-level experts who created the Douluo Continent were born.

Compared with the improvement of Douluo Continent's overall strength, the improvement of Star Auction Pavilion is even more terrifying.

Several powerful men at the level of God Kings were even reborn.

Even Lu Yun's own strength has broken through to the realm of God King.

It can be said that in Douluo Continent now, even the entire God Realm combined may not be Lu Yun's opponent.

Even so, Lu Yun still did not dare to let down his guard against the crisis in Douluo Continent a year later.

If the plane of Douluo Continent is invaded, and the strength is equivalent to that of the God Realm, then at least there will not be much danger.

If the strength is far superior to that of the God Realm Lord, it will be dangerous.

The Star Dou Auction Pavilion alone cannot determine the future direction of the entire Douluo Continent.


On this day, Lu Yun left the Star Auction Pavilion and instantly arrived at the core area of ​​the Far North.

This is the area where he set the seal back then.

After a year, this area has completely changed, and the surrounding area is in a state of nothingness.

Not even a trace of soul power or divine power could be felt.

Lu Yun's eyes were fixed directly on the scene in front of him. There was darkness in front of him, and even the vortex formed before had completely collapsed.

This means that the seal he set back then has long been broken.In fact, a month ago, Lu Yun had already felt that the seal he had set back then had been completely broken.

After this month of development, I am afraid that the current plane level aura of Douluo Continent has been sensed by powerful people in other worlds.

Lu Yun stood there, always paying attention to the changes ahead, and his mental power suddenly entered nothingness.


Suddenly, Lu Yun felt an inexplicable movement.

At the thought of this, Lu Yun's expression changed, and he raised his right hand slightly, and the majestic power of the God King instantly entered the space in front of him.

A black light flashed in front of him, and a strange-sized creature suddenly appeared in front of Lu Yun.

Lu Yun noticed that the aura of this creature actually reached the level of a god-level powerhouse.

Seeing this situation, Lu Yun suddenly felt a bad feeling in his heart.

The strength of the unknown creatures discovered at random has reached the top level of Douluo Continent, let alone other unknown strong men.

"The Soul Search Technique!"

Lu Yun put his fingers together and instantly used the Soul Searching Technique.

Less than a moment later, after Lu Yun learned about the memory in this creature's mind, a strange smile appeared on his face.

"What a coincidence, it's actually the abyss plane."

Lu Yun shook his head secretly and laughed.

That's right!

This creature came from the abyss. Thinking of this, the burden on Lu Yun's heart finally relaxed a little.

After all, the strength of the Abyssal Plane is not even comparable to that of the God Realm. Doesn't that mean that the current crisis in Douluo Continent is over?


Lu Yun suddenly noticed something was wrong. After all, according to his perception, this abyssal creature only had a very low-level bloodline in the abyssal plane.

As a result, his strength reached a god level level.

Then how extraordinary should the strength of the Abyss Emperor, the ruler of the abyss plane, be?

Lu Yun continued to sort out the abyssal creature, and the memories in his mind finally made him discover something strange.

Ten years ago, the development of the abyssal plane was indeed extremely slow, and there were very few existences above the god level.

But one day in ten years, a white light fell into the abyss plane, which caused the overall strength of the abyss plane to undergo earth-shaking changes.

These lights contain infinite power of creation, which makes the origins of these creatures in the abyss seem to have sublimated.

Thinking of this, Lu Yun suddenly felt a sense of worry in his heart.

It seems that he still underestimated the overall strength of the abyss plane.


After a long time, a majestic energy poured out from Lu Yun's right hand, instantly destroying the abyssal creature.

At the same time, Lu Yun stopped staying and left the far north in an instant.

In the next period of time, a more rigorous plan will be arranged to prevent abyssal creatures from invading Douluo Continent.

(End of this chapter)

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