Chapter 43 The Mysterious Golden Ball

Others probably predicted that the transaction price of this 5-year spirit bone will definitely not be lower than the previous 10-year spirit bone.

Rare is precious!

Even so, they were unwilling to give up this 5-year spirit bone.

"5000 gold soul coins!"

The box where Guangling Douluo was located immediately called out the price, wanting to compete for this 5-year-old soul bone.

"5500 gold soul coins!"

In another box, there was also a voice, wanting to snatch this soul bone.

"7000 gold soul coins!"

"7500 gold soul coins!"


In this way, with the passage of time, major forces began to compete for this 5-year soul bone.

At this time, after hearing the price, most of the forces shut their mouths and chose to withdraw from the soul bone competition.

At this time, the only boxes that are still bidding are the box where Guangling Douluo is, and another mysterious box.

In this mysterious box, there are several women sitting, each of whom is wearing a long ice blue dress.

The cold breath seemed to freeze the entire box, making it hard to ignore.

"Dean, the price of this soul bone has soared to 9000 million gold soul coins, which has far exceeded our budget this time. Do you want to continue?"

At this time, one of the women asked the middle-aged woman sitting on the first seat, with regret mixed in her tone.

They originally came to the Star Dou Auction Pavilion to participate in the auction, so they brought a lot of gold soul coins, and wanted to bid for a treasure.

Who knew that the first auction item was a 5-year-old ice-type soul bone, which made them really unwilling to give up easily.

He wanted to let go and fight for this 5-year-old soul bone, but who knew that in the other box, he followed their bid closely.

It seemed that he didn't intend to give up this spirit bone to them.

"Forget it, give him this spirit bone!"

"Through my perception, there must be a powerhouse of Title Douluo level in that box. Even if we auction off this spirit bone by chance, I'm afraid we will die. Take the spirit bone back to Tianshui Academy."

At this time, the middle-aged woman sighed slowly, intending to give up the fight for the 5-year-old soul bone.

That's right!

These people are the students and the dean of Tianshui College.

They naturally knew what happened in the Star Dou Auction Pavilion, so they wanted to participate in this auction.

Is there a baby suitable for them!
This 5-year-old soul bone is very suitable for their soul masters from Tianshui College, but the price is too expensive for them to afford.

The price is only one aspect, the other aspect is that their Tianshui Academy does not have the guardianship of Title Douluo.

Therefore, at the price of provoking a titled Douluo, I am afraid that the entire Tianshui Academy will completely disappear in the Douluo Continent.

This is also the main reason why the middle-aged woman had to give up this spirit bone.

"9000 million gold soul coins, one time!"

"9000 million gold soul coins, twice!"

"9000 million gold soul coins, three times!"

"Since no one is competing for this soul bone, then this 5-year-old ice-attribute soul bone belongs to Box No. [-]."

Xuanshuang repeatedly confirmed that no one would continue to increase the price of this soul bone, and immediately announced that this soul bone was auctioned by Box No. [-].

The soul master in Box No. [-] is exactly the box where Guangling Douluo is.

The forces that came to participate in the auction this time were too complicated, so Lu Yun had ordered Xuanshuang in advance not to reveal the forces in the box.

Just say the box number directly, which can greatly increase the privacy of the auctioneer.

Afterwards, Xuanshuang and Guangling Douluo paid the money and delivered the goods.

"That's right. As expected of a 5-year-old ice-type soul bone, it is indeed so powerful. Perhaps after absorbing this 5-year-old soul bone, my soul power will break through to level 97."

When Guangling Douluo got the 5-year-old spirit bone, the bow and arrow behind him began to tremble violently, as if urging him to absorb the spirit bone immediately.

Light Ling Douluo sensed the strength of this soul bone, his own soul power was at the peak level of level 96, and he had been immersed in it for several years.

If he absorbed this 5-year spirit bone, his spirit power would definitely be able to break through level 97.

"Then congratulations in advance!"

Qingluan Douluo is sincerely happy for Guangling Douluo. After he breaks through, the strength of their Spirit Hall will increase again.


Inside the box where the Wuhun Hall was located, there were several people standing, except Bibi Dong, Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo from last time.

There are also a few unfamiliar titled Douluo experts, who are naturally the elders of the Spirit Hall who accompanied Bibidong to the Xingdou Auction Pavilion.

"Interesting, do you know who is in Box No. [-]?"

At this moment, Bibi Dong heard about Box No. 9000, and spent 5 million gold soul coins to buy this [-]-year soul bone, and then she felt puzzled.

Being able to spend such a huge amount of money means that he is not weak in strength. Of course, Bibi Dong wanted to know exactly which faction the person who took the picture of this soul bone was.

Absorbing a 5-year-old soul bone can definitely give birth to a very powerful soul master. For this situation, their Spirit Hall has to guard against it.

"This...we didn't notice the soul masters in the nine boxes, and the strangest thing is that there seems to be a restriction outside each box, which prevents our mental power from passing through the box at all.

Chrysanthemum Douluo sighed leisurely, after repeated investigations, the person in box No. [-] is still unknown.

The elders of the Wuhun Hall were very curious, how did the Xingdou Auction Pavilion do it?
It is extremely difficult to block the detection of their mental power.

"Forget it, after the auction is over, just keep the soul masters in Box No. [-]."

Bibi Dong didn't care about this matter anymore, she already knew the strength of this restriction, even she couldn't break it, let alone the elders beside her.


"Alright, next is the second auction item!"

After the first auction, Xuanshuang told everyone to keep quiet and waved his hand.

Suddenly, a golden ball floated on the auction table, exuding a strong divine aura.

"Huh? What is this? A golden ball, is there something mysterious about it?"

"This golden ball should not be simple, and there is an impenetrable aura around it, and it is an auction item from the Star Dou Auction Pavilion. It is absolutely very precious."

"That's right, it's extremely mysterious!"


From the moment this golden ball appeared, almost all soul masters in the Star Dou Auction Pavilion fell into confusion.

I don't understand what this golden ball is.

"As we all know, every time a soul master increases his soul power by ten levels, he must absorb a soul ring to improve his strength. As far as we know, the only way to obtain a soul ring is from a dead soul beast."

"Of course, the way to obtain soul rings in Douluo Dalu is not only by hunting soul beasts, but the golden ball in front of you is also a soul ring to some extent."

Xuanshuang introduced this golden ball calmly.

(End of this chapter)

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