Chapter 48 Propaganda Soul
"Depending on the number of years, the number of soul rings will be different. It can also keep one's soul sanity and help soul masters fight. It is another form of existence of soul beasts."

"To some extent, the soul is also an epoch-making soul ring, so the first auction price for this 1-year-old emerald swan soul is 3000 million gold soul coins."

Xuanshuang said the benefits and importance of the soul to the soul masters of Douluo Dalu.

After hearing the magical effect of the soul, everyone present was obviously very curious.

He didn't make a move immediately, and remained on the sidelines as before.

This spirit looks really strange, can it really become a spirit ring?

No matter how you look at it, it feels unreliable?

However, everyone knows that Xingdou Auction Pavilion will not come up with fake products, so there are still individual soul masters who choose to bid for this magical soul?
In this way, the price soared all the way, but every time the price increased, it was not as outrageous as the previous two auction items.

"4000 gold soul coins!"

At this moment, a woman's voice suddenly came from the No. 4000 box, bidding [-] million gold soul coins, wanting to take this emerald swan soul.

After a while, no one continued to bid. After all, everyone felt disbelief about this soul.

I don't want to spend a lot of money to auction an unknown soul.

A 1-year soul ring doesn't have much effect on them.

They can go to the Star Dou Great Forest and hunt down a 1-year-old soul beast, which is nothing to them.

Most people did not choose to compete for this 1-year soul.

"4000 gold soul coins once!"

"4000 gold soul coins twice!"

"4000 gold soul coins three times!"

"Since no one continues to increase the price, the 1-year-old emerald swan soul will belong to the tenth box."

A moment later, Xuanshuang announced that this soul was bought by Box No. [-].

For this price, Xuanshuang was not too disappointed. A 1-year soul ring is not too precious for a soul master in the Douluo Continent.

Therefore, the price of 4000 million gold soul coins was not bad.


"Dean, you said we spent 4000 million gold soul coins to take this 1-year-old emerald swan soul, is it really worth it?"

There were also several women sitting in Box No. [-], each of them was wearing a long green dress, exuding a strong breath of life from their bodies.

The people in this box are the soul masters of Douluo Dalu Botany College.

"In my opinion, it's worth it!"

The leading woman, the dean of the School of Botany, said firmly.

"You know that a soul beast like the Jade Swan is the rarest soul beast in the Star Dou Great Forest, and this kind of soul beast is at the top level among the vitality attribute soul beasts."

"Our martial spirits are almost all plant-type martial spirits, so the Emerald Swan is the most suitable spirit beast for our martial spirits."

"We are very clear about the introduction of the Star Dou Auction Pavilion. I believe he will not use a fake soul to perfuse us."

"If this soul is really as described by the Star Dou Auction Pavilion, whoever absorbs this soul will definitely increase his own strength, and the soul can still fight with the soul master. We have earned it!"

"So no matter what, 4000 million gold soul coins are very worthwhile."

The dean of the School of Botany immediately stated why she was willing to spend 4000 million gold soul coins to buy this emerald swan soul.

The rest of the students nodded slightly when they heard their dean's words, slightly agreeing with their dean's decision.

Several people present discussed, who should use this 1-year-old soul?

When everyone was silent, a gentle voice suddenly sounded in their ears.

"I don't know if you are willing to do a publicity for our Star Dou Auction Pavilion?"

"You sent one of the soul masters to absorb this 1-year-old soul in front of all the soul masters."

The owner of this voice is Lu Yun.

Now that Lu Yun has the Invincible Domain, he can naturally notice everything that happens in the Star Dou Auction Pavilion.

The soul of the emerald swan was only auctioned for 4000 million gold soul coins, which was a bit surprising.

Soul is an epoch-making product, and it is impossible to only sell 4000 million gold soul coins.

This made Lu Yun roughly guess the reason, maybe the soul is too strange, and all the soul masters in Douluo Dalu don't know whether it is real or not.

As a result, everyone was unwilling to try to photograph this soul.

Lu Yun plans to use the School of Botany to conduct an experiment, so that everyone can truly realize the nature of the soul.

In this way, the follow-up auction of the soul has a great effect.

Why did Lu Yun only buy a 1-year-old soul this time? Naturally, his auction points were not enough.

The real soul method requires countless auction points.

Lu Yun intends to gather a large number of auction sites and strive to buy the soul method, and then he can continuously produce souls.

At that time, there will be a large number of auction sites, which will soon enter his pocket.

There is no delay in the promotion of souls, otherwise souls will not be able to open the Douluo Continent market at all.


Several people from the School of Botany heard the strange voice next to their ears, and released their martial spirits one after another, preparing to resist the unknown enemy.

It's just that they were extremely puzzled in their hearts, who in the Xingdou Auction Pavilion could transmit the sound to them without knowing it?
"Don't worry, I'm the owner of the Star Dou Auction Pavilion. I just want you to help me promote the Star Dou Auction Pavilion. Don't worry, I won't let you suffer!"

Lu Yun immediately revealed his identity and asked the School of Botany to consider it.

"What, you are the mysterious Pavilion Master of the Star Dou Auction Pavilion!"


From the moment Lu Yun's identity was revealed, several people in the School of Botany were shocked.

According to the legend, the owner of the Xingdou Auction Pavilion, who is extremely mysterious, actually talked to them, which made them extremely horrified.

They felt the coercive aura before, presumably it was also released by the pavilion master of the Star Dou Auction Pavilion.

Let all the soul masters of the Institute of Botany look tremblingly at the source of this voice.

"But...if we rashly leave this box and absorb the soul..."

Suddenly, the dean of the School of Botany originally wanted to agree, but soon remembered the overall strength of the School of Botany. Their school did not have a strong person at the title Douluo level.

If this soul really has such a heaven-defying effect, I'm afraid they won't be able to keep it!

This is what makes them worry.

"Don't worry, Star Dou Auction Pavilion guarantees that anyone who dares to take action against you will be hunted down endlessly by our Star Dou Auction Pavilion."

Lu Yun saw the worry of the School of Botany, and put down his harsh words directly, so that the School of Botany would not be in danger of being wiped out because of this incident.


PS: Let’s collect the opinions of fellow book lovers. I don’t know which world do you want to summon? (The role of the summon card!)

(End of this chapter)

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