Chapter 52 Summoning the Powerful

Lu Yun was looking forward to it, and suddenly, the golden portal in front of him began to tremble violently.

A burst of dazzling golden light hit, and Lu Yun's eyes were also closed tightly by this golden light. When he opened his eyes again, he found a figure appeared in front of him.

This is a woman whose face is so beautiful that it almost reaches the level of coquettishness.

A pair of long and narrow lavender eyes, the eyes are flowing, charming and natural, almost able to attract the sight of every man.

She was wearing a graceful purple brocade robe, and her delicate body under the brocade robe was plump and exquisite, like a ripe peach, exuding a touch of charm.

A head of three thousand black silk, casually draped down from the fragrant shoulders, vertically between the slender willow waist.

And under the brocade robe, a section of purple snake tail was exposed, the snake tail swayed slightly, a wild and enchanting attraction made people feel a little hot all over for no reason.

Lu Yun's eyes lit up with a powerful queen-like aura that was about to come out.

When Lu Yun saw the woman in front of him, he knew exactly who he had summoned.

Unexpectedly, he summoned Queen Medusa from Doupa.

After Lu Yun looked at Queen Medusa's alluring figure, amazement flashed in his eyes, which was a surprise.

Queen Medusa found out that she came to an unknown world, and she was immediately confused.

A huge aura instantly enveloped the entire area, and the tail turned into a pair of long white legs, showing a charming aura.

Queen Medusa was extremely puzzled, what was going on?

She was consolidating her strength after breaking through the Dou Zong, but she was forcibly captured by a powerful golden light, which made her completely unresponsive.

"Huh? What's going on?"

When she came back to her senses again, she found that she was in this strange place, and she couldn't even use a single bit of her own strength.

It seemed that the power in her body was completely imprisoned by a force, and her fighting spirit was incompatible with the surrounding world.

This made Queen Medusa terrified, and later she saw the man in front of her, giving her an even more terrifying aura.

It was as if she was facing the world.

Even so, Queen Medusa looked directly at Lu Yun without any fear, and she knew that it was probably the man in front of her who brought her into this strange world.

"Queen Medusa, welcome to Douluo Dalu."

Lu Yun felt that the strength in Medusa's body was completely restricted, and she kept rejecting the surrounding soul power.

After a while, Lu Yun probably understood everything. Queen Medusa's body contained fighting energy, which conflicted with Douluo Dalu's soul power, and she couldn't exert her full strength.

However, Lu Yun was very puzzled, why Queen Medusa's fighting spirit has not been transformed into soul power?
Lu Yun didn't have to worry about Queen Medusa at all. After all, he believed what the system said, Queen Medusa would never have a different heart.

He has invincible strength in the Star Dou Auction Pavilion, so naturally he doesn't need to be afraid of her.

The reason why Queen Medusa wanted to kill him at this moment might be because the system didn't take action.

[It is detected that the host has successfully summoned Queen Medusa in Dou Po, whose strength in Dou Po is in Dou Zong, so it is transformed into Douluo Continent Soul Power Level: Level 99 Ultimate Douluo. 】

At this moment, a golden light enveloped Queen Medusa.

In an instant, Queen Medusa seemed to have turned into a puppet, her eyes were dull, and she stopped in place.


The dou qi in the body was completely transformed into soul power, and at this moment, an aura of Limit Douluo instantly permeated the entire Xingdou Auction Pavilion.

Fortunately, Lu Yun shot in time to cover up the horrified aura.

If all this breath leaked out, most of the soul masters on the two floors below the Xingdou Auction Pavilion would not be spared.

A limit douluo exerts all his strength, even a strong titled douluo can hardly resist, let alone other weak soul masters.

Lu Yun stared at Queen Medusa, and suddenly found that she was awake, and there was no killing intent in her eyes.

In Queen Medusa's mind, a strange atmosphere of this world appeared.

"Douluo Continent? The magical martial soul, the soul power cultivation system? It's a world completely different from Dou Po. It's really interesting!"

At this time, after Queen Medusa felt the magical soul power in her body, a strange smile appeared on her face.

Next, Queen Medusa looked at Lu Yun in front of her, without any killing intent, but with a hint of interest.

To be able to bring her to this strange world out of thin air, the strength of the man in front of him is not simple.

She didn't know why, but she couldn't have any murderous intentions towards the man in front of her. Queen Medusa was extremely unclear about this situation.

Anyway, she has adapted to her own identity, since she came, she will be at ease.

Then she will live in Douluo Dalu next, and comprehend the charm of Douluo Dalu Wuhun.

As for why Queen Medusa has undergone such a big change, it is naturally because the system has implanted some of the power of Star Dou Auction Pavilion and the magical world of Douluo Continent.

"Are you the owner of the Star Dou Auction Pavilion?"

Queen Medusa's charming tone reached Lu Yun's ears.

"That's right, I am the Pavilion Master of the Star Dou Auction Pavilion. You should know everything about this world."

"I wish you a happy life in Douluo Dalu!"

Seeing Queen Medusa's state, Lu Yun knew that the system had taken action, and he let out a long sigh of relief.

Medusa has this kind of queen-like character, arrogant, as if she doesn't pay attention to anything.

Later, Lu Yun let Medusa do her own thing, and Medusa wanted to go to Douluo Continent to see this strange world.

Before Lu Yun let her go, he reminded Queen Medusa of her words, telling her not to use her strength in Douluo Dalu.

The appearance of a Limit Douluo expert will definitely cause turmoil in the entire Douluo Continent.

After Queen Medusa left this place, another doubt flashed in Lu Yun's heart.

Why can Queen Medusa retain her original personality, while Xuanshuang and Jiuyou are completely loyal to him, as if they don't know what their original personality was like?
Lu Yun asked the system with this doubt, wanting to know the specific answer.

[Queen Medusa is the host who summoned characters from the heavens and worlds using a summoning card. Jiuyou and Xuanshuang are characters created by the system. Loyal to the personality of the host. 】

[When you, the host, first came to Douluo Dalu, if you summoned the powerhouses from the heavens and worlds for you, you would most likely die. 】

The system explained the difference between the two aloud, and said to Lu Yun with a little playfulness by the way.

Hearing this, black lines appeared on Lu Yun's face, and he quickly understood what the system did.

He just came to Douluo Dalu, so he doesn't have any martial spirit or soul power.

If the system hastily helped him summon the powerhouses of the heavens and the world, perhaps he would not be able to live now.

Without strength, even with the help of the system, it is difficult for him to command the powerhouse who moves the heavens and the world, but now it is different.

In doing so, the system avoids life crisis to a certain extent.

(There should be two more chapters to be updated tonight, so stay tuned...) ——————————————————

PS: Many book friends want to summon the characters in Doupa, this time they will summon Queen Medusa.

There will be summoning cards later, which world powerhouse do you want to summon, leave a message...

(The one with the most votes per call...)
(End of this chapter)

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