Chapter 56 Medusa's First Battle

After the auction ended, the major forces quickly left the Star Dou Auction Pavilion and returned to their own forces.

Waiting for the shocking opportunity that Lu Yun said.


At this time in Wuhundian, an earth-shattering event happened.

Wuhun Temple.

At this time, above the Wuhun Hall, there were two figures floating in the air, and each of them released a vigorous aura, enough to overwhelm the entire world.

One of the figures was Queen Medusa who bid farewell to Lu Yun before.

Medusa looked at the man in front of her calmly, her eyes were full of arrogance, as if she didn't take the man in front of her seriously.

The man in front of her was dressed in a golden robe, with a seraph martial spirit released from behind, and a frightening spirit power gleamed all over his body.

The surface of the body is filled with strong angelic light. This person is one of the three extreme Douluo in the Douluo Continent, known as Qian Daoliu who is invincible in the sky.

"Who are you? Why did you come to the Spirit Hall to act wild!"

"I didn't expect that in the Douluo Continent, there is such a strong person as you, it's really unbelievable!"

Qian Daoliu stared at Queen Medusa in front of him, with unprecedented solemnity in his eyes.

He already clearly felt that the woman in front of him didn't have any coercion on the surface, but her body was filled with the aura of Limit Douluo, which made Qian Daoliu dare not ignore it lightly.

He sensed a sense of crisis from this woman, how could this not shock Qian Daoliu?
After so many years, there are very few people on Douluo Continent who forced him to use his full strength.

The woman in front of him actually gave him a full sense of threat.

But what makes Qian Daoliu curious is, which faction does this woman come from?
He has never heard of which faction gave birth to a strong Limit Douluo.

"You don't care which faction I come from, fight or not!"

Hearing this, Queen Medusa said indifferently and disdainfully.

Her face was full of impatience. She originally planned to wander around the Douluo Continent, but one by one came out to trouble her. She really thought she was easy to bully.

If Lu Yun hadn't reminded her before, telling her not to do anything easily, she wouldn't want to pay attention to this group of trash.

Qian Daoliu in front of her is extremely strong. Although she is not as powerful as her peak, it is not easy to deal with it casually.

Queen Medusa probably knew that this matter would not be resolved easily.

That being the case, only hands-on!

If they don't teach them a lesson, they don't know how much they have, and they stop her again and again, it's really courting death.

"Arrogance, I don't know which faction you come from, but you dare to be presumptuous in the Spirit Hall, then don't blame me for being rude."

After hearing Queen Medusa's disdainful tone, Qian Daoliu's face was full of anger.


The next moment, the seraph spirit behind him released a dazzling angelic light.

The seventh soul ring on his body suddenly lit up, shining with a dark light.

"Seventh Soul Skill: Angel Avatar!"

Qian Daoliu decisively used his own martial soul avatar. After all, the woman in front of him made him feel very threatened, so Qian Daoliu didn't dare to trust him at all.

So as soon as he came up, he directly used his martial soul avatar, intending to deal with the woman in front of him as soon as possible, so as to avoid subsequent accidents.

"Sixth Soul Skill: Angel Blade!"

The sixth soul ring on Qian Daoliu's body also shone with brilliance.

A golden illusory sword emerged in his hand, releasing a sharp light, as if cutting the world in half.

In this way, Qian Daoliu continuously integrated the soul power in his body into the long sword in his hand, and waited until the soul power was condensed to a certain level.

The long sword in Qian Daoliu's hand pierced the sky and stabbed directly at Queen Medusa in front of him.

"With this level of attack, you want to stop me. I really don't know who gave you the courage."

Queen Medusa sensed the attack ahead and shook her head lightly.

Originally thought that Qian Daoliu in front of him had some tricks, which was worth her full strength, but it turned out to be like this, she was really too weak.

Medusa's right hand surged with soul power, and a snake-like martial soul appeared in the palm, releasing a terrified martial soul coercion.

After Queen Medusa came to the Douluo Continent, through systematic means, her battle qi was completely transformed into soul power.

Naturally, her body was also transformed into her martial soul, so Queen Medusa's martial soul is: Colorful Swallowing Heaven Python.

Nine soul rings emerged from Queen Medusa's body, moving one after another, three black and six red, releasing the terrifying pressure of the soul ring.

"This is……"

"Three blacks and six reds, why is your soul ring configuration so against the sky? Who are you?"

At this moment, Qian Daoliu saw the configuration of Queen Medusa's soul ring, his golden pupils constricted, and his face was full of surprise.

Who is this human soul master?

Why has such a heaven-defying configuration of soul rings, three blacks and six reds, he has never seen such a weird martial soul and soul ring.

Could it be that the woman in front of her is the successor to the throne and is taking the divine examination?
Otherwise, with manpower, it would be impossible to raise one's own soul ring to such a heaven-defying degree.

Seeing this situation, Qian Daoliu's face became serious, it seems that the next thing will not end well.

The two belonged to the level of Limit Douluo, and the martial spirit level of the woman in front seemed to be not much different from his god-level martial spirit Seraphim.

But the other party's spirit ring configuration was much higher than his.

This made Qian Daoliu clearly realize that even if he exerted his full strength, he might not be the opponent of the woman in front of him.

"The sixth soul skill: the power to swallow the sky!"

Queen Medusa sensed her own changes and was a little curious.

I never thought that after she came to Douluo Dalu, her body would be transformed into such a magical spirit, and the color of the spirit ring on her body was really strange.

After some thinking, Medusa knew what was going on with her, so she used the sixth soul skill very skillfully.


I saw the seven-colored sky-swallowing python martial soul releasing terrifying devouring power.

All the soul power around was continuously swallowed by the seven-colored sky-swallowing python, and the Angel Blade that Qian Daoliu used before came to Queen Medusa.

The next shocking scene happened. After Qian Daoliu's attack touched the devouring power around Medusa, it didn't seem to cause too much fluctuation.

Those terrifying sharp blades were directly swallowed up by this powerful devouring force.

Apart from a burst of earth-shattering noises, the entire area became calm again.

From this move, it can be seen how huge the strength gap between Qian Daoliu and Medusa is?

In the Dou Po world, Queen Medusa has the ability to fight at higher levels, and Queen Medusa who came to Douluo Continent also has the ability to fight at higher levels.

Facing Limit Douluo experts of the same level, it is impossible to be the opponent of Queen Medusa.

(End of this chapter)

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